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Win32_PageFile class

The Win32_PageFile WMI class represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a Win32 system. This class has been deprecated.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties. Properties and methods are in alphabetic order, not MOF order.


[DEPRECATED, Dynamic, Provider("CIMWin32"), Privileges("SeCreatePagefilePrivilege"), UUID("{8502C4C6-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}"), SupportsCreate, CreateBy("PutInstance"), SupportsDelete, DeleteBy("DeleteInstance"), SupportsUpdate, AMENDMENT]
class Win32_PageFile : CIM_DataFile
  string   Caption;
  string   Description;
  datetime InstallDate;
  boolean  Archive;
  boolean  Compressed;
  string   CompressionMethod;
  string   CreationClassName;
  datetime CreationDate;
  string   CSCreationClassName;
  string   CSName;
  string   Drive;
  string   EightDotThreeFileName;
  boolean  Encrypted;
  string   EncryptionMethod;
  string   Extension;
  string   FileName;
  uint64   FileSize;
  string   FileType;
  string   FSCreationClassName;
  string   FSName;
  boolean  Hidden;
  uint64   InUseCount;
  datetime LastAccessed;
  datetime LastModified;
  string   Path;
  boolean  Readable;
  boolean  System;
  boolean  Writeable;
  uint32   AccessMask;
  string   Manufacturer;
  string   Status;
  string   Version;
  uint32   FreeSpace;
  uint32   InitialSize;
  uint32   MaximumSize;
  string   Name;


The Win32_PageFile class has these types of members:


The Win32_PageFile class has these methods.

Method Description
ChangeSecurityPermissions Class method that changes the security permissions for the logical file specified in the object path.
ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx Class method that changes the security permissions for the logical file specified in the object path.
Compress Class method that compresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.
CompressEx Class method that compresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.
Copy Class method that copies the logical file or directory specified in the object path to the location specified by the input parameter.
CopyEx Class method that copies the logical file or directory specified in the object path to the location specified by the FileName parameter.
Delete Class method that deletes the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.
DeleteEx Class method that deletes the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.
GetEffectivePermission Class method that determines whether the caller has the aggregated permissions specified by the Permission argument not only on the file object, but on the share the file or directory resides on (if it is on a share).
Rename Class method that renames the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.
TakeOwnerShip Class method that obtains ownership of the logical file specified in the object path.
TakeOwnerShipEx Class method that obtains ownership of the logical file specified in the object path.
Uncompress Class method that uncompresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.
UncompressEx Class method that uncompresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path.



The Win32_PageFile class has these properties.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Access Rights")

Bitmask that represents the access rights required to access or perform specific operations on the file. For values, see File and Directory Access Rights Constants.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.

FILE_READ_DATA (file) or FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY (directory) (1)

FILE_WRITE_DATA (file) or FILE_ADD_FILE (directory) (2)




FILE_EXECUTE (file) or FILE_TRAVERSE (directory) (32)

FILE_DELETE_CHILD (directory) (64)



DELETE (65536)


WRITE_DAC (262144)

WRITE_OWNER (524288)



Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Should Be Archived")

If True, the file should be archived.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (64), DisplayName ("Caption")

A short textual description of the object.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Compressed")

If True, the file is compressed.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Compression Method")

Free-form string that indicates the algorithm or tool used to compress the logical file. If the compression scheme is unknown or not described, use "Unknown". If the logical file is compressed, but the compression scheme is unknown or not described, use "Compressed". If the logical file is not compressed, use "Not Compressed".

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CIM_Key, DisplayName ("Class Name")

Name of the class.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Creation Date")

Date and time of the file's creation.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Propagated ("CIM_FileSystem.CSCreationClassName"), CIM_Key, DisplayName ("Computer System Class Name")

Class of the computer system.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Propagated ("CIM_FileSystem.CSName"), CIM_Key, DisplayName ("Computer System Name")

Name of the computer system.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Description")

A textual description of the object.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Fixed, Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Drive")

Drive letter (including the colon that follows the drive letter) of the file. This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.

Example: "c:"

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Eight Dot Three File Name")

DOS-compatible file name.

Example: "c:\progra~1"

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Encrypted")

If True, the file is encrypted.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Encryption Method")

Free-form string that identifies the algorithm or tool used to encrypt a logical file. If the encryption scheme is not indulged (for security reasons, for example), use "Unknown". If the file is encrypted, but either its encryption scheme is unknown or not disclosed, use "Encrypted". If the logical file is not encrypted, use "Not Encrypted".

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Fixed, Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("File Extension")

File name extension without the preceding period (dot).

Example: "txt", "mof", "mdb"

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Fixed, Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("File Name")

File name without the file name extension. Example: "MyDataFile"

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Size"), Units ("bytes")

Size of the file, in bytes.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("File Type")

Descriptor that represents the file type indicated by the Extension property.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DEPRECATED, MappingStrings ("Win32API|Memory Management Structures|MEMORYSTATUS|dwAvailPageFile"), Units ("megabytes")

Space available in the paging file. The operating system can enlarge the paging file as necessary, up to the limit imposed by the user. This property shows the difference between the size of current committed memory and the current size of the paging file; it does not show the largest possible size of the paging file.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Propagated ("CIM_FileSystem.CreationClassName"), CIM_Key, DisplayName ("File System Class Name")

Class of the file system.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Propagated ("CIM_FileSystem.Name"), CIM_Key, DisplayName ("File System Name")

Name of the file system.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Hidden")

If True, the file is hidden.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DEPRECATED, MappingStrings ("Win32Regstry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management|PagingFiles"), Units ("megabytes")

Initial size of the page file.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5"), DisplayName ("Install Date")

Indicates when the object was installed. Lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Current File Open Count")

Number of "file opens" that are currently active against the file.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Last Accessed")

Date and time the file was last accessed.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Last Modified")

Date and time the file was last modified.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Manufacturer")

Manufacturer string from the version resource (if one is present).

This property is inherited from CIM_DataFile.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DEPRECATED, MappingStrings ("Win32API|Memory Management Structures|MEMORYSTATUS|dwTotalPageFile"), units ("megabytes")

Maximum size of the page file as set by the user. The operating system will not allow the page file to exceed this limit.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DEPRECATED, Override ("Name"), MappingStrings ("Win32DLL|NTDLL.DLL|NtQuerySystemInformation|SystemPageFileInformation|PageFileName")

Name of the page file.

Example: "C:\PAGEFILE.SYS"


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Fixed, Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Path")

Path of the file including the leading and trailing backslashes.

Example: "\windows\system\"

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Readable")

If True, the file can be read.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (10), DisplayName ("Status")

String that indicates the current status of the object.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.

Values include the following:

OK ("OK")

Error ("Error")

Degraded ("Degraded")

Unknown ("Unknown")

Pred Fail ("Pred Fail")

Starting ("Starting")

Stopping ("Stopping")

Service ("Service")

Stressed ("Stressed")

NonRecover ("NonRecover")

No Contact ("No Contact")

Lost Comm ("Lost Comm")


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("System File")

If True, the file is a system file.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Schema ("Win32"), DisplayName ("Version")

Version string from the version resource (if one is present).

This property is inherited from CIM_DataFile.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: DisplayName ("Writeable")

If True, the file can be written.

This property is inherited from CIM_LogicalFile.


The Win32_PageFile class is derived from CIM_Directory.


The following VBScript code sample demonstrates how to retrieve page file stats from instances of Win32_PageFile.

Set PageFileSet = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf ("Win32_PageFile")

for each PageFile in PageFileSet
 WScript.Echo PageFile.Name & Chr(13) 
 WScript.Echo " Initial: " & PageFile.InitialSize & " MB"
 WScript.Echo " Max: " & PageFile.MaximumSize & " MB" 


The following Perl code sample demonstrates how to retrieve page file stats from instances of Win32_PageFile.

use strict;
use Win32::OLE;

my $PageFileSet;

eval { $PageFileSet = Win32::OLE->GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")->
 InstancesOf ("Win32_PageFile"); };
if (!$@ && defined $PageFileSet)
 foreach my $PageFileInst (in $PageFileSet)
  print "\n$PageFileInst->{Name}\n";
  print " Initial: $PageFileInst->{InitialSize} MB\n";
  print " Maximum: $PageFileInst->{MaximumSize} MB\n";
 print STDERR Win32::OLE->LastError, "\n";


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008

See also


Operating System Classes