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Handling protocol activation to start a game by using Multiplayer Manager

This topic describes using Multiplayer Manager to handle protocol activation.

Activation is when the system automatically starts a game in response to another action. This is typically done when a player accepts a game invite from another player.

Your title can get protocol-activated in the following ways.

  • A user accepts a game invite
  • A user selects "Join Game" from a player's gamercard

This scenario covers how to handle the protocol activation when your title is launched, a player joins the lobby, and a game is in progress (if one exists).

For a flowchart of the protocol activation process, see Handling protocol activation (flowchart).

When a player accepts a game invite or joins a friend's game through the player's gamercard, the game is launched on their device by using protocol activation. After the game starts, get the invite handle by using XGameInviteRegisterForEvent. With the invite handle, call XblMultiplayerManagerJoinLobby.

If the invited user isn't added via XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionAddLocalUser, XblMultiplayerManagerJoinLobby fails and provides the xuid that the invite was sent for by calling XblMultiplayerEventArgsXuid with the JoinLobbyCompleted event.

After joining the lobby, we recommend setting the local member's connection address and any custom properties for the member. You can also set the host via XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetSynchronizedHost if one doesn't exist.

Finally, the Multiplayer Manager auto-joins the user into the game session if a game is already in progress and has room for the invitee. The title is notified through the JoinGameCompleted event, providing an appropriate error code and message.

Flat C API

#include <XTaskQueue.h>
#include <XGameInvite.h>  
XTaskQueueHandle g_taskQueue;  
XTaskQueueRegistrationToken g_gameInviteEventToken;  
void OnGameInvite(void* context, const char* inviteUri)  
    if (inviteUri != nullptr)
        std::string inviteString(inviteUri);
        auto pos = inviteString.find("handle=");
        auto inviteHandeId = inviteString.substr(pos + 7, 36);
        // Now, call XblMultiplayerManagerJoinLobby.
void InitializeGame()  
    XGameInviteRegisterForEvent(g_taskQueue, nullptr, OnGameInvite, &g_gameInviteEventToken);  
void ShutdownGame()  
HRESULT hr = XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetLocalMemberConnectionAddress(
    xblUserHandle, connectionAddress, context);

For more information, see XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetLocalMemberConnectionAddress.

Multiplayer Manager performs the following functions.

  • Register Real-Time Activity and multiplayer subscriptions.
  • Join lobby session.
  • Existing lobby state cleanup.
  • Join all local players as active.
  • Upload secure device address (SDA).
  • Set member properties.
  • Register for session change events.
  • Set lobby session as active session.
  • Join game session (if one exists).
  • Use a transfer handle.