
Del via

Using the Compression API in block mode

The following example demonstrates using the Compression API in block mode. To generate a compressor or decompressor using block mode, your application must include the COMPRESS_RAW flag when it calls CreateCompressor or CreateDecompressor. Block mode enables the developer to control the block size, but requires more work be done by the application.

The block mode will fail if the size of the input buffer is greater than the internal block size of the compression algorithm. The internal block size is 32KB for the MSZIP and 1GB for the XPRESS compression algorithms. The internal block size for LZMS is configurable up to 64GB with a corresponding increase in memory use. The value of UncompressedBufferSize parameter of Decompress must be exactly equal to the original size of the uncompressed data and not just the size of the output buffer. This means your application will need to specify the block size and save the exact original size of the uncompressed data for use by the decompressor. The size of the compressed buffer is not automatically saved, and the application also needs to save this for decompression.

The buffer mode is recommended in most cases because it automatically splits up the input buffer into blocks of a size that is appropriate for the selected compression algorithm stores the uncompressed buffer size in the compressed buffer. For information on how to use buffer mode, see Using the Compression API in buffer mode.

Applications using buffer or block mode have the option to specify a custom memory allocation routine in its call to CreateCompressor or CreateDecompressor.

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: To use the following example code, you must be running Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 and have "compressapi.h" and "cabinet.dll" and link to the "Cabinet.lib".

The following demonstrates using the Compression API in block mode to compress a file using the LZMS compression algorithm and a customized memory allocation routine. Your application must include the COMPRESS_RAW flag to use the Compression API in block mode. First the application calls CreateCompressor with COMPRESS_ALGORITHM_LZMS|COMPRESS_RAW to generate the compressor. The AllocationRoutines parameter specifies the memory allocation routine. The application then sets the block size for the compressor using SetCompressorInformation.

The application makes repeated calls to Compress to compress the data block by block. The application writes the uncompressed block size, compressed block size, and compressed data into the output buffer.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <compressapi.h>

#define META_DATA_SIZE (2 * sizeof(ULONG))
#define BLOCK_SIZE (1 * 1024 * 1024)                //  Block size is 1MB

PVOID SimpleAlloc(PVOID Context, SIZE_T Size)
    return malloc(Size);

VOID SimpleFree(PVOID Context, PVOID Memory)
    if (Memory != NULL)

BOOL BlockModeCompress(
    _In_ PBYTE InputData, 
    _In_ DWORD InputSize, 
    _Deref_out_opt_ PBYTE *OutputData, 
    _Out_ DWORD *CompressedSize
    COMPRESSOR_HANDLE Compressor    = NULL;
    DWORD ProcessedSoFar            = 0;
    SIZE_T OutputSoFar              = 0;
    DWORD CurrentBlockSize          = 0;
    SIZE_T CompressedDataSize       = 0;
    SIZE_T CompressedBlockSize      = 0;
    SIZE_T OutputDataSize           = 0;  
    BOOL Success                    = FALSE;

    //  Set maximum input block size for compressor.
    DWORD BlockSize                    = BLOCK_SIZE;


    //  Init. allocation routines
    AllocationRoutines.Allocate = SimpleAlloc;
    AllocationRoutines.Free = SimpleFree;
    AllocationRoutines.UserContext = NULL;

    *CompressedSize = 0;
    *OutputData = NULL;

    //  Create a LZMS compressor and set to Block mode.
    Success = CreateCompressor(
        COMPRESS_ALGORITHM_LZMS|COMPRESS_RAW,   //  Compression algorithm is LZMS
        &AllocationRoutines,                    //  Optional Memory allocation routines
        &Compressor);                           //  Handle

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create compressor handle: %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

    Success = SetCompressorInformation(
        COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS_BLOCK_SIZE,  //  Set block size for LZMS compressor
        &BlockSize,                             //  Block size information
        sizeof(DWORD));                         //  Information size

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Set compressor information error: %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

    //  Query max. possible compressed block size.
    Success = Compress(
        Compressor,                 //  Compressor Handle
        NULL,                       //  Input buffer, Uncompressed data
        BlockSize,                  //  Uncompressed block size
        NULL,                       //  Compressed Buffer
        0,                          //  Compressed Buffer size
        &CompressedBlockSize);      //  Compressed Data size

    if (!Success)
        DWORD ErrorCode = GetLastError();
        if (ErrorCode != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
            wprintf(L"Query compressed block size error: %d\n", GetLastError());
            goto done;

    //  Get max. possible size for compressed data for given input data    
    OutputDataSize = (InputSize % BLOCK_SIZE == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    OutputDataSize += InputSize / BLOCK_SIZE;
    OutputDataSize = OutputDataSize * (META_DATA_SIZE + CompressedBlockSize) + sizeof(ULONG);

    *OutputData = (PBYTE)malloc(OutputDataSize);
    if (!*OutputData)
        wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for compressed buffer.\n");
        Success = FALSE;
        goto done;       

    //  Write uncompressed size to beginning of the buffer
    *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)*OutputData) = InputSize;
    OutputSoFar = sizeof(ULONG);

    //  Compress data block by block.
    while (ProcessedSoFar < InputSize)
        if (OutputSoFar + META_DATA_SIZE >= OutputDataSize) 
            Success = FALSE;
            wprintf(L"Compression fails.\n");
            goto done;

        CurrentBlockSize = 
            (InputSize - ProcessedSoFar < BlockSize) ?
            (InputSize - ProcessedSoFar) : BlockSize;

        //  Compress a block.
        Success = Compress(
            Compressor,                                     //  Compressor Handle
            InputData + ProcessedSoFar,                     //  Uncompressed data
            CurrentBlockSize,                               //  Uncompressed data size
            *OutputData + OutputSoFar + META_DATA_SIZE,     //  Start of compressed buffer
            OutputDataSize - OutputSoFar - META_DATA_SIZE,  //  Compressed block size
            &CompressedDataSize);                           //  Compressed data size

        if (!Success) 
            wprintf(L"Compression fails: %d\n", GetLastError());
            goto done;

        //  Write block information to output data.
        *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)(*OutputData + OutputSoFar)) = (ULONG)CompressedDataSize;
        OutputSoFar += sizeof(ULONG);
        *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)(*OutputData + OutputSoFar)) = (ULONG)CurrentBlockSize;
        OutputSoFar += sizeof(ULONG);
        OutputSoFar += CompressedDataSize;

        ProcessedSoFar += CurrentBlockSize;
    if (OutputSoFar > UINT32_MAX)
        *CompressedSize = 0;
        Success = FALSE;
        *CompressedSize = static_cast<DWORD>(OutputSoFar);

    if (Compressor != NULL)
    return Success;

void wmain(_In_ int argc, _In_ WCHAR *argv[])
    PBYTE CompressedBuffer          = NULL;
    PBYTE InputBuffer               = NULL;
    HANDLE InputFile                = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    HANDLE CompressedFile           = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;    
    BOOL DeleteTargetFile           = TRUE;
    BOOL Success;
    SIZE_T CompressedDataSize;
    DWORD InputFileSize, ByteRead, ByteWritten;
    LARGE_INTEGER FileSize;    
    ULONGLONG StartTime, EndTime;
    double TimeDuration;

    if (argc != 3)
        wprintf(L"Usage:\n\t%s <input_file_name> <compressd_file_name>\n", argv[0]);

    //  Open input file for reading, existing file only.
    InputFile = CreateFile(
        argv[1],                  //  Input file name
        GENERIC_READ,             //  Open for reading
        FILE_SHARE_READ,          //  Share for read
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        OPEN_EXISTING,            //  Existing file only
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No attr. template

    if (InputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot open \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Get input file size.
    Success = GetFileSizeEx(InputFile, &FileSize);
    if ((!Success)||(FileSize.QuadPart > 0xFFFFFFFF))
        wprintf(L"Cannot get input file size or file is larger than 4GB.\n");        
        goto done;
    InputFileSize = FileSize.LowPart;

    //  Allocate memory for file content.
    InputBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(InputFileSize);
    if (!InputBuffer)
        wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for input buffer.\n");
        goto done;

    //  Read input file.
    Success = ReadFile(InputFile, InputBuffer, InputFileSize, &ByteRead, NULL);
    if ((!Success)||(ByteRead != InputFileSize))
        wprintf(L"Cannot read from \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Open an empty file for writing, if exist, overwrite it.
    CompressedFile = CreateFile(
        argv[2],                  //  Compressed file name
        GENERIC_WRITE|DELETE,     //  Open for writing; delete if cannot compress
        0,                        //  Do not share
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        CREATE_ALWAYS,            //  Create a new file; if exist, overwrite it
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No template

    if (CompressedFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create file \t%s\n", argv[2]);
        goto done;

    StartTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Call BlockModeCompress() again to do compression.    
    Success = BlockModeCompress(        
        InputBuffer,            //  Input buffer, Uncompressed data
        InputFileSize,          //  Uncompressed data size
        &CompressedBuffer,      //  Compressed Buffer
        &CompressedDataSize);   //  Compressed Data size

    if (!Success)
        goto done;

    EndTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Get compression time.
    TimeDuration = (EndTime - StartTime)/1000.0;

    //  Write compressed data to output file.
    Success = WriteFile(
        CompressedFile,     //  File handle
        CompressedBuffer,   //  Start of data to write
        CompressedDataSize, //  Number of byte to write
        &ByteWritten,       //  Number of byte written
        NULL);              //  No overlapping structure

    if ((ByteWritten != CompressedDataSize) || (!Success))
        wprintf(L"Cannot write compressed data to file: %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

        L"Input file size: %d; Compressed Size: %d\n", 
    wprintf(L"Compression Time(Exclude I/O): %.2f seconds\n", TimeDuration);
    wprintf(L"File Compressed.\n");

    DeleteTargetFile = FALSE;


    if (CompressedBuffer) 

    if (InputBuffer)

    if (InputFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

    if (CompressedFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        //  Compression fails, delete the compressed file.
        if (DeleteTargetFile)
            FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO fdi;
            fdi.DeleteFile = TRUE;      //  Marking for deletion
            Success = SetFileInformationByHandle(
            if (!Success) {
                wprintf(L"Cannot delete corrupted compressed file.\n");

The following demonstrates file decompression using the Compression API in block mode.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <compressapi.h>

#define META_DATA_SIZE (2 * sizeof(ULONG))

PVOID SimpleAlloc(PVOID Context, SIZE_T Size)
    return malloc(Size);

VOID SimpleFree(PVOID Context, PVOID Memory)
    if (Memory != NULL)

BOOL BlockModeDecompress(
    _In_ PBYTE InputData, 
    _In_ DWORD InputSize, 
    _Deref_out_opt_ PBYTE *OutputData, 
    _Out_ DWORD *DecompressedSize
    DECOMPRESSOR_HANDLE Decompressor    = NULL;
    DWORD ProcessedSoFar                = 0;    
    DWORD CompressedBlockSize           = 0;
    DWORD UncompressedBlockSize         = 0;
    DWORD DecompressedSoFar             = 0;
    DWORD OutputDataSize                = 0;
    BOOL Success                        = FALSE;


    //  Init. allocation routines
    AllocationRoutines.Allocate = SimpleAlloc;
    AllocationRoutines.Free = SimpleFree;
    AllocationRoutines.UserContext = NULL;

    *DecompressedSize = 0;
    *OutputData = NULL;

    //  Create a LZMS decompressor and set to Block mode.
    Success = CreateDecompressor(
        COMPRESS_ALGORITHM_LZMS|COMPRESS_RAW,   //  Compression algorithm is LZMS
        &AllocationRoutines,                    //  Memory allocation routines
        &Decompressor);                         //  handle

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create decompressor handle: %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

    //  Read uncompressed size
    ProcessedSoFar = 0;
    OutputDataSize = *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)(InputData + ProcessedSoFar));
    ProcessedSoFar += sizeof(ULONG);

    *OutputData = (PBYTE)malloc(OutputDataSize);
    if (!*OutputData)
        wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for uncompressed buffer.\n");
        Success = FALSE;
        goto done;

    //  Decompress data block by block.
    while (ProcessedSoFar < InputSize)
        if (ProcessedSoFar + META_DATA_SIZE > InputSize)
            Success = FALSE;
            wprintf(L"Data corrupt.\n");
            goto done;     

        //  Read block information.
        CompressedBlockSize = *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)(InputData + ProcessedSoFar));
        ProcessedSoFar += sizeof(ULONG);
        UncompressedBlockSize = *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)(InputData + ProcessedSoFar));
        ProcessedSoFar += sizeof(ULONG);

        if (ProcessedSoFar + CompressedBlockSize > InputSize)
            Success = FALSE;
            wprintf(L"Data corrupt.\n");
            goto done;     

        if (DecompressedSoFar + UncompressedBlockSize > OutputDataSize)
            Success = FALSE;
            wprintf(L"Output buffer not enough to hold decompressed data.\n");
            goto done;     

        //  Decompress a block
        Success = Decompress(
            Decompressor,                   //  Decompressor Handle
            InputData + ProcessedSoFar,     //  Compressed data
            CompressedBlockSize,            //  compressed data size
            *OutputData + DecompressedSoFar, //  Start of decompressed buffer
            UncompressedBlockSize,          //  Uncompressed block size
            NULL);                          //  Decompressed data size
        if (!Success) 
            wprintf(L"Decompression failure: %d\n", GetLastError());
            goto done;
        ProcessedSoFar += CompressedBlockSize;
        DecompressedSoFar += UncompressedBlockSize;

    *DecompressedSize = DecompressedSoFar;

    if (Decompressor != NULL)
    return Success;

void wmain(_In_ int argc, _In_ WCHAR *argv[])
    PBYTE CompressedBuffer              = NULL;
    PBYTE DecompressedBuffer            = NULL;
    HANDLE InputFile                    = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    HANDLE DecompressedFile             = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;    
    BOOL DeleteTargetFile               = TRUE;    
    BOOL Success;
    DWORD DecompressedDataSize;
    DWORD InputFileSize, ByteRead, ByteWritten;
    ULONGLONG StartTime, EndTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER FileSize;    
    double TimeDuration;

    if (argc != 3) 
        wprintf(L"Usage:\n\t%s <compressed_file_name> <decompressed_file_name>\n", argv[0]);

    //  Open input file for reading, existing file only.
    InputFile = CreateFile(
        argv[1],                  //  Input file name, compressed file
        GENERIC_READ,             //  Open for reading
        FILE_SHARE_READ,          //  Share for read
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        OPEN_EXISTING,            //  Existing file only
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No template

    if (InputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot open \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Get compressed file size.
    Success = GetFileSizeEx(InputFile, &FileSize);
    if ((!Success)||(FileSize.QuadPart > 0xFFFFFFFF))
        wprintf(L"Cannot get input file size or file is larger than 4GB.\n");        
        goto done;
    InputFileSize = FileSize.LowPart;

    //  Allocate memory for compressed content.
    CompressedBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(InputFileSize);
    if (!CompressedBuffer)
        wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for compressed buffer.\n");
        goto done;

    //  Read compressed content into buffer.
    Success = ReadFile(InputFile, CompressedBuffer, InputFileSize, &ByteRead, NULL);
    if ((!Success) || (ByteRead != InputFileSize))
        wprintf(L"Cannot read from \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Open an empty file for writing, if exist, destroy it.
    DecompressedFile = CreateFile(
        argv[2],                  //  Decompressed file name
        GENERIC_WRITE|DELETE,     //  Open for writing
        0,                        //  Do not share
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        CREATE_ALWAYS,            //  Create a new file, if exists, overwrite it.
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No template

    if (DecompressedFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create file \t%s\n", argv[2]);
        goto done;
    StartTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Decompress data and write data to DecompressedBuffer.
    Success = BlockModeDecompress(        
        CompressedBuffer,           //  Compressed data
        InputFileSize,              //  Compressed data size
        &DecompressedBuffer,        //  Decompressed buffer        
        &DecompressedDataSize);     //  Decompressed data size

    if (!Success)
        goto done;

    EndTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Get decompression time.
    TimeDuration = (EndTime - StartTime)/1000.0;

    //  Write decompressed data to output file.
    Success = WriteFile(
        DecompressedFile,       //  File handle
        DecompressedBuffer,     //  Start of data to write
        DecompressedDataSize,   //  Number of byte to write
        &ByteWritten,           //  Number of byte written
        NULL);                  //  No overlapping structure
    if ((ByteWritten != DecompressedDataSize) || (!Success))
        wprintf(L"Cannot write decompressed data to file.\n");
        goto done;
        L"Compressed size: %d; Decompressed Size: %d\n",
    wprintf(L"Decompression Time(Exclude I/O): %.2f seconds\n", TimeDuration);
    wprintf(L"File decompressed.\n");

    DeleteTargetFile = FALSE;

    if (CompressedBuffer) 

    if (DecompressedBuffer)

    if (InputFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

    if (DecompressedFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        //  Compression fails, delete the compressed file.
        if (DeleteTargetFile)
            FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO fdi;
            fdi.DeleteFile = TRUE;      //  Marking for deletion
            Success = SetFileInformationByHandle(
            if (!Success) {
                wprintf(L"Cannot delete corrupted decompressed file.\n");

An application using buffer or block mode has the option to customize the memory allocation used by the Compression API when it calls CreateCompressor or CreateDecompressor. In block mode, the application must handle compression block information, such as compressed data size and uncompressed data size, otherwise Decompress will be unable to decompress the information.

The following snippet shows a simple customized allocation routine.

PVOID SimpleAlloc(PVOID Context, SIZE_T Size)
return malloc(Size);

VOID SimpleFree(PVOID Context, PVOID Memory)
if (Memory != NULL)

//  Init. allocation routines
AllocationRoutines.Allocate = SimpleAlloc;
AllocationRoutines.Free = SimpleFree;
AllocationRoutines.UserContext = NULL;