Use these resources to make customer association claims for specific engagements

Appropriate roles: Incentives admin | Incentives user

This article describes resources for Microsoft partners who meet the following criteria:

  • You're part of the following Microsoft engagements:
    • MCI BizApps Presales Advisor
    • Modern Work and Security Usage
    • Usage Recognition- Biz Apps
    • Microsoft Business Applications Revenue
  • You work with Microsoft 365 or Dynamics 365 customers and want to reference or claim some of this work in the previously mentioned engagements.

If you meet the preceding criteria, you need to use the Claiming Partner of Record (CPOR) model to create and manage customer associations for engagements.

Explaining CPOR to customers

Under the CPOR model:

  • Customers are notified of an association request from a partner and can opt out of a CPOR association. If they decline association with a partner, the partner isn't recognized as the partner of record.
    • No action is required by the customer.
  • Partners get access to usage and sold seats data when a partner associates with a workload or subscription. They don't get access to any other customer data.
    • Access to usage and sold seats data enables partners to monitor active usage while providing customers with recommendations about how to maximize usage.
  • Microsoft uses the CPOR model to:
    • Identify and recognize partners who are helping customers to achieve business objectives and realize value in the cloud
    • Understand the ecosystem of service providers
    • Determine how to refine the tools and programs needed to best support our common customers as well

How do customer associations and CPOR relate to incentives?

Microsoft uses the CPOR model to manage the associations you have with your Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 customers.

The CPOR model applies to your work with customers in the following engagements:

  • MCI BizApps Presales Advisor
  • Modern Work and Security Usage
  • Usage Recognition- Biz Apps
  • Microsoft Business Applications Revenue

Microsoft validates all incentives claims. At this point, we might ask you for more information. We also notify the customer of your association request. Customers have five business days to opt out. If they don't opt out, your association with the tenant and workload is official.

When a customer accepts your request for association, they give you access to some of their data so you can provide management services to them.

Resources to help you create and manage customer associations

To: Read:
Learn how to create a customer association Create a customer association using the CPOR model
Understand how to manage your customer associations Manage customer associations
Troubleshoot any customer association issues Customer association issues