HubSpot CRM (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

HubSpot CRM is a system for managing customer relationships and storing data. The CRM custom connector provides access to CRM objects or groups of objects, which are represented as a map of property names to values.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Troy Taylor |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Troy Taylor, Hitachi Solutions |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
Categories | Marketing |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Create a company |
Create a company with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. |
Create a contact |
Create a contact with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. |
Create a deal |
Create a deal with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. |
Create a line item |
Create a line item with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. |
Create a product |
Create a product with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. |
Create a ticket |
Create a ticket with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. Documentation and examples for creating standard tickets is provided. |
Delete a company |
Move a company identified by {companyId} to the recycling bin. |
Delete a contact |
Move a contact identified by {contactId} to the recycling bin. |
Delete a deal |
Move a deal identified by {dealId} to the recycling bin. |
Delete a line item |
Move an Object identified by {lineItemId} to the recycling bin. |
Delete a product |
Move a product identified by {productId} to the recycling bin. |
Delete a ticket |
Move a ticket identified by {ticketId} to the recycling bin. |
Get a company |
Read a company identified by {companyId}. |
Get a contact |
Read a contact identified by {contactId}. |
Get a deal |
Read a deal identified by {dealId}. |
Get a line item |
Read a lite item identified by {lineItemId}. |
Get a product |
Read a product identified by {productId}. |
Get a ticket |
Read a ticket identified by {ticketId}. {ticketId} refers to the internal object ID by default, or optionally any unique property value as specified by the idProperty query param. Control what is returned via the properties query param. |
List companies |
Return a list of companies. |
List contacts |
Read a list of contacts. |
List deals |
Return a list of deals |
List line items |
Return a list of line items. Control what is returned via the properties query param. |
List products |
Return a list of products |
List tickets |
Read a page of tickets. Control what is returned via the properties query param. |
Update a company |
Perform a partial update of a company identified by {companyId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. |
Update a contact |
Perform a partial update of a contact identified by {contactId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. |
Update a deal |
Perform a partial update of a deal identified by {dealId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. |
Update a line item |
Perform a partial update of a line item identified by {lineItemId}. {lineItemId} refers to the internal object ID by default, or optionally any unique property value as specified by the idProperty query param. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. |
Update a product |
Perform a partial update of a product identified by {productId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. |
Update a ticket |
Perform a partial update of a ticket identified by {ticketId}. {ticketId} refers to the internal object ID by default, or optionally any unique property value as specified by the idProperty query param. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. |
Create a company with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
About Us
about_us | string |
The company about us information. |
address | string |
The first line of the street address. |
Address 2
address2 | string |
The second line of the street address. |
Annual revenue
annualrevenue | string |
The company's annual revenue. |
city | string |
The address city. |
Close date
closedate | string |
The close date. |
country | string |
The address country. |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
Days to close
days_to_close | string |
The estimated days to close. |
description | string |
A description of the object. |
domain | string |
The company's domain. |
Engagements last meeting booked
engagements_last_meeting_booked | string |
The engagements last meeting booked. |
Engagements last meeting booked campaign
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign | string |
The engagements last meeting booked campaign. |
Engagements last meeting booked medium
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium | string |
The engagements last meeting booked medium. |
Engagements last meeting booked source
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source | string |
The engagements last meeting booked source. |
Facebook company page
facebook_company_page | string |
The company's Facebook page. |
Facebook fans
facebookfans | string |
Facebook fans. |
first contact create date
first_contact_createdate | string |
The first contact created on date. |
First conversion date
first_conversion_date | string |
The first conversion date. |
First conversion event name
first_conversion_event_name | string |
The first conversion event name. |
First deal created date
first_deal_created_date | string |
The first deal created date. |
Founded year
founded_year | string |
The company's founded year. |
GooglePlus page
googleplus_page | string |
The company's GooglePlus page. |
HubSpot analytics first timestamp
hs_analytics_first_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics first touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot Analytics first visit timestamp
hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first visit timestamp |
HubSpot analytics last timestamp
hs_analytics_last_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics last touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot analytics last visit timestamp
hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last visit timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics number of page views
hs_analytics_num_page_views | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of page views. |
HubSpot analytics number of visits
hs_analytics_num_visits | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of visits. |
HubSpot analytics source
hs_analytics_source | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source. |
HubSpot analytics source data 1
hs_analytics_source_data_1 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 1. |
HubSpot analytics source data 2
hs_analytics_source_data_2 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 2. |
Create date
hs_createdate | string |
HubSpot - create date. |
HubSpot ideal customer profile
hs_ideal_customer_profile | string |
HubSpot - ideal customer profile. |
HubSpot is target account
hs_is_target_account | string |
HubSpot - is target account. |
HubSpot last booked meeting date
hs_last_booked_meeting_date | string |
HubSpot - last booked meeting date. |
HubSpot last logged call date
hs_last_logged_call_date | string |
HubSpot - last logged call date. |
HubSpot last open task date
hs_last_open_task_date | string |
HubSpot - last open task date. |
HubSpot last sales activity timestamp
hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp | string |
HubSpot - last sales activity timestamp. |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot lead status
hs_lead_status | string |
HubSpot - lead status. |
HubSpot number of blockers
hs_num_blockers | string |
HubSpot - number of blockers. |
HubSpot number of child companies
hs_num_child_companies | string |
HubSpot - number of child companies. |
HubSpot number of contacts with buying roles
hs_num_contacts_with_buying_roles | string |
HubSpot - number of contacts with buying roles. |
HubSpot number of decision makers
hs_num_decision_makers | string |
HubSpot - number of decision makers. |
HubSpot number of open deals
hs_num_open_deals | string |
HubSpot - number of open deals. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot parent company ID
hs_parent_company_id | string |
HubSpot - parent company ID. |
HubSpot predictive contact score v2
hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score V2 |
HubSpot total deal value
hs_total_deal_value | string |
HubSpot - total deal value. |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
industry | string |
Industry. |
Is public
is_public | string |
Whether is public. |
Lifecycle stage
lifecyclestage | string |
The current lifecycle stage. |
LinkedIn company page
linkedin_company_page | string |
The company's LinkedIn page. |
LinkedIn bio
linkedinbio | string |
LinkedIn bio. |
name | True | string |
Name. |
Notes last contacted
notes_last_contacted | string |
Notes - last contacted. |
Notes last updated
notes_last_updated | string |
Notes - last updated. |
Notes next activity date
notes_next_activity_date | string |
Notes - next activity date. |
Number of associated contacts
num_associated_contacts | string |
The number of associated contacts. |
Number of associated deals
num_associated_deals | string |
The number of associated deals. |
Number of contacted notes
num_contacted_notes | string |
The number of contacted notes |
Number of conversion events
num_conversion_events | string |
The number of conversion events. |
Number of employees
numberofemployees | string |
The number of employees. |
phone | string |
Phone number. |
Recent conversion date
recent_conversion_date | string |
Recent conversion date. |
Recent conversion event name
recent_conversion_event_name | string |
Recent conversion event name. |
Recent deal amount
recent_deal_amount | string |
Recent deal amount. |
Recent deal close date
recent_deal_close_date | string |
Recent deal close date. |
state | string |
The address state. |
timezone | string |
Timezone. |
Total money raised
total_money_raised | string |
Total money raised. |
Total revenue
total_revenue | string |
Total revenue |
Twitter bio
twitterbio | string |
Twitter bio |
Twitter followers
twitterfollowers | string |
Twitter followers |
Twitter handle
twitterhandle | string |
Twitter handle |
type | string |
type |
Web technologies
web_technologies | string |
Web technologies. |
website | string |
Website. |
Zip code
zip | string |
The address zip. |
Create a contact with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
address | string |
The first line of the street address. |
Annual revenue
annualrevenue | string |
The company's annual revenue. |
city | string |
The address city. |
Close date
closedate | string |
The close date. |
company | string |
Company. |
Company size
company_size | string |
Company size. |
country | string |
The address country. |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
Currenly in workflow
currentlyinworkflow | string |
Currently in workflow. |
Date of birth
date_of_birth | string |
Date of birth. |
Days to close
days_to_close | string |
The estimated days to close. |
degree | string |
Degree held. |
string |
Email. |
Engagements last meeting booked
engagements_last_meeting_booked | string |
The engagements last meeting booked. |
Engagements last meeting booked campaign
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign | string |
The engagements last meeting booked campaign. |
Engagements last meeting booked medium
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium | string |
The engagements last meeting booked medium. |
Engagements last meeting booked source
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source | string |
The engagements last meeting booked source. |
fax | string |
Fax number. |
Field of study
field_of_study | string |
Field of study. |
First conversion date
first_conversion_date | string |
The first conversion date. |
First conversion event name
first_conversion_event_name | string |
The first conversion event name. |
First deal created date
first_deal_created_date | string |
The first deal created date. |
First name
firstname | string |
First name. |
gender | string |
Gender. |
Graduation date
graduation_date | string |
Graduation date. |
HubSpot analytics average page views
hs_analytics_average_page_views | string |
HubSpot Analytics - average page views. |
HubSpot analytics first referrer
hs_analytics_first_referrer | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first referrer. |
HubSpot analytics first timestamp
hs_analytics_first_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics first touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot analytics first URL
hs_analytics_first_url | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first_url |
HubSpot Analytics first visit timestamp
hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first visit timestamp |
HubSpot analytics last referrer
hs_analytics_last_referrer | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last referrer. |
HubSpot analytics last timestamp
hs_analytics_last_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics last touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot analytics last URL
hs_analytics_last_url | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last URL. |
HubSpot analytics last visit timestamp
hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last visit timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics number of event completions
hs_analytics_num_event_completions | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of event completions. |
HubSpot analytics number of page views
hs_analytics_num_page_views | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of page views. |
HubSpot analytics number of visits
hs_analytics_num_visits | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of visits. |
HubSpot analytics revenue
hs_analytics_revenue | string |
HubSpot Analytics - revenue |
HubSpot analytics source
hs_analytics_source | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source. |
HubSpot analytics source data 1
hs_analytics_source_data_1 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 1. |
HubSpot analytics source data 2
hs_analytics_source_data_2 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 2. |
HubSpot buying role
hs_buying_role | string |
HubSpot - buying_role |
HubSpot content membership email confirmed
hs_content_membership_email_confirmed | string |
HubSpot - content membership email confirmed. |
HubSpot content membership notes
hs_content_membership_notes | string |
HubSpot - content membership notes |
HubSpot content membership registered at
hs_content_membership_registered_at | string |
HubSpot - content membership registered at. |
HubSpot content membership registration domain sent to
hs_content_membership_registration_domain_sent_to | string |
HubSpot - content membership registration domain sent to. |
HubSpot content membership registration email sent at
hs_content_membership_registration_email_sent_at | string |
HubSpot - content membership registration email sent at. |
HubSpot content membership status
hs_content_membership_status | string |
HubSpot - content membership status |
Create date
hs_createdate | string |
HubSpot - create date. |
HubSpot email bad address
hs_email_bad_address | string |
HubSpot - email bad address |
HubSpot email bounce
hs_email_bounce | string |
HubSpot - email bounce |
HubSpot email click
hs_email_click | string |
HubSpot - email click |
HubSpot email customer quarnatined reason
hs_email_customer_quarantined_reason | string |
HubSpot - email customer quarantined reason. |
HubSpot email delivered
hs_email_delivered | string |
HubSpot - email delivered |
hs_email_domain | string |
HubSpot - email domain |
HubSpot email first click date
hs_email_first_click_date | string |
HubSpot - email first click date. |
HubSpot email first open date
hs_email_first_open_date | string |
HubSpot - email first open date. |
HubSpot email first reply date
hs_email_first_reply_date | string |
HubSpot - email first reply date. |
HubSpot email first send date
hs_email_first_send_date | string |
HubSpot - email first send date. |
HubSpot email hard bounce reason enumerated
hs_email_hard_bounce_reason_enum | string |
HubSpot - email hard bounce reason enumerated. |
HubSpot email last click date
hs_email_last_click_date | string |
HubSpot - email last click date. |
HubSpot email last email name
hs_email_last_email_name | string |
HubSpot - email last email name. |
HubSpot email last open date
hs_email_last_open_date | string |
HubSpot - email last open date. |
HubSpot email last reply date
hs_email_last_reply_date | string |
HubSpot - email last reply date. |
HubSpot email last send date
hs_email_last_send_date | string |
HubSpot - email last send date. |
HubSpot email open
hs_email_open | string |
HubSpot - email open |
HubSpot email optout
hs_email_optout | string |
HubSpot - email optout |
HubSpot email optout 12592317
hs_email_optout_12592317 | string |
HubSpot - email optout 12592317 |
HubSpot email quarantied
hs_email_quarantined | string |
HubSpot - email quarantined |
HubSpot email quarantied reason
hs_email_quarantined_reason | string |
HubSpot - email quarantined reason. |
HubSpot email replied
hs_email_replied | string |
HubSpot - email replied |
HubSpot email sends since last engagement
hs_email_sends_since_last_engagement | string |
HubSpot - email sends since last engagement. |
HubSpot email confirmation status
hs_emailconfirmationstatus | string |
HubSpot - email confirmation status. |
HubSpot Facebook click ID
hs_facebook_click_id | string |
HubSpot - Facebook click ID. |
HubSpot feecback last NPS follow up
hs_feedback_last_nps_follow_up | string |
HubSpot - feedback last NPS follow up. |
HubSpot feedback last NPS rating
hs_feedback_last_nps_rating | string |
HubSpot - feedback last NPS rating. |
HubSpot feedback last survey date
hs_feedback_last_survey_date | string |
HubSpot - feedback last survey date. |
HubSpot Google click ID
hs_google_click_id | string |
HubSpot - Google click ID. |
HubSpot IP timezone
hs_ip_timezone | string |
HubSpot - IP timezone. |
HubSpot is unworked
hs_is_unworked | string |
HubSpot - is unworked. |
HubSpot language
hs_language | string |
HubSpot - language |
HubSpot last sales activity timestamp
hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp | string |
HubSpot - last sales activity timestamp. |
HubSpot lead status
hs_lead_status | string |
HubSpot - lead status. |
HubSpot legal basis
hs_legal_basis | string |
HubSpot - legal basis. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage customer date
hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage customer date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage evangelist date
hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage evangelist date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage lead date
hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage lead date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage marketing qualitifed lead date
hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage marketing qualified lead date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage opportunity date
hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage opportunity date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage other date
hs_lifecyclestage_other_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage other date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage sales qualified lead date
hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage sales qualified lead date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage subscriber date
hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage subscriber date. |
HubSpot marketable reason ID
hs_marketable_reason_id | string |
HubSpot - marketable reason ID. |
HubSpot marketable reason type
hs_marketable_reason_type | string |
HubSpot - marketable reason type. |
HubSpot marketable status
hs_marketable_status | string |
HubSpot - marketable status |
HubSpot marketable until renewal
hs_marketable_until_renewal | string |
HubSpot - marketable until renewal. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot persona
hs_persona | string |
HubSpot - persona |
HubSpot predictive contact score
hs_predictivecontactscore | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score. |
HubSpot predictive contact score v2
hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score V2 |
HubSpot predictive contact score bucket
hs_predictivecontactscorebucket | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score bucket. |
HubSpot predictive scoring tier
hs_predictivescoringtier | string |
HubSpot - predictive scoring tier. |
HubSpot sales email last clicked
hs_sales_email_last_clicked | string |
HubSpot - sales email last clicked |
HubSpot sales email last opened
hs_sales_email_last_opened | string |
HubSpot - sales email last opened |
HubSpot sales email last replied
hs_sales_email_last_replied | string |
HubSpot - sales email last replied |
HubSpot sequences is enrolled
hs_sequences_is_enrolled | string |
HubSpot - sequences is enrolled. |
HubSpot time between contact creation and deal close
hs_time_between_contact_creation_and_deal_close | string |
HubSpot - time between contact creation and deal close. |
HubSpot time between contact creation and deal creation
hs_time_between_contact_creation_and_deal_creation | string |
HubSpot - time between contact creation and deal creation. |
HubSpot time to move from lead to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_lead_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from lead to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from marketing qualitfied lead to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_marketingqualifiedlead_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from marketing qualified lead to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from opportunity to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_opportunity_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from opportunity to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from sales qualified lead to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_salesqualifiedlead_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from sales qualified lead to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from subscriber to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_subscriber_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from subscriber to customer. |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
HubSpot score
hubspotscore | string |
HubSpot score. |
industry | string |
Industry. |
IP city
ip_city | string |
IP city |
IP country
ip_country | string |
IP country |
IP country code
ip_country_code | string |
IP country code |
IP state
ip_state | string |
IP state |
IP state code
ip_state_code | string |
IP state code |
Job function
job_function | string |
Job function. |
Job title
jobtitle | string |
Job title. |
Last modified date
lastmodifieddate | string |
Last modified date. |
Last name
lastname | string |
Last name. |
Lifecycle stage
lifecyclestage | string |
The current lifecycle stage. |
Marital status
marital_status | string |
Marital status. |
message | string |
Message. |
Military status
military_status | string |
Military status. |
Mobile phone
mobilephone | string |
Mobile phone number. |
Notes last contacted
notes_last_contacted | string |
Notes - last contacted. |
Notes last updated
notes_last_updated | string |
Notes - last updated. |
Notes next activity date
notes_next_activity_date | string |
Notes - next activity date. |
Number of associated deals
num_associated_deals | string |
The number of associated deals. |
Number of contacted notes
num_contacted_notes | string |
The number of contacted notes |
Number of conversion events
num_conversion_events | string |
The number of conversion events. |
Number of notes
num_notes | string |
The number of notes |
Number of unique conversion events
num_unique_conversion_events | string |
The number of unique conversion events. |
Number of employees
numemployees | string |
Number of employees. |
phone | string |
Phone number. |
Recent conversion date
recent_conversion_date | string |
Recent conversion date. |
Recent conversion event name
recent_conversion_event_name | string |
Recent conversion event name. |
Recent deal amount
recent_deal_amount | string |
Recent deal amount. |
Recent deal close date
recent_deal_close_date | string |
Recent deal close date. |
Relations status
relationship_status | string |
Relationship status. |
salutation | string |
Salutation. |
school | string |
School attended. |
seniority | string |
Seniority. |
Start date
start_date | string |
Start date. |
state | string |
The address state. |
Total revenue
total_revenue | string |
Total revenue |
Twitter handle
twitterhandle | string |
Twitter handle |
website | string |
Website. |
Work email
work_email | string |
Work email address. |
Zip code
zip | string |
The address zip. |
Create a deal with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
amount | string |
Amount. |
Amount in home currency
amount_in_home_currency | string |
Amount in home currency. |
Closed lost reason
closed_lost_reason | string |
Closed lost reason. |
Closed won reason
closed_won_reason | string |
Closed won reason. |
Close date
closedate | string |
The close date. |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
Deal name
dealname | string |
Deal name. |
Deal stage
dealstage | string |
Deal stage. |
Deal type
dealtype | string |
Deal type. |
description | string |
A description of the object. |
Engagements last meeting booked
engagements_last_meeting_booked | string |
The engagements last meeting booked. |
Engagements last meeting booked campaign
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign | string |
The engagements last meeting booked campaign. |
Engagements last meeting booked medium
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium | string |
The engagements last meeting booked medium. |
Engagements last meeting booked source
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source | string |
The engagements last meeting booked source. |
hs_acv | string |
HubSpot - ACV |
HubSpot analytics source
hs_analytics_source | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source. |
HubSpot analytics source data 1
hs_analytics_source_data_1 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 1. |
HubSpot analytics source data 2
hs_analytics_source_data_2 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 2. |
HubSpot annual recurring revenue
hs_arr | string |
HubSpot - annual recurring revenue. |
HubSpot forecast amount
hs_forecast_amount | string |
HubSpot - forecast amount. |
HubSpot forecast probability
hs_forecast_probability | string |
HubSpot - forecast probability. |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot manual forecast category
hs_manual_forecast_category | string |
HubSpot - manual forecast category. |
HubSpot monthly reoccuring revenue
hs_mrr | string |
HubSpot - monthly reoccuring revenue. |
HubSpot next step
hs_next_step | string |
HubSpot - next step. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot priority
hs_priority | string |
HubSpot - priority |
HubSpot total contract value
hs_tcv | string |
HubSpot - tcv |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
Notes last contacted
notes_last_contacted | string |
Notes - last contacted. |
Notes last updated
notes_last_updated | string |
Notes - last updated. |
Notes next activity date
notes_next_activity_date | string |
Notes - next activity date. |
Number of associated contacts
num_associated_contacts | string |
The number of associated contacts. |
Number of contacted notes
num_contacted_notes | string |
The number of contacted notes |
Number of notes
num_notes | string |
The number of notes |
pipeline | string |
Pipeline. |
Create a line item with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
name | string |
Name. |
HubSpot product ID
hs_product_id | string |
HubSpot - product ID. |
HubSpot recurring billing period
hs_recurring_billing_period | string |
HubSpot - recurring billing period. |
Recurring billing frequency
recurringbillingfrequency | string |
Recurring billing frequency. |
quantity | string |
Quantity. |
price | string |
Price. |
Create a product with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
description | string |
A description of the object. |
HubSpot cost of goods sold
hs_cost_of_goods_sold | string |
HubSpot - cost of goods sold. |
HubSpot created by user ID
hs_created_by_user_id | string |
HubSpot - created by user id. |
Create date
hs_createdate | string |
HubSpot - create date. |
HubSpot images
hs_images | string |
HubSpot - images |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot recurring billing period
hs_recurring_billing_period | string |
HubSpot - recurring billing period. |
HubSpot SKU
hs_sku | string |
HubSpot - SKU. |
HubSpot updated by user ID
hs_updated_by_user_id | string |
HubSpot - updated by user ID. |
HubSpot URL
hs_url | string |
HubSpot - URL. |
name | string |
Name. |
price | string |
Price. |
Recurring billing frequency
recurringbillingfrequency | string |
Recurring billing frequency. |
tax | string |
Tax. |
Create a ticket with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. Documentation and examples for creating standard tickets is provided.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Closed date
closed_date | string |
Closed date |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
First agent reply date
first_agent_reply_date | string |
First agent reply date. |
HubSpot feedback last CES follow up
hs_feedback_last_ces_follow_up | string |
HubSpot - feedback last CES follow up. |
HubSpot feedback last CES rating
hs_feedback_last_ces_rating | string |
HubSpot - feedback last CES rating. |
HubSpot feedback last survey date
hs_feedback_last_survey_date | string |
HubSpot - feedback last survey date. |
HubSpot last activity date
hs_lastactivitydate | string |
HubSpot - last activity date. |
HubSpot last contacted
hs_lastcontacted | string |
HubSpot - last contacted. |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot next activity date
hs_nextactivitydate | string |
HubSpot - next activity date. |
HubSpot number of times contacted
hs_num_times_contacted | string |
HubSpot - number of times contacted. |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
Last reply date
last_reply_date | string |
Last reply date. |
Number of notes
num_notes | string |
The number of notes |
Time to close
time_to_close | string |
Time to close. |
Time to first agent reply
time_to_first_agent_reply | string |
Time to first agent reply. |
content | string |
Content. |
HubSpot file upload
hs_file_upload | string |
HubSpot - file upload. |
HubSpot number of associated companies
hs_num_associated_companies | string |
HubSpot - number of associated companies. |
HubSpot pipeline
hs_pipeline | string |
HubSpot - pipeline |
HubSpot pipeline stage
hs_pipeline_stage | string |
HubSpot - pipeline stage. |
HubSpot resolution
hs_resolution | string |
HubSpot - resolution |
HubSpot ticket category
hs_ticket_category | string |
HubSpot - ticket category. |
HubSpot ticket ID
hs_ticket_id | string |
HubSpot - ticket ID. |
HubSpot ticket priority
hs_ticket_priority | string |
HubSpot - ticket priority. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
Source type
source_type | string |
Source type. |
subject | string |
Subject. |
Move a company identified by {companyId} to the recycling bin.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
companyId | True | string |
The companyId of the company |
Move a contact identified by {contactId} to the recycling bin.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
contactId | True | string |
The contactId of the contact |
Move a deal identified by {dealId} to the recycling bin.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
dealId | True | string |
The dealId of the deal |
Move an Object identified by {lineItemId} to the recycling bin.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
lineItemId | True | string |
The line item ID |
Move a product identified by {productId} to the recycling bin.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
productId | True | string |
The productID of the product |
Move a ticket identified by {ticketId} to the recycling bin.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
ticketId | True | string |
The ticket ID |
Read a company identified by {companyId}.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
companyId | True | string |
The companyId of the company |
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only companies that have been archived. |
Read a contact identified by {contactId}.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
contactId | True | string |
The contactId for the contact |
Read a deal identified by {dealId}.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
dealId | True | string |
The dealId of the deal |
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Read a lite item identified by {lineItemId}.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
lineItemId | True | string |
The line item ID |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response.
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
A comma separated list of object types to retrieve associated IDs for.
associations | string |
A comma separated list of object types to retrieve associated IDs for. |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type
idProperty | string |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type |
Whether to return only results that have been archived.
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Read a product identified by {productId}.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
productId | True | string |
The productId of the product |
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Read a ticket identified by {ticketId}. {ticketId} refers to the internal object ID by default, or optionally any unique property value as specified by the idProperty query param. Control what is returned via the properties query param.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
ticketId | True | string |
The ticket ID |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response.
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
Whether to return only results that have been archived.
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type.
idProperty | string |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type. |
Return a list of companies.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
limit | integer |
Limit |
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Read a list of contacts.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
limit | True | integer |
The maximum number of results to return |
properties[] | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
Return a list of deals
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
limit | integer |
Limit |
after | string |
After |
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Return a list of line items. Control what is returned via the properties query param.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The maximum number of results to display per page.
limit | True | integer |
The maximum number of results to display per page. |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response.
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
A comma separated list of object types to retrieve associated IDs for.
associations | string |
A comma separated list of object types to retrieve associated IDs for. |
Whether to return only results that have been archived.
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Return a list of products
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
limit | integer |
Limit |
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Read a page of tickets. Control what is returned via the properties query param.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The maximum number of results to display per page.
limit | integer |
The maximum number of results to display per page. |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response.
properties | string |
A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. |
A comma separated list of object types to retrieve associated IDs for.
associations | string |
A comma separated list of object types to retrieve associated IDs for. |
Whether to return only results that have been archived.
archived | boolean |
Whether to return only results that have been archived. |
Perform a partial update of a company identified by {companyId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
companyId | True | string |
The companyId of the company. |
About us
about_us | string |
The company about us information. |
address | string |
The first line of the street address. |
Address 2
address2 | string |
The second line of the street address. |
Annual revenue
annualrevenue | string |
The company's annual revenue. |
city | string |
The address city. |
Close date
closedate | string |
The close date. |
country | string |
The address country. |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
Days to close
days_to_close | string |
The estimated days to close. |
description | string |
A description of the object. |
domain | string |
The company's domain. |
Engagements last meeting booked
engagements_last_meeting_booked | string |
The engagements last meeting booked. |
Engagements last meeting booked campaign
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign | string |
The engagements last meeting booked campaign. |
Engagements last meeting booked medium
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium | string |
The engagements last meeting booked medium. |
Engagements last meeting booked source
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source | string |
The engagements last meeting booked source. |
Facebook company page
facebook_company_page | string |
The company's Facebook page. |
Facebook fans
facebookfans | string |
Facebook fans. |
first contact create date
first_contact_createdate | string |
The first contact created on date. |
First conversion date
first_conversion_date | string |
The first conversion date. |
First conversion event name
first_conversion_event_name | string |
The first conversion event name. |
First deal created date
first_deal_created_date | string |
The first deal created date. |
Founded year
founded_year | string |
The company's founded year. |
GooglePlus page
googleplus_page | string |
The company's GooglePlus page. |
HubSpot analytics first timestamp
hs_analytics_first_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics first touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot Analytics first visit timestamp
hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first visit timestamp |
HubSpot analytics last timestamp
hs_analytics_last_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics last touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot analytics last visit timestamp
hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last visit timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics number of page views
hs_analytics_num_page_views | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of page views. |
HubSpot analytics number of visits
hs_analytics_num_visits | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of visits. |
HubSpot analytics source
hs_analytics_source | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source. |
HubSpot analytics source data 1
hs_analytics_source_data_1 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 1. |
HubSpot analytics source data 2
hs_analytics_source_data_2 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 2. |
Create date
hs_createdate | string |
HubSpot - create date. |
HubSpot ideal customer profile
hs_ideal_customer_profile | string |
HubSpot - ideal customer profile. |
HubSpot is target account
hs_is_target_account | string |
HubSpot - is target account. |
HubSpot last booked meeting date
hs_last_booked_meeting_date | string |
HubSpot - last booked meeting date. |
HubSpot last logged call date
hs_last_logged_call_date | string |
HubSpot - last logged call date. |
HubSpot last open task date
hs_last_open_task_date | string |
HubSpot - last open task date. |
HubSpot last sales activity timestamp
hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp | string |
HubSpot - last sales activity timestamp. |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot lead status
hs_lead_status | string |
HubSpot - lead status. |
HubSpot number of blockers
hs_num_blockers | string |
HubSpot - number of blockers. |
HubSpot number of child companies
hs_num_child_companies | string |
HubSpot - number of child companies. |
HubSpot number of contacts with buying roles
hs_num_contacts_with_buying_roles | string |
HubSpot - number of contacts with buying roles. |
HubSpot number of decision makers
hs_num_decision_makers | string |
HubSpot - number of decision makers. |
HubSpot number of open deals
hs_num_open_deals | string |
HubSpot - number of open deals. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot parent company ID
hs_parent_company_id | string |
HubSpot - parent company ID. |
HubSpot predictive contact score v2
hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score V2 |
HubSpot total deal value
hs_total_deal_value | string |
HubSpot - total deal value. |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
industry | string |
Industry. |
Is public
is_public | string |
Whether is public. |
Lifecycle stage
lifecyclestage | string |
The current lifecycle stage. |
LinkedIn company page
linkedin_company_page | string |
The company's LinkedIn page. |
LinkedIn bio
linkedinbio | string |
LinkedIn bio. |
name | True | string |
Name. |
Notes last contacted
notes_last_contacted | string |
Notes - last contacted. |
Notes last updated
notes_last_updated | string |
Notes - last updated. |
Notes next activity date
notes_next_activity_date | string |
Notes - next activity date. |
Number of associated contacts
num_associated_contacts | string |
The number of associated contacts. |
Number of associated deals
num_associated_deals | string |
The number of associated deals. |
Number of contacted notes
num_contacted_notes | string |
The number of contacted notes |
Number of conversion events
num_conversion_events | string |
The number of conversion events. |
Number of employees
numberofemployees | string |
The number of employees. |
phone | string |
Phone number. |
Recent conversion date
recent_conversion_date | string |
Recent conversion date. |
Recent conversion event name
recent_conversion_event_name | string |
Recent conversion event name. |
Recent deal amount
recent_deal_amount | string |
Recent deal amount. |
Recent deal close date
recent_deal_close_date | string |
Recent deal close date. |
state | string |
The address state. |
timezone | string |
Timezone. |
Total money raised
total_money_raised | string |
Total money raised. |
Total revenue
total_revenue | string |
Total revenue |
Twitter bio
twitterbio | string |
Twitter bio |
Twitter followers
twitterfollowers | string |
Twitter followers |
Twitter handle
twitterhandle | string |
Twitter handle |
type | string |
type |
Web technologies
web_technologies | string |
Web technologies. |
website | string |
Website. |
Zip code
zip | string |
The address zip. |
Perform a partial update of a contact identified by {contactId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
contactId | True | string |
The contactId of the contact |
address | string |
The first line of the street address. |
Annual revenue
annualrevenue | string |
The company's annual revenue. |
city | string |
The address city. |
Close date
closedate | string |
The close date. |
company | string |
Company. |
Company size
company_size | string |
Company size. |
country | string |
The address country. |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
Currenly in workflow
currentlyinworkflow | string |
Currently in workflow. |
Date of birth
date_of_birth | string |
Date of birth. |
Days to close
days_to_close | string |
The estimated days to close. |
degree | string |
Degree held. |
string |
Email. |
Engagements last meeting booked
engagements_last_meeting_booked | string |
The engagements last meeting booked. |
Engagements last meeting booked campaign
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign | string |
The engagements last meeting booked campaign. |
Engagements last meeting booked medium
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium | string |
The engagements last meeting booked medium. |
Engagements last meeting booked source
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source | string |
The engagements last meeting booked source. |
fax | string |
Fax number. |
Field of study
field_of_study | string |
Field of study. |
First conversion date
first_conversion_date | string |
The first conversion date. |
First conversion event name
first_conversion_event_name | string |
The first conversion event name. |
First deal created date
first_deal_created_date | string |
The first deal created date. |
First name
firstname | string |
First name. |
gender | string |
Gender. |
Graduation date
graduation_date | string |
Graduation date. |
HubSpot analytics average page views
hs_analytics_average_page_views | string |
HubSpot Analytics - average page views. |
HubSpot analytics first referrer
hs_analytics_first_referrer | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first referrer. |
HubSpot analytics first timestamp
hs_analytics_first_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics first touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot analytics first URL
hs_analytics_first_url | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first_url |
HubSpot Analytics first visit timestamp
hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - first visit timestamp |
HubSpot analytics last referrer
hs_analytics_last_referrer | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last referrer. |
HubSpot analytics last timestamp
hs_analytics_last_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics last touch converting campaign
hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last touch converting campaign. |
HubSpot analytics last URL
hs_analytics_last_url | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last URL. |
HubSpot analytics last visit timestamp
hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp | string |
HubSpot Analytics - last visit timestamp. |
HubSpot analytics number of event completions
hs_analytics_num_event_completions | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of event completions. |
HubSpot analytics number of page views
hs_analytics_num_page_views | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of page views. |
HubSpot analytics number of visits
hs_analytics_num_visits | string |
HubSpot Analytics - number of visits. |
HubSpot analytics revenue
hs_analytics_revenue | string |
HubSpot Analytics - revenue |
HubSpot analytics source
hs_analytics_source | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source. |
HubSpot analytics source data 1
hs_analytics_source_data_1 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 1. |
HubSpot analytics source data 2
hs_analytics_source_data_2 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 2. |
HubSpot buying role
hs_buying_role | string |
HubSpot - buying_role |
HubSpot content membership email confirmed
hs_content_membership_email_confirmed | string |
HubSpot - content membership email confirmed. |
HubSpot content membership notes
hs_content_membership_notes | string |
HubSpot - content membership notes |
HubSpot content membership registered at
hs_content_membership_registered_at | string |
HubSpot - content membership registered at. |
HubSpot content membership registration domain sent to
hs_content_membership_registration_domain_sent_to | string |
HubSpot - content membership registration domain sent to. |
HubSpot content membership registration email sent at
hs_content_membership_registration_email_sent_at | string |
HubSpot - content membership registration email sent at. |
HubSpot content membership status
hs_content_membership_status | string |
HubSpot - content membership status |
Create date
hs_createdate | string |
HubSpot - create date. |
HubSpot email bad address
hs_email_bad_address | string |
HubSpot - email bad address |
HubSpot email bounce
hs_email_bounce | string |
HubSpot - email bounce |
HubSpot email click
hs_email_click | string |
HubSpot - email click |
HubSpot email customer quarnatined reason
hs_email_customer_quarantined_reason | string |
HubSpot - email customer quarantined reason. |
HubSpot email delivered
hs_email_delivered | string |
HubSpot - email delivered |
hs_email_domain | string |
HubSpot - email domain |
HubSpot email first click date
hs_email_first_click_date | string |
HubSpot - email first click date. |
HubSpot email first open date
hs_email_first_open_date | string |
HubSpot - email first open date. |
HubSpot email first reply date
hs_email_first_reply_date | string |
HubSpot - email first reply date. |
HubSpot email first send date
hs_email_first_send_date | string |
HubSpot - email first send date. |
HubSpot email hard bounce reason enumerated
hs_email_hard_bounce_reason_enum | string |
HubSpot - email hard bounce reason enumerated. |
HubSpot email last click date
hs_email_last_click_date | string |
HubSpot - email last click date. |
HubSpot email last email name
hs_email_last_email_name | string |
HubSpot - email last email name. |
HubSpot email last open date
hs_email_last_open_date | string |
HubSpot - email last open date. |
HubSpot email last reply date
hs_email_last_reply_date | string |
HubSpot - email last reply date. |
HubSpot email last send date
hs_email_last_send_date | string |
HubSpot - email last send date. |
HubSpot email open
hs_email_open | string |
HubSpot - email open |
HubSpot email optout
hs_email_optout | string |
HubSpot - email optout |
HubSpot email optout 12592317
hs_email_optout_12592317 | string |
HubSpot - email optout 12592317 |
HubSpot email quarantied
hs_email_quarantined | string |
HubSpot - email quarantined |
HubSpot email quarantied reason
hs_email_quarantined_reason | string |
HubSpot - email quarantined reason. |
HubSpot email replied
hs_email_replied | string |
HubSpot - email replied |
HubSpot email sends since last engagement
hs_email_sends_since_last_engagement | string |
HubSpot - email sends since last engagement. |
HubSpot email confirmation status
hs_emailconfirmationstatus | string |
HubSpot - email confirmation status. |
HubSpot Facebook click ID
hs_facebook_click_id | string |
HubSpot - Facebook click ID. |
HubSpot feecback last NPS follow up
hs_feedback_last_nps_follow_up | string |
HubSpot - feedback last NPS follow up. |
HubSpot feedback last NPS rating
hs_feedback_last_nps_rating | string |
HubSpot - feedback last NPS rating. |
HubSpot feedback last survey date
hs_feedback_last_survey_date | string |
HubSpot - feedback last survey date. |
HubSpot Google click ID
hs_google_click_id | string |
HubSpot - Google click ID. |
HubSpot IP timezoneHubSpot IP timezone
hs_ip_timezone | string |
HubSpot - IP timezone. |
HubSpot is unworked
hs_is_unworked | string |
HubSpot - is unworked. |
HubSpot language
hs_language | string |
HubSpot - language |
HubSpot last sales activity timestamp
hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp | string |
HubSpot - last sales activity timestamp. |
HubSpot lead status
hs_lead_status | string |
HubSpot - lead status. |
HubSpot legal basis
hs_legal_basis | string |
HubSpot - legal basis. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage customer date
hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage customer date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage evangelist date
hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage evangelist date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage lead date
hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage lead date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage marketing qualitifed lead date
hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage marketing qualified lead date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage opportunity date
hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage opportunity date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage other date
hs_lifecyclestage_other_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage other date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage sales qualified lead date
hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage sales qualified lead date. |
HubSpot lifecycle stage subscriber date
hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date | string |
HubSpot - lifecycle stage subscriber date. |
HubSpot marketable reason ID
hs_marketable_reason_id | string |
HubSpot - marketable reason ID. |
HubSpot marketable reason type
hs_marketable_reason_type | string |
HubSpot - marketable reason type. |
HubSpot marketable status
hs_marketable_status | string |
HubSpot - marketable status |
HubSpot marketable until renewal
hs_marketable_until_renewal | string |
HubSpot - marketable until renewal. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot persona
hs_persona | string |
HubSpot - persona |
HubSpot predictive contact score
hs_predictivecontactscore | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score. |
HubSpot predictive contact score v2
hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score V2 |
HubSpot predictive contact score bucket
hs_predictivecontactscorebucket | string |
HubSpot - predictive contact score bucket. |
HubSpot predictive scoring tier
hs_predictivescoringtier | string |
HubSpot - predictive scoring tier. |
HubSpot sales email last clicked
hs_sales_email_last_clicked | string |
HubSpot - sales email last clicked |
HubSpot sales email last opened
hs_sales_email_last_opened | string |
HubSpot - sales email last opened |
HubSpot sales email last replied
hs_sales_email_last_replied | string |
HubSpot - sales email last replied |
HubSpot sequences is enrolled
hs_sequences_is_enrolled | string |
HubSpot - sequences is enrolled. |
HubSpot time between contact creation and deal close
hs_time_between_contact_creation_and_deal_close | string |
HubSpot - time between contact creation and deal close. |
HubSpot time between contact creation and deal creation
hs_time_between_contact_creation_and_deal_creation | string |
HubSpot - time between contact creation and deal creation. |
HubSpot time to move from lead to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_lead_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from lead to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from marketing qualitfied lead to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_marketingqualifiedlead_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from marketing qualified lead to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from opportunity to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_opportunity_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from opportunity to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from sales qualified lead to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_salesqualifiedlead_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from sales qualified lead to customer. |
HubSpot time to move from subscriber to customer
hs_time_to_move_from_subscriber_to_customer | string |
HubSpot - time to move from subscriber to customer. |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
HubSpot score
hubspotscore | string |
HubSpot score. |
industry | string |
Industry. |
IP city
ip_city | string |
IP city |
IP country
ip_country | string |
IP country |
IP country code
ip_country_code | string |
IP country code |
IP state
ip_state | string |
IP state |
IP state code
ip_state_code | string |
IP state code |
Job function
job_function | string |
Job function. |
Job title
jobtitle | string |
Job title. |
Last modified date
lastmodifieddate | string |
Last modified date. |
Last name
lastname | string |
Last name. |
Lifecycle stage
lifecyclestage | string |
The current lifecycle stage. |
Marital status
marital_status | string |
Marital status. |
message | string |
Message. |
Military status
military_status | string |
Military status. |
Mobile phone
mobilephone | string |
Mobile phone number. |
Notes last contacted
notes_last_contacted | string |
Notes - last contacted. |
Notes last updated
notes_last_updated | string |
Notes - last updated. |
Notes next activity date
notes_next_activity_date | string |
Notes - next activity date. |
Number of associated deals
num_associated_deals | string |
The number of associated deals. |
Number of contacted notes
num_contacted_notes | string |
The number of contacted notes |
Number of conversion events
num_conversion_events | string |
The number of conversion events. |
Number of notes
num_notes | string |
The number of notes |
Number of unique conversion events
num_unique_conversion_events | string |
The number of unique conversion events. |
Number of employees
numemployees | string |
Number of employees. |
phone | string |
Phone number. |
Recent conversion date
recent_conversion_date | string |
Recent conversion date. |
Recent conversion event name
recent_conversion_event_name | string |
Recent conversion event name. |
Recent deal amount
recent_deal_amount | string |
Recent deal amount. |
Recent deal close date
recent_deal_close_date | string |
Recent deal close date. |
Relations status
relationship_status | string |
Relationship status. |
salutation | string |
Salutation. |
school | string |
School attended. |
seniority | string |
Seniority. |
Start date
start_date | string |
Start date. |
state | string |
The address state. |
Total revenue
total_revenue | string |
Total revenue |
Twitter handle
twitterhandle | string |
Twitter handle |
website | string |
Website. |
Work email
work_email | string |
Work email address. |
Zip code
zip | string |
The address zip. |
Perform a partial update of a deal identified by {dealId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
dealId | True | string |
Deal ID |
amount | string |
Amount. |
Amount in home currency
amount_in_home_currency | string |
Amount in home currency. |
Closed lost reason
closed_lost_reason | string |
Closed lost reason. |
Closed won reason
closed_won_reason | string |
Closed won reason. |
Close date
closedate | string |
The close date. |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
Deal name
dealname | string |
Deal name. |
Deal stage
dealstage | string |
Deal stage. |
Deal type
dealtype | string |
Deal type. |
description | string |
A description of the object. |
Engagements last meeting booked
engagements_last_meeting_booked | string |
The engagements last meeting booked. |
Engagements last meeting booked campaign
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign | string |
The engagements last meeting booked campaign. |
Engagements last meeting booked medium
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium | string |
The engagements last meeting booked medium. |
Engagements last meeting booked source
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source | string |
The engagements last meeting booked source. |
hs_acv | string |
HubSpot - ACV |
HubSpot analytics source
hs_analytics_source | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source. |
HubSpot analytics source data 1
hs_analytics_source_data_1 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 1. |
HubSpot analytics source data 2
hs_analytics_source_data_2 | string |
HubSpot Analytics - source data 2. |
HubSpot annual recurring revenue
hs_arr | string |
HubSpot - annual recurring revenue. |
HubSpot forecast amount
hs_forecast_amount | string |
HubSpot - forecast amount. |
HubSpot forecast probability
hs_forecast_probability | string |
HubSpot - forecast probability. |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot manual forecast category
hs_manual_forecast_category | string |
HubSpot - manual forecast category. |
HubSpot monthly reoccuring revenue
hs_mrr | string |
HubSpot - monthly reoccuring revenue. |
HubSpot next step
hs_next_step | string |
HubSpot - next step. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot priority
hs_priority | string |
HubSpot - priority |
HubSpot total contract value
hs_tcv | string |
HubSpot - tcv |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
Notes last contacted
notes_last_contacted | string |
Notes - last contacted. |
Notes last updated
notes_last_updated | string |
Notes - last updated. |
Notes next activity date
notes_next_activity_date | string |
Notes - next activity date. |
Number of associated contacts
num_associated_contacts | string |
The number of associated contacts. |
Number of contacted notes
num_contacted_notes | string |
The number of contacted notes |
Number of notes
num_notes | string |
The number of notes |
pipeline | string |
Pipeline. |
Perform a partial update of a line item identified by {lineItemId}. {lineItemId} refers to the internal object ID by default, or optionally any unique property value as specified by the idProperty query param. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
lineItemId | True | string |
The line item ID |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type
idProperty | string |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type |
name | string |
Name. |
HubSpot product ID
hs_product_id | string |
HubSpot - product ID. |
HubSpot recurring billing period
hs_recurring_billing_period | string |
HubSpot - recurring billing period. |
Recurring billing frequency
recurringbillingfrequency | string |
Recurring billing frequency. |
quantity | string |
Quantity. |
price | string |
Price. |
Perform a partial update of a product identified by {productId}. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
productId | True | string |
The productId of the product |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
description | string |
A description of the object. |
HubSpot cost of goods sold
hs_cost_of_goods_sold | string |
HubSpot - cost of goods sold. |
HubSpot created by user ID
hs_created_by_user_id | string |
HubSpot - created by user id. |
Create date
hs_createdate | string |
HubSpot - create date. |
HubSpot images
hs_images | string |
HubSpot - images |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot object ID
hs_object_id | string |
HubSpot - object ID. |
HubSpot recurring billing period
hs_recurring_billing_period | string |
HubSpot - recurring billing period. |
HubSpot SKU
hs_sku | string |
HubSpot - SKU. |
HubSpot updated by user ID
hs_updated_by_user_id | string |
HubSpot - updated by user ID. |
HubSpot URL
hs_url | string |
HubSpot - URL. |
name | string |
Name. |
price | string |
Price. |
Recurring billing frequency
recurringbillingfrequency | string |
Recurring billing frequency. |
tax | string |
Tax. |
Perform a partial update of a ticket identified by {ticketId}. {ticketId} refers to the internal object ID by default, or optionally any unique property value as specified by the idProperty query param. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
ticketId | True | string |
The ID of the ticket. |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type
idProperty | string |
The name of a property whose values are unique for this object type |
Closed date
closed_date | string |
Closed date |
Create date
createdate | string |
The created on date. |
First agent reply date
first_agent_reply_date | string |
First agent reply date. |
HubSpot feedback last CES follow up
hs_feedback_last_ces_follow_up | string |
HubSpot - feedback last CES follow up. |
HubSpot feedback last CES rating
hs_feedback_last_ces_rating | string |
HubSpot - feedback last CES rating. |
HubSpot feedback last survey date
hs_feedback_last_survey_date | string |
HubSpot - feedback last survey date. |
HubSpot last activity date
hs_lastactivitydate | string |
HubSpot - last activity date. |
HubSpot last contacted
hs_lastcontacted | string |
HubSpot - last contacted. |
HubSpot last modified date
hs_lastmodifieddate | string |
HubSpot - last modified date. |
HubSpot next activity date
hs_nextactivitydate | string |
HubSpot - next activity date. |
HubSpot number of times contacted
hs_num_times_contacted | string |
HubSpot - number of times contacted. |
HubSpot owner assigned date
hubspot_owner_assigneddate | string |
HubSpot - owner assigned date. |
Last reply date
last_reply_date | string |
Last reply date. |
Number of notes
num_notes | string |
The number of notes |
Time to close
time_to_close | string |
Time to close. |
Time to first agent reply
time_to_first_agent_reply | string |
Time to first agent reply. |
content | string |
Content. |
HubSpot file upload
hs_file_upload | string |
HubSpot - file upload. |
HubSpot number of associated companies
hs_num_associated_companies | string |
HubSpot - number of associated companies. |
HubSpot pipeline
hs_pipeline | string |
HubSpot - pipeline |
HubSpot pipeline stage
hs_pipeline_stage | string |
HubSpot - pipeline stage. |
HubSpot resolution
hs_resolution | string |
HubSpot - resolution |
HubSpot ticket category
hs_ticket_category | string |
HubSpot - ticket category. |
HubSpot ticket ID
hs_ticket_id | string |
HubSpot - ticket ID. |
HubSpot ticket priority
hs_ticket_priority | string |
HubSpot - ticket priority. |
HubSpot owner ID
hubspot_owner_id | string |
HubSpot - owner ID. |
HubSpot team ID
hubspot_team_id | string |
HubSpot - team ID. |
Source type
source_type | string |
Source type. |
subject | string |
Subject. |