Form.CommandBeforeExecute event (Access)

Occurs before a specified command is executed. Use this event when you want to impose certain restrictions before a particular command is executed.


expression.CommandBeforeExecute (Command, Cancel)

expression A variable that represents a Form object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Command Required Variant The command that is going to be executed.
Cancel Required Object Set the Value property of this object to True to cancel the command.

Return value



The OCCommandId, ChartCommandIdEnum, and PivotCommandId constants contain lists of the supported commands for each of the Microsoft Office web components.


The following example demonstrates the syntax for a subroutine that traps the CommandBeforeExecute event.

Private Sub Form_CommandBeforeExecute( _ 
 ByVal Command As Variant, ByVal Cancel As Object) 
 Dim intResponse As Integer 
 Dim strPrompt As String 
 strPrompt = "Cancel the command?" 
 intResponse = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbYesNo) 
 If intResponse = vbYes Then 
 Cancel.Value = True 
 Cancel.Value = False 
 End If 
End Sub

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