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Platform namespace (C++/CX)

Contains built-in types that are compatible with the Windows Runtime.


using namespace Platform;



The Platform namespace contains attributes, classes, enumerations, interfaces, and structures. Platform also contains nested namespaces.

Attribute Description
Flags Indicates that an enumeration can be treated as a bit field; that is, a set of flags.
MTAThread Indicates that the threading model for an application is multi-threaded apartment (MTA).
STAThread Indicates that the threading model for an application is single-threaded apartment (STA).


The Platform namespace has the following classes.

Class Description
Platform::AccessDeniedException Class Raised when access is denied to a resource or feature.
Platform::Agile Class Represents a non-agile object as an agile object.
Platform::Array Class Represents a one-dimensional, modifiable array.
Platform::ArrayReference Class Represents an array whose initialization is optimized to minimize copying operations.
Platform::Box Class Used to declare a boxed type that encapsulates a value type such as Windows::Foundation::DateTime or int64 when that type is passed across the application binary interface (ABI) or stored in a variable of type Platform::Object^.
Platform::ChangedStateException Class Thrown when methods of a collection iterator or a collection view are called after the parent collection has changed, invalidating the results of the method.
Platform::ClassNotRegisteredException Class Thrown when a COM class has not been registered.
Platform::COMException Class Represents the exception that is thrown when an unrecognized value is returned from a COM method call.
Platform::Delegate Class Represents the signature of a callback function.
Platform::DisconnectedException Class The object has disconnected from its clients.
Platform::Exception Class Represents errors that occur during application execution. The base class for exceptions.
Platform::FailureException Class Thrown when the operation has failed. It is the equivalent of the E_FAIL HRESULT.
Platform::Guid value class Represents a GUID in the Windows Runtime type system.
Platform::InvalidArgumentException Class Thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
Platform::InvalidCastException Class Thrown in cases of invalid casting or explicit conversion.
Platform::MTAThreadAttribute Class Indicates that the threading model for an application is multi-threaded apartment (MTA).
Platform::NotImplementedException Class Thrown if an interface method has not been implemented on the class.
Platform::NullReferenceException Class Thrown when there is an attempt to dereference a null object reference.
Platform::Object Class A base class that provides common behavior.
Platform::ObjectDisposedException Class Thrown when an operation is performed on a disposed object.
Platform::OperationCanceledException Class Thrown when an operation is aborted.
Platform::OutOfBoundsException Class Thrown when an operation attempts to access data outside the valid range.
Platform::OutOfMemoryException Class Thrown when there's insufficient memory to complete the operation.
Platform::STAThreadAttribute Class Indicates that the threading model for an application is single-threaded apartment (STA).
Platform::String Class A sequential collection of Unicode characters that is used to represent text.
Platform::StringReference Class Enables access to string buffers with minimum of copy overhead.
Platform::Type Class Identifies a built-in type by a category enumeration.
Platform::ValueType Class The base class for instances of value types.
Platform::WeakReference Class Provides a weak reference to ref class objects that does not increment the reference count.
Platform::WriteOnlyArray Class Represents a one-dimensional write-only array which is used as an input parameter on methods that implement the FillArray pattern.
Platform::WrongThreadException Class Thrown when a thread calls via an interface pointer which is for a proxy object that does not belong to the thread's apartment.

Interface implementations

The Platform namespace defines the following interfaces.

Interface Description
Platform::IBox Interface Used to pass value types to functions whose parameters are typed as Platform::Object^.
Platform::IBoxArray Interface Interface used to pass arrays of value types to functions whose parameters are typed as Platform::Array.
Platform::IDisposable Interface Used to release unmanaged resources.


The Platform namespace has the following enumerations.

Interface Description
Platform::CallbackContext Enumeration An enumeration that is used as a parameter of the delegate constructor. It determines whether the callback is to be marshalled to the originating thread or to the caller thread.
Platform::TypeCode Enumeration Specifies a numeric category that represents a built-in type.


The Platform namespace has the following structures.

Structure Description
Platform::Enum Class Represents a named constant.
Platform::Guid value class Represents a GUID.
Platform::IntPtr value class A signed pointer whose size is appropriate for the platform (32-bit or 64-bit).
Platform::SizeT value class An unsigned data type used to represent the size of an object.
Platform::UIntPtr value class An unsigned pointer whose size is appropriate for the platform (32-bit or 64-bit).

See also

Platform::Collections Namespace
Platform::Runtime::CompilerServices Namespace
Platform::Runtime::InteropServices Namespace
Platform::Metadata Namespace