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sp_helpmergepublication (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Returns information about a merge publication. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @publication = ] N'publication' ]
    [ , [ @found = ] found OUTPUT ]
    [ , [ @publication_id = ] 'publication_id' OUTPUT ]
    [ , [ @reserved = ] N'reserved' ]
    [ , [ @publisher = ] N'publisher' ]
    [ , [ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db' ]
[ ; ]


[ @publication = ] N'publication'

The name of the publication. @publication is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all merge publications in the current database.

[ @found = ] found OUTPUT

A flag to indicate returning rows. @found is an OUTPUT parameter of type int.

  • 1 indicates the publication is found.
  • 0 indicates the publication isn't found.

[ @publication_id = ] 'publication_id' OUTPUT

The publication identification number. @publication_id is an OUTPUT parameter of type uniqueidentifier.

[ @reserved = ] N'reserved'

Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed.

[ @publisher = ] N'publisher'

The name of the Publisher. @publisher is sysname, with a default of NULL.

[ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db'

The name of the publication database. @publisher_db is sysname, with a default of NULL.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
id int Sequential order of the publication in the result set list.
name sysname Name of the publication.
description nvarchar(255) Description of the publication.
status tinyint Indicates when publication data is available.
retention int Amount of time to save metadata about changes for articles in the publication. The units for this time period can be days, weeks, months, or years. For information about units, see the retention_period_unit column.
sync_mode tinyint Synchronization mode of this publication:

0 = Native bulk copy program (bcp utility)

1 = Character bulk copy
allow_push int Determines whether push subscriptions can be created for the given publication. 0 means that a push subscription isn't allowed.
allow_pull int Determines whether pull subscriptions can be created for the given publication. 0 means that a pull subscription isn't allowed.
allow_anonymous int Determines whether anonymous subscriptions can be created for the given publication. 0 means that an anonymous subscription isn't allowed.
centralized_conflicts int Determines whether conflict records are stored on the given Publisher:

0 = conflict records are stored at both the publisher and at the subscriber that caused the conflict.

1 = all conflict records are stored at the Publisher.
priority float(8) Priority of the loop-back subscription.
snapshot_ready tinyint Indicates whether the snapshot of this publication is ready:

0 = Snapshot is ready for use.

1 = Snapshot isn't ready for use.
publication_type int Type of publication:

0 = Snapshot.

1 = Transactional.

2 = Merge.
pubid uniqueidentifier Unique identifier of this publication.
snapshot_jobid binary(16) Job ID of the Snapshot Agent. To obtain the entry for the snapshot job in the sysjobs system table, you must convert this hexadecimal value to uniqueidentifier.
enabled_for_internet int Determines whether the publication is enabled for the Internet. If 1, the synchronization files for the publication are put into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Repldata\Ftp directory. The user must create the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) directory. If 0, the publication isn't enabled for Internet access.
dynamic_filter int Indicates whether a parameterized row filter is used. 0 means a parameterized row filter isn't used.
has_subscription bit Indicates whether the publication has any subscriptions. 0 means there are currently no subscriptions to this publication.
snapshot_in_default_folder bit Specifies if the snapshot files are stored in the default folder.

If 1, snapshot files can be found in the default folder.

If 0, snapshot files are stored in the alternate location specified by alt_snapshot_folder. Alternate locations can be on another server, on a network drive, or on a removable media (such as removable disks). You can also save the snapshot files to an FTP site, for retrieval by the Subscriber at a later time.

Note: This parameter can be true and still have a location in the alt_snapshot_folder parameter. That combination specifies that the snapshot files are stored in both the default and alternate locations.
alt_snapshot_folder nvarchar(255) Specifies the location of the alternate folder for the snapshot.
pre_snapshot_script nvarchar(255) Specifies a pointer to an .sql file that the Merge Agent runs before any of the replicated object scripts when applying the snapshot at a Subscriber.
post_snapshot_script nvarchar(255) Specifies a pointer to an .sql file that the Merge Agent runs after all the other replicated object scripts and data have been applied during an initial synchronization.
compress_snapshot bit Specifies that the snapshot that is written to the alt_snapshot_folder location is compressed into the Microsoft CAB format.
ftp_address sysname The network address of the FTP service for the Distributor. Specifies where publication snapshot files are located for the Merge Agent to pick up.
ftp_port int The port number of the FTP service for the Distributor. ftp_port has a default of 21. Specifies where the publication snapshot files are located for the Merge Agent to pick up.
ftp_subdirectory nvarchar(255) Specifies where the snapshot files are available for the Merge Agent to pick up when the snapshot is delivered using FTP.
ftp_login sysname The username used to connect to the FTP service.
conflict_retention int Specifies the retention period, in days, for which conflicts are retained. After the specified number of days has passed, the conflict row is purged from the conflict table.
keep_partition_changes int Specifies whether synchronization optimization is occurring for this publication. keep_partition_changes has a default of 0. A value of 0 means that synchronization isn't optimized, and the partitions sent to all Subscribers are verified when data changes in a partition.

1 means that synchronization is optimized, and only Subscribers having rows in the changed partition are affected.

Note: By default, merge publications use precomputed partitions, which provide a greater degree of optimization than this option. For more information, see Parameterized Filters - Parameterized Row Filters and Parameterized Filters - Optimize for Precomputed Partitions.
allow_subscription_copy int Specifies whether the ability to copy the subscription databases that subscribe to this publication has been enabled. A value of 0 means copying isn't allowed.
allow_synctoalternate int Specifies whether an alternate synchronization partner is allowed to synchronize with this Publisher. A value of 0 means a synchronization partner isn't allowed.
validate_subscriber_info nvarchar(500) Lists the functions that are being used to retrieve Subscriber information and validate the parameterized row filtering criteria on the Subscriber. Helps to verify that the information is partitioned consistently with each merge.
backward_comp_level int Database compatibility level, and can be one of the following values:

90 = SQL Server 2005 (9.x)

90 = SQL Server 2005 (9.x) SP1

90 = SQL Server 2005 (9.x) SP2

100 = SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x)
publish_to_activedirectory bit Specifies if the publication information is published to Active Directory. A value of 0 means the publication information isn't available from Active Directory.

This parameter is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility of scripts. You can no longer add publication information to Active Directory.
max_concurrent_merge int The number of concurrent merge processes. If 0, there's no limit to the number of concurrent merge processes running at any given time.
max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots int The maximum number of concurrent filtered data snapshot sessions that can be running against the merge publication. If 0, there's no limit to the maximum number of concurrent filtered data snapshot sessions that can run simultaneously against the publication at any given time.
use_partition_groups int Determines if precomputed partitions are used. A value of 1 means that precomputed partitions are used.
num_of_articles int Number of articles in the publication.
replicate_ddl int If schema changes to published tables are replicated. A value of 1 means that schema changes are replicated.
publication_number smallint Number assigned to this publication.
allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot bit Determines if Subscribers can initiate the filtered data snapshot generation process. A value of 1 means that Subscribers can initiate the snapshot process.
allow_web_synchronization bit Determines if the publication is enabled for Web synchronization. A value of 1 means that Web synchronization is enabled.
web_synchronization_url nvarchar(500) Internet URL that is used for Web synchronization.
allow_partition_realignment bit Determines whether deletes are sent to the subscriber when modification of the row on the publisher causes it to change its partition. A value of 1 means that deletes are sent to the Subscriber. For more information, see sp_addmergepublication (Transact-SQL).
retention_period_unit tinyint Defines the unit that is used when defining retention. This can be one of the following values:

0 = day

1 = week

2 = month

3 = year
has_downloadonly_articles bit Indicates if any articles that belong to the publication are download-only articles. A value of 1 indicates that there are download-only articles.
decentralized_conflicts int Indicates whether the conflict records are stored at the Subscriber that caused the conflict. A value of 0 indicates that conflict records aren't stored at the Subscriber. A value of 1 indicates that conflict records are stored at the Subscriber.
generation_leveling_threshold int Specifies the number of changes that are contained in a generation. A generation is a collection of changes that are delivered to a Publisher or Subscriber
automatic_reinitialization_policy bit Indicates whether changes are uploaded from the Subscriber before an automatic reinitialization occurs. A value of 1 indicates that changes are uploaded from the Subscriber before an automatic reinitialization occurs. A value of 0 indicates that changes aren't uploaded before an automatic reinitialization.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_helpmergepublication is used in merge replication.


Members of the publication access list for a publication can execute sp_helpmergepublication for that publication. Members of the db_owner fixed database role on the publication database can execute sp_helpmergepublication for information on all publications.


DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge';

USE [AdventureWorks2022]
EXEC sp_helpmergepublication @publication = @publication;