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HubSpot CMS (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

This connector is used to retrieve and make changes to HubSpot CMS. HubSpot CMS is a SaaS CMS designed to help businesses grow their web presence with a special emphasis on enabling marketers. It is designed to be used on business websites where non-technical content creators need to be able to build, measure, and iterate on content independently while working within design, style, and functionality. The content, lead collection, and analytics are also integrated with the HubSpot CRM.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Troy Taylor
Connector Metadata
Publisher Hitachi Solutions
Privacy policy
Categories Marketing

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create a new page (V2)

Create a new page.

Create a new template (V2)

Create a new coded template object in Design Manager.

Delete a page (V2)

Marks a page as deleted. Returns 204 No Content letting you know that the page was successfully deleted. The page can be restored later via a POST to the restore-deleted endpoint.

Delete a template (V2)

Marks the selected Template as deleted. The Template can be restored later via a POST to the restore-deleted endpoint.

List pages (V2)

Get all of your pages. Supports paging and filtering.

List templates (V2)

Get all templates.

Publish or unpublish a page (V2)

Either publishes or cancels publishing based on the POSTed JSON.

Update a page (V2)

Updates a page in the database. If not all top level fields are included in the body, we will only update the included fields.

Update a template (V2)

Updates a template. If not all the fields are included in the body, we will only update the included fields.

Create a new page (V2)

Create a new page.


Name Key Required Type Description
campaign True string

The guid of the marketing campaign this page is associated with

Campaign name
campaign_name True string

The name of the marketing campaign this page is associated with.

Footer HTML
footer_html True string

Custom HTML for embed codes, javascript, etc. that goes in the tag of the page.

head_html True string

The HTML for the head.

Is draft
is_draft True string

Whether page is draft.

Meta description
meta_description True string

The meta description for the page.

Meta keywords
meta_keywords True string

The meta keywords for the page.

name True string

The name of the page.

password True string

Set this to create a password protected page. Entering the password will be required to view the page.

Publish date
publish_date True string

The publish date for the page.

Publish immediately
publish_immediately True string

Set this to true if you want to be published immediately when the schedule publish endpoint is called, and to ignore the publish_date setting

slug True string

The slug of the page.

subcategory True string

This is set to empty or to "landing_page" for landing pages, or to "site_page" for site pages.

Widget containers
widget_containers True string

A data structure containing the data for all the modules inside the containers for this post.

widgets True string

A data structure containing the data for all the modules for this page.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Create a new template (V2)

Create a new coded template object in Design Manager.


Name Key Required Type Description
category_id True integer

The category id of the template

folder True string


is_available_for_new_content True boolean

Used to determine if the template should be expected to pass page/content validation and be used with live content.

template_type True integer

This parameter accepts a numeric value and sets the type of template that is created.

path True string

The Design Manager path to the directory that contains the file being created.

source True string

The source code of the file.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Delete a page (V2)

Marks a page as deleted. Returns 204 No Content letting you know that the page was successfully deleted. The page can be restored later via a POST to the restore-deleted endpoint.


Name Key Required Type Description
page_id True string

The page ID of the page.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Delete a template (V2)

Marks the selected Template as deleted. The Template can be restored later via a POST to the restore-deleted endpoint.


Name Key Required Type Description
template_id True string

The ID of the template.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

List pages (V2)

Get all of your pages. Supports paging and filtering.


Name Key Required Type Description
limit True integer

The number of items to return. Defaults to 20.

archived True boolean

If True, the page will not show up in your dashboard, although the page will still be live.

id True string

The ID of the page to return.

name True string

The name of the page to return.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

List templates (V2)

Get all templates.


Name Key Required Type Description
limit True integer

The number of items to return. Defaults to 20.

id True string

Tne ID of the template.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Publish or unpublish a page (V2)

Either publishes or cancels publishing based on the POSTed JSON.


Name Key Required Type Description
page_id True string

The ID of the page

action True string

Either publishes or cancels publishing based on the selected action


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Update a page (V2)

Updates a page in the database. If not all top level fields are included in the body, we will only update the included fields.


Name Key Required Type Description
page_id True string

The page ID of the page.

campaign True string

The guid of the marketing campaign this page is associated with.

Campaign name
campaign_name True string

The name of the marketing campaign this page is associated wit.

Footer HTML
footer_html True string

Custom HTML for embed codes, javascript that should be placed before the tag of the page.

head_html True string

Custom HTML for embed codes, javascript, etc. that goes in the tag of the page.

Is draft
is_draft True string

Whether page is draft.

Meta description
meta_description True string

The meta description for the page.

Meta keywords
meta_keywords True string

The meta keywords for the page

name True string

The name of the page.

password True string

Set this to create a password protected page. Entering the password will be required to view the page.

Publish date
publish_date True string

The publish date of the page.

Publish immediately
publish_immediately True string

Set this to true if you want to be published immediately when the schedule publish endpoint is called, and to ignore the publish_date setting.

slug True string

The slug of the page

subcategory True string

This is set to empty or to "landing_page" for landing pages, or to "site_page" for site pages.

Widget containers
widget_containers True string

A data structure containing the data for all the modules inside the containers for this post.

widgets True string

A data structure containing the data for all the modules for this page.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Update a template (V2)

Updates a template. If not all the fields are included in the body, we will only update the included fields.


Name Key Required Type Description
template_id True string

The ID of the template.

source True string

The source code of the file.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.