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API-naslag voor .NET for Android version .NET for Android API 35

Android NamespaceContains resource classes used by applications included in the platform and defines application permissions for system features.
Android.AccessibilityServices NamespaceThe classes in this package are used for development of accessibility service that provide alternative or augmented feedback to the user.
Android.Accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService Namespace
Android.Accounts Namespace
Android.AdServices Namespace
Android.AdServices.AdIds Namespace
Android.AdServices.AdSelection Namespace
Android.AdServices.AppSetIds Namespace
Android.AdServices.Common Namespace
Android.AdServices.CustomAudiences Namespace
Android.AdServices.Exceptions Namespace
Android.AdServices.Measurement Namespace
Android.AdServices.OnDevicePersonalization Namespace
Android.AdServices.Signals Namespace
Android.AdServices.Topics Namespace
Android.Animation NamespaceThese classes provide functionality for the property animation system, which allows you to animate object properties of any type.
Android.Annotation Namespace
Android.App NamespaceContains high-level classes encapsulating the overall Android application model.
Android.App.Admin Namespace
Android.App.AppSearch Namespace
Android.App.AppSearch.Exceptions Namespace
Android.App.AppSearch.Observers Namespace
Android.App.AppSearch.Util Namespace
Android.App.Assist Namespace
Android.App.Backup NamespaceContains the backup and restore functionality available to applications.
Android.App.Blob Namespace
Android.App.Job Namespace
Android.App.People Namespace
Android.App.Roles Namespace
Android.App.SdkSandbox Namespace
Android.App.SdkSandbox.SdkProvider Namespace
Android.App.Slices Namespace
Android.App.Usage Namespace
Android.Appwidget Namespace
Android.Bluetooth NamespaceProvides classes that manage Bluetooth functionality, such as scanning for devices, connecting with devices, and managing data transfer between devices.
Android.Bluetooth.LE Namespace
Android.Companion Namespace
Android.Companion.Virtual Namespace
Android.Content NamespaceContains classes for accessing and publishing data on a device.
Android.Content.OM Namespace
Android.Content.PM NamespaceContains classes for accessing information about an application package, including information about its activities, permissions, services, signatures, and providers.
Android.Content.PM.Verify.Domain Namespace
Android.Content.Res Namespace
Android.Content.Res.Loader Namespace
Android.Credentials Namespace
Android.Crypto.Hpke Namespace
Android.Database NamespaceIf you need to manage data in a private database, use the Android.Database.Sqlite classes.
Android.Database.Sqlite NamespaceApplications use these classes to manage private databases.
Android.DeviceLock Namespace
Android.Drm NamespaceProvides classes for managing DRM content and determining the capabilities of DRM plugins (agents).
Android.Gestures Namespace
Android.Graphics Namespace
Android.Graphics.Drawables NamespaceProvides classes to manage a variety of visual elements that are intended for display only, such as bitmaps and gradients.
Android.Graphics.Drawables.Shapes Namespace
Android.Graphics.Fonts Namespace
Android.Graphics.Pdf Namespace
Android.Graphics.Pdf.Content Namespace
Android.Graphics.Pdf.Models Namespace
Android.Graphics.Pdf.Models.Selection Namespace
Android.Graphics.Text Namespace
Android.Hardware NamespaceProvides support for hardware features, such as the camera and other sensors.
Android.Hardware.Biometrics Namespace
Android.Hardware.Camera2 NamespaceThe android.hardware.camera2 package provides an interface to individual camera devices connected to an Android device.
Android.Hardware.Camera2.Params Namespace
Android.Hardware.Display Namespace
Android.Hardware.Fingerprints Namespace
Android.Hardware.Input Namespace
Android.Hardware.Lights Namespace
Android.Hardware.Location Namespace
Android.Hardware.Usb NamespaceProvides support to communicate with USB hardware peripherals that are connected to Android-powered devices.
Android.Health.Connect Namespace
Android.Health.Connect.ChangeLog Namespace
Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes Namespace
Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.Units Namespace
Android.Icu.Lang Namespace
Android.Icu.Math Namespace
Android.Icu.Number Namespace
Android.Icu.Text Namespace
Android.Icu.Util Namespace
Android.InputMethodServices Namespace
Android.Locations NamespaceContains the framework API classes that define Android location-based and related services.
Android.Locations.Altitude Namespace
Android.Locations.Provider Namespace
Android.Media NamespaceThe Media APIs are used to play and, in some cases, record media files.
Android.Media.Audiofx Namespace
Android.Media.Browse Namespace
Android.Media.Effect NamespaceProvides classes that allow you to apply a variety of visual effects to images and videos.
Android.Media.Metrics Namespace
Android.Media.Midi Namespace
Android.Media.Projection Namespace
Android.Media.Session Namespace
Android.Media.TV Namespace
Android.Media.TV.Interactive Namespace
Android.Mtp NamespaceProvides APIs that let you interact directly with connected cameras and other devices, using the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) subset of the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) specification.
Android.Net Namespace
Android.Net.Eap Namespace
Android.Net.Http Namespace
Android.Net.IpSec.Ike Namespace
Android.Net.IpSec.Ike.Exceptions Namespace
Android.Net.Nsd Namespace
Android.Net.Rtp NamespaceProvides APIs for RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), allowing applications to manage on-demand or interactive data streaming.
Android.Net.Sip NamespaceProvides access to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) functionality, such as making and answering VOIP calls using SIP.
Android.Net.Ssl Namespace
Android.Net.Vcn Namespace
Android.Net.Wifi NamespaceProvides classes to manage Wi-Fi functionality on the device.
Android.Net.Wifi.Aware Namespace
Android.Net.Wifi.Hotspot2 Namespace
Android.Net.Wifi.Hotspot2.Omadm Namespace
Android.Net.Wifi.Hotspot2.Pps Namespace
Android.Net.Wifi.P2p NamespaceProvides classes to create peer-to-peer (P2P) connections with Wi-Fi Direct.
Android.Net.Wifi.P2p.Nsd Namespace
Android.Net.Wifi.Rtt Namespace
Android.Nfc NamespaceProvides access to Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality, allowing applications to read NDEF message in NFC tags.
Android.Nfc.CardEmulators Namespace
Android.Nfc.Tech NamespaceThese classes provide access to a tag technology's features, which vary by the type of tag that is scanned.
Android.OS Namespace
Android.OS.Ext Namespace
Android.OS.Health Namespace
Android.OS.Storage NamespaceContains classes for the system storage service, which manages binary asset filesystems known as Opaque Binary Blobs (OBBs).
Android.Opengl NamespaceProvides an OpenGL ES static interface and utilities.
Android.Preferences NamespaceThe preferences portion of an application should be ran as a separate Activity that extends the PreferenceActivity class.
Android.Print NamespaceProvides classes for implementing print support in applications and also contains all base classes and abstractions involved in printing.
Android.Print.Pdf Namespace
Android.PrintServices NamespaceProvides classes for implementing print services.
Android.Provider NamespaceProvides convenience classes to access the content providers supplied by Android.
Android.Renderscripts NamespaceRenderScript provides support for high-performance computation across heterogeneous processors.
Android.Runtime NamespaceAndroid platform integration support.
Android.SE.Omapi Namespace
Android.Sax Namespace
Android.Security NamespaceProvides access to a few facilities of the Android security subsystems.
Android.Security.Identity Namespace
Android.Security.Keystore Namespace
Android.Service.Assist.Classification Namespace
Android.Service.Autofill Namespace
Android.Service.Carrier Namespace
Android.Service.Chooser Namespace
Android.Service.Controls Namespace
Android.Service.Controls.Actions Namespace
Android.Service.Controls.Templates Namespace
Android.Service.Credentials Namespace
Android.Service.Dreams Namespace
Android.Service.Media Namespace
Android.Service.Notification Namespace
Android.Service.PersistentData Namespace
Android.Service.QuickAccessWallet Namespace
Android.Service.QuickSettings Namespace
Android.Service.Restrictions Namespace
Android.Service.Textservice NamespaceProvides classes that allow you to create spell checkers in a manner similar to the input method framework (for IMEs).
Android.Service.VR Namespace
Android.Service.Voice Namespace
Android.Service.Wallpaper Namespace
Android.Speech Namespace
Android.Speech.Tts Namespace
Android.Systems Namespace
Android.Telecom Namespace
Android.Telephony Namespace
Android.Telephony.Cdma Namespace
Android.Telephony.Data Namespace
Android.Telephony.Emergency Namespace
Android.Telephony.Euicc Namespace
Android.Telephony.Gsm Namespace
Android.Telephony.Ims Namespace
Android.Telephony.Ims.Feature Namespace
Android.Telephony.Ims.Stub Namespace
Android.Telephony.Mbms Namespace
Android.Test NamespaceA framework for writing Android test cases and suites.
Android.Test.Mock NamespaceUtility classes providing stubs or mocks of various Android framework building blocks.
Android.Test.Suitebuilder Namespace
Android.Test.Suitebuilder.Annotation Namespace
Android.Text NamespaceProvides classes used to render or track text and text spans on the screen.
Android.Text.Format Namespace
Android.Text.Method NamespaceProvides classes that monitor or modify keypad input.
Android.Text.Style NamespaceProvides classes used to view or change the style of a span of text in a View object.
Android.Text.Util Namespace
Android.Transitions NamespaceThe classes in this package enable "scenes & transitions" functionality for view hiearchies.
Android.Util Namespace
Android.Util.Proto Namespace
Android.Views Namespace
Android.Views.Accessibility NamespaceThe classes in this package are used to represent screen content and changes to it as well as APIs for querying the global accessibility state of the system.
Android.Views.Animations NamespaceProvides classes that handle tweened animations.
Android.Views.Autofill Namespace
Android.Views.ContentCapture Namespace
Android.Views.ContentCaptures Namespace
Android.Views.DisplayHash Namespace
Android.Views.InputMethods Namespace
Android.Views.Inspectors Namespace
Android.Views.TextClassifiers Namespace
Android.Views.TextService Namespace
Android.Views.Translation Namespace
Android.Webkit NamespaceProvides tools for browsing the web.
Android.Widget NamespaceThe widget package contains (mostly visual) UI elements to use on your Application screen.
Android.Widget.Inline Namespace
Android.Window Namespace
Dalvik.Annotation Namespace
Dalvik.Annotation.Optimization Namespace
Dalvik.Bytecode Namespace
Dalvik.SystemInterop Namespace
Java.Awt.Font Namespace
Java.Beans Namespace
Java.IO Namespace
Java.Interop Namespace
Java.Interop.Expressions Namespace
Java.Interop.Tools.JavaCallableWrappers Namespace
Java.Lang Namespace
Java.Lang.Annotation Namespace
Java.Lang.Invoke Namespace
Java.Lang.Ref Namespace
Java.Lang.Reflect Namespace
Java.Lang.Runtimes Namespace
Java.Math Namespace
Java.Net Namespace
Java.Nio Namespace
Java.Nio.Channels Namespace
Java.Nio.Channels.Spi Namespace
Java.Nio.Charset Namespace
Java.Nio.Charset.Spi Namespace
Java.Nio.FileNio Namespace
Java.Nio.FileNio.Attributes Namespace
Java.Nio.FileNio.Spi Namespace
Java.Security NamespaceExtensible cryptographic service provider infrastructure (SPI) for using and defining services such as ICertificate, Key, KeyStore, MessageDigest, and Signature.
Java.Security.Acl NamespaceThis package provides the classes and the interfaces needed to build Access Control Lists.
Java.Security.Cert NamespaceThis package provides all the classes and all the interfaces needed to generate, administer and verify X.509 certificates.
Java.Security.Interfaces Namespace
Java.Security.Spec NamespaceThis package provides the classes and interfaces needed to specify keys and parameters for encryption and signing algorithms.
Java.Sql Namespace
Java.Text Namespace
Java.Time Namespace
Java.Time.Chrono Namespace
Java.Time.Format Namespace
Java.Time.Temporal Namespace
Java.Time.Zone Namespace
Java.Util Namespace
Java.Util.Concurrent NamespaceImplementations. Classes ThreadPoolExecutor and ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor provide tunable, flexible thread pools.
Java.Util.Concurrent.Atomic NamespaceThis method (which varies in argument types across different classes) atomically sets a variable to the updateValue if it currently holds the expectedValue, reporting true on success.
Java.Util.Concurrent.Locks Namespace
Java.Util.Functions Namespace
Java.Util.Jar Namespace
Java.Util.Logging Namespace
Java.Util.Prefs Namespace
Java.Util.RandomGenerators Namespace
Java.Util.Regex Namespace
Java.Util.Streams Namespace
Java.Util.Zip Namespace
Javax.Annotation.Processing Namespace
Javax.Crypto NamespaceThis package provides the classes and interfaces for cryptographic applications implementing algorithms for encryption, decryption, or key agreement.
Javax.Crypto.Interfaces NamespaceThis package provides the interfaces needed to implement the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key agreement's algorithm as specified by PKCS#3.
Javax.Crypto.Spec NamespaceThis package provides the classes and interfaces needed to specify keys and parameter for encryption.
Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl Namespace
Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Opengles NamespaceProvides a standard OpenGL interface.
Javax.Net Namespace
Javax.Net.Ssl NamespaceThis package provides classes and interfaces needed to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and the successor Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
Javax.Security.Auth Namespace
Javax.Security.Auth.Callback NamespaceThis package provides classes and interfaces needed to interact with the application in order to execute the authentication and authorization processes.
Javax.Security.Auth.Login NamespaceThis package provides a pluggable and stackable authentication system based on ideas and concepts from the Unix-PAM module.
Javax.Security.Auth.X500 NamespaceThis package provides classes needed to store X.500 principals and their credentials.
Javax.Security.Cert NamespaceThis package is provided only for compatibility reasons.
Javax.Sql Namespace
Javax.Xml Namespace
Javax.Xml.Datatype Namespace
Javax.Xml.Namespace Namespace
Javax.Xml.Parsers Namespace
Javax.Xml.Transform Namespace
Javax.Xml.Transform.Dom Namespace
Javax.Xml.Transform.Sax Namespace
Javax.Xml.Transform.Stream Namespace
Javax.Xml.Validation Namespace
Javax.Xml.Xpath Namespace
Org.Apache.Commons.Logging Namespace
Org.Apache.Http Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Auth.Params Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Authentication Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Client Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Client.Entity Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Client.Methods Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Client.Params Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Client.Protocol Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Client.Utils Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Conn NamespaceThe lowest layer of connection handling is comprised of IOperatedClientConnection and IClientConnectionOperator.
Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Params Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Routing NamespaceAn HttpRoute is the path along which a request has to be sent to the server.
Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Schemes Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Ssl Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Util Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Cookie.Params Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Cookies Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Entity Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.IO Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Auth Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Client Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Conn Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Conn.Tsccm Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Cookie Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.Entity Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Impl.IO Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Message Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Params Namespace
Org.Apache.Http.Protocol NamespaceHttpRequestExecutor is a processor for the client side, HttpService for the server side.
Org.Apache.Http.Util Namespace
Org.Json Namespace
Org.W3c.Dom Namespace
Org.W3c.Dom.LS Namespace
Org.Xml.Sax Namespace
Org.Xml.Sax.Ext Namespace
Org.Xml.Sax.Helpers Namespace
Org.XmlPull.V1 Namespace
Org.Xmlpull.V1.Sax2 Namespace
System.IO Namespace
System.Linq Namespace
Xamarin.Android.Net Namespace