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Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW) SQL analytics endpoint in Microsoft Fabric Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric

Creates a schema in the current database. The CREATE SCHEMA transaction can also create tables and views within the new schema, and set GRANT, DENY, or REVOKE permissions on those objects.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


-- Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database  
CREATE SCHEMA schema_name_clause [ <schema_element> [ ...n ] ]  
<schema_name_clause> ::=  
    | AUTHORIZATION owner_name  
    | schema_name AUTHORIZATION owner_name  
<schema_element> ::=   
        table_definition | view_definition | grant_statement |   
        revoke_statement | deny_statement   
-- Syntax for Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse  
CREATE SCHEMA schema_name [ AUTHORIZATION owner_name ] [;]  


Is the name by which the schema is identified within the database.

Specifies the name of the database-level principal that will own the schema. This principal may own other schemas, and may not use the current schema as its default schema.

Specifies a CREATE TABLE statement that creates a table within the schema. The principal executing this statement must have CREATE TABLE permission on the current database.

Specifies a CREATE VIEW statement that creates a view within the schema. The principal executing this statement must have CREATE VIEW permission on the current database.

Specifies a GRANT statement that grants permissions on any securable except the new schema.

Specifies a REVOKE statement that revokes permissions on any securable except the new schema.

Specifies a DENY statement that denies permissions on any securable except the new schema.



Statements that contain CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION but do not specify a name, are permitted for backward compatibility only. The statement does not cause an error, but does not create a schema.

CREATE SCHEMA can create a schema, the tables and views it contains, and GRANT, REVOKE, or DENY permissions on any securable in a single statement. This statement must be executed as a separate batch. Objects created by the CREATE SCHEMA statement are created inside the schema that is being created.

CREATE SCHEMA transactions are atomic. If any error occurs during the execution of a CREATE SCHEMA statement, none of the specified securables are created and no permissions are granted.

Securables to be created by CREATE SCHEMA can be listed in any order, except for views that reference other views. In that case, the referenced view must be created before the view that references it.

Therefore, a GRANT statement can grant permission on an object before the object itself is created, or a CREATE VIEW statement can appear before the CREATE TABLE statements that create the tables referenced by the view. Also, CREATE TABLE statements can declare foreign keys to tables that are defined later in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.


DENY and REVOKE are supported inside CREATE SCHEMA statements. DENY and REVOKE clauses will be executed in the order in which they appear in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

The principal that executes CREATE SCHEMA can specify another database principal as the owner of the schema being created. This requires additional permissions, as described in the "Permissions" section later in this topic.

The new schema is owned by one of the following database-level principals: database user, database role, or application role. Objects created within a schema are owned by the owner of the schema, and have a NULL principal_id in sys.objects. Ownership of schema-contained objects can be transferred to any database-level principal, but the schema owner always retains CONTROL permission on objects within the schema.


Beginning with SQL Server 2005, the behavior of schemas changed. As a result, code that assumes that schemas are equivalent to database users may no longer return correct results. Old catalog views, including sysobjects, should not be used in a database in which any of the following DDL statements have ever been used: CREATE SCHEMA, ALTER SCHEMA, DROP SCHEMA, CREATE USER, ALTER USER, DROP USER, CREATE ROLE, ALTER ROLE, DROP ROLE, CREATE APPROLE, ALTER APPROLE, DROP APPROLE, ALTER AUTHORIZATION. In such databases you must instead use the new catalog views. The new catalog views take into account the separation of principals and schemas that was introduced in SQL Server 2005. For more information about catalog views, see Catalog Views (Transact-SQL).

Implicit Schema and User Creation


Microsoft Entra ID was previously known as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

In some cases a user can use a database without having a database user account (a database principal in the database). This can happen in the following situations:

  • A login has CONTROL SERVER privileges.

  • A Windows user does not have an individual database user account (a database principal in the database), but accesses a database as a member of a Windows group which has a database user account (a database principal for the Windows group).

  • A Microsoft Entra user does not have an individual database user account (a database principal in the database), but accesses a database as a member of a Microsoft Entra group which has a database user account (a database principal for the Microsoft Entra group).

When a user without a database user account creates an object without specifying an existing schema, a database principal and default schema will be automatically created in the database for that user. The created database principal and schema will have the same name as the name that user used when connecting to SQL Server (the SQL Server authentication login name or the Windows user name).

This behavior is necessary to allow users that are based on Windows groups to create and own objects. However it can result in the unintentional creation of schemas and users. To avoid implicitly creating users and schemas, whenever possible explicitly create database principals and assign a default schema. Or explicitly state an existing schema when creating objects in a database, using two or three-part object names.


The implicit creation of a Microsoft Entra user is not possible on SQL Database. Since creating a Microsoft Entra user from external provider must check the user's status in Microsoft Entra ID, creating the user will fail with error 2760: The specified schema name "<user_name@domain>" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it. And then error 2759: CREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors. Attempts to create or alter schemas will result in the error 15151: Cannot find the user '', because it does not exist or you do not have permission., also followed by error 2759. To work around these errors, either create the Microsoft Entra user from an external provider, or alter the Microsoft Entra group to assign a default schema. Then rerun the statement creating the object.

In SQL analytics endpoint and Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric, schema names can't contain / or \ or end with a ..

Deprecation Notice

CREATE SCHEMA statements that do not specify a schema name are currently supported for backward compatibility. Such statements do not actually create a schema inside the database, but they do create tables and views, and grant permissions. Principals do not need CREATE SCHEMA permission to execute this earlier form of CREATE SCHEMA, because no schema is being created. This functionality will be removed from a future release of SQL Server.


Requires CREATE SCHEMA permission on the database.

To create an object specified within the CREATE SCHEMA statement, the user must have the corresponding CREATE permission.

To specify another user as the owner of the schema being created, the caller must have IMPERSONATE permission on that user. If a database role is specified as the owner, the caller must have one of the following: membership in the role or ALTER permission on the role.


For the backward-compatible syntax, no permissions to CREATE SCHEMA are checked because no schema is being created.


A. Creating a schema and granting permissions

The following example creates schema Sprockets owned by Annik that contains table NineProngs. The statement grants SELECT to Mandar and denies SELECT to Prasanna. Note that Sprockets and NineProngs are created in a single statement.

USE AdventureWorks2022;  
    CREATE TABLE NineProngs (source int, cost int, partnumber int)  
    GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::Sprockets TO Mandar  
    DENY SELECT ON SCHEMA::Sprockets TO Prasanna;  

Examples: Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW)

B. Creating a schema and a table in the schema

The following example creates schema Sales and then creates a table Sales.Region in that schema.

CREATE TABLE Sales.Region   
(Region_id INT NOT NULL,  
Region_Name CHAR(5) NOT NULL)  

C. Setting the owner of a schema

The following example creates a schema Production owned by Mary.

CREATE SCHEMA Production AUTHORIZATION [Contoso\Mary];  

See Also

GRANT (Transact-SQL)
DENY (Transact-SQL)
REVOKE (Transact-SQL)
sys.schemas (Transact-SQL)
Create a Database Schema