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Dive into the Best of TechDays 2011 this summer

Dive into the "Best of TechDays 2011" this summer

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Virtualisation Part 1

Desktop Deployment

Virtualisation Part 2

Best of TechDays 2011

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Dive into the “Best of TechDays 2011” this summer
If you’ve got some spare time this summer to immerse yourself in some new technologies, then take a look at this page, which features an overview of the best content from our annual TechDays event. The selection is based on the feedback from attendees and you’ll see that we have dealt with a whole range of topics.

You decide how much time you'd like to spend on the topic you want. We've got all the information you need to get started on the topic of your choice!

Select how much time you can spend
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          <h2>Best of Techdays 2011</h2>
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                <h3 style="font-size:18px; color:#0393c8;">
                  <a name="halfuur" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">In half an hour</a>
                <p>You haven't got much time but you still want to know what Microsoft has to offer you in the years ahead. So be sure to take a look at the keynote session.</p>
                  <strong>Clare Henry</strong> opened the conference with the IT Professional keynote on the Consumerization of IT and Cloud Computing. It is live on TechNet Edge, so get inspired and <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">watch it now!</a></p>

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                <h3 style="font-size:18px; color:#0393c8;">
                  <a name="halvedag" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">In half a day</a>
                <h4>Discover the top 6 rated sessions from TechDays 2011:</h4>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Federation and Federated Identity: Part 1 Active Directory Federation Services - How Do they Really Work? (300)</a> presented by John Craddock</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Federation and Federated Identity: Part 2 Building Federated Identity Solutions with Forefront Unified Access Gateway and ADFS v2 (400)</a> presented by John Craddock</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">How to Find Security Issues in Your Microsoft Network! (300)</a> presented by Marcus Murray</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Role-Based Management Extreme Makeover for Active Directory (400)</a> presented by Dan Holme</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Total Workstation Lockdown: Your Action Plan (300)</a> presented by Jeremy Moskowitz</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Troubleshooting Group Policy (300)</a> presented by Jeremy Moskowitz</li>

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                <h3 style="font-size:18px; color:#0393c8;">
                  <a name="heledag" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt">In a full day</a>
                <p>If you've got even more time to spare, I would advise you to look at the information below so that you can dive even deeper into the technology.</p>
                <h4>Discover the 10 best rated sessions from TechDays 2011:</h4>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012: Technical Overview (200)</a> presented by Corey Hynes</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Remote Control with Windows PowerShell (300)</a> presented by Don Jones</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Automating Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell (300)</a> presented by Don Jones</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">How to secure remote access to your ocs/lync environment (300)</a> presented by Ilse Van Criekinge</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Federation and Federated Identity: Part 1 Active Directory Federation Services - How Do they Really Work? (300)</a> presented by John Craddock</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Federation and Federated Identity: Part 2 Building Federated Identity Solutions with Forefront Unified Access Gateway and ADFS v2 (400)</a> presented by John Craddock</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">How to Find Security Issues in Your Microsoft Network! (300)</a> presented by Marcus Murray</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Role-Based Management Extreme Makeover for Active Directory (400)</a> presented by Dan Holme</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Total Workstation Lockdown: Your Action Plan (300)</a> presented by Jeremy Moskowitz</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Troubleshooting Group Policy (300)</a> presented by Jeremy Moskowitz</li>
                <h4>Top content selected by the TechNet team:</h4>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Wish I'd Have Known That Sooner! SharePoint Insanity Demystified (200)</a> presented by Dan Holme</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Managing the SharePoint Disruption (300)</a> presented by Dan Holme</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">To Cloud or not to Cloud, the true story of Office 365 (200)</a> presented by Koen Van Tolhuyzen and Ilse Van Criekinge</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Managing the User Experience Across Physical and Virtual Environments (300)</a> presented by Dan Holme</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1: Dynamic Memory for Hyper-V (300)</a> presented by Kurt Roggen</li>
                    <a runat="server" target="_blank" href="">What's new in SQL Server Denali (300)</a> presented by Dandy Weyn</li>
                  <a runat="server" target="_blank" href=";page=4">
                    <strong>Discover all the other TechDays 2011 sessions</strong>
              <td> </td>

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