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IWiaDevMgr2 interface

The IWiaDevMgr2 interface is used to create and manage image acquisition devices and to register to receive device events.


The IWiaDevMgr2 interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IWiaDevMgr2 also has these types of members:


The IWiaDevMgr2 interface has these methods.

Method Description
CreateDevice Creates a hierarchical tree of IWiaItem2 objects for a WIA 2.0 device.
EnumDeviceInfo Creates an enumerator of property information for each available WIA 2.0 device.
GetImageDlg The IWiaDevMgr2::GetImageDlg method displays one or more dialog boxes that enable a user to acquire an image from a WIA 2.0 device and write the image to a specified file. This method extends the functionality of IWiaDevMgr2::SelectDeviceDlg to encapsulate image acquisition within a single API call.
RegisterEventCallbackCLSID The IWiaDevMgr2::RegisterEventCallbackCLSID method registers an application to receive events even if the application is not running.
RegisterEventCallbackInterface Registers a running application for WIA 2.0 event notification.
RegisterEventCallbackProgram The IWiaDevMgr2::RegisterEventCallbackProgram method registers an application to receive device events. It is primarily provided for backward compatibility with applications that were not written for WIA 2.0.
SelectDeviceDlg Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a hardware device for image acquisition.
SelectDeviceDlgID Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a hardware device for image acquisition.



The IWiaDevMgr2 interface, like all Component Object Model (COM) interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods.

IUnknown Methods Description
IUnknown::QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
IUnknown::AddRef Increments reference count.
IUnknown::Release Decrements reference count.



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]