Bulk operations for Leads using comma-separated value (CSV) files

Appropriate roles: Referrals admin | Referrals user


The bulk operations on the leads are only for editing the current leads. Partners can't create new leads. Only a subset of fields can be modified on listed leads.


Marketplace Purchase Intent is a required field for referral update. Accepted values are Yes, No or Have not decided. This column is for capturing customer's interest to transact the deal on Microsoft Azure marketplace.

Bulk operations in Partner Center help your company download and upload Leads data.

Go to the Leads page to find the Upload and Download links on the top right of the page title banner.

Screenshot of the Referrals, Leads page, with Upload called out.


Actions done through bulk upload aren't reversible. Use caution when you modify a large number of records. Only a subset of fields can be modified on listed leads.

No actions are permitted after any Lead reaches a referral status as Closed

Appropriate roles

  • Referral admin - for download and upload of Leads
  • Referral user - for download of leads

Download Leads

The following information describes the download functionality:

  • You can download a maximum of 5,000 records by selecting the Download button.
  • The deals that are downloaded are based on your access levels. Referral admins and Referral users might get different results based on their scope and inclusion as team members in the deals. To learn more, see referrals permissions.
  • The download function takes into account the current tab in the Lead page and the filters that have been applied.
  • A CSV file with all the data based on the applied filters is generated.
  • Downloading the records can take up to one minute.
  • You don't have to wait for the download action to complete. Even if you go to other pages in Partner Center, the file is downloaded as soon as the download function is complete.
  • You can reuse the downloaded file to modify the Lead details and upload to update any records.

Upload Leads

Lead update

  • You can update a maximum of 1,000 records using the upload functionality.
  • You can build the template from scratch by downloading the template from the Upload page in Partner Center.
  • You can also use the Download functionality to download the existing records and update them.
  • If a file has more than 1,000 records, it can't be processed.
  • After a file is processed, a summary is displayed with the number of Leads that were updated, and not processed in the last process file card.
  • You can download the details of the processed records, fix any errors, and upload the same file to update the records that failed in the previous run. Remove all the successful records from the file before uploading the corrected records that failed in the previous run.
  • To add more Offers, add extra columns next to Offer 1 and use the column name as Offer X, where X represents the number of the Offer in the deal. For example, Offer 2, Offer 3.
  • To add more solutions, add extra columns next to Solution 1 and use the column name as Solution X, where X represents the number of the solution in the deal. You would already find five columns for each Solution and offer in the Excel. For example, Solution 2, Solution 3.
  • You can add up to 50 Offers and Solutions to a lead.
  • To add more team members, add extra columns next to Team member 1 and use the column name as Team member x, where x represents the number of the team member in the deal (for example, Team member 2, Team member 3).
  • You can add up to 5 team members to a deal.
  • Partner Referral Status / Partner Referral Substatus and Sales Stage should be in the combination:
Partner Referral Status Partner Referral Substatus Sales Stage
New Pending 0
Active Accepted 80
Closed Won 100

Special Notes

  • If you have details of customer(s) and want to find the corresponding managed/unmanaged account to proceed directly for referral update, fill all mandatory columns, and directly proceed with upload.
  • If you have the Managed/Unmanaged ID of customer(s), you can proceed directly with referral creation by entering MicrosoftID in the Final account match column in the template.
  • The only acceptable format for a Microsoft ID is *MicrosoftID: Number-Alphanumeric (for example MicrosoftID: 6-ABCDEFG23XB).


You don't have to wait for processing to complete. The details of the last processed file are available for download when processing is complete. It can take up to 10 minutes if you are uploading files with 1,000 records.  


Read all the instructions carefully and check the format of each column from the following table before creating or updating deals using CSV files in Partner Center.

If you notice an inconsistent format for the data displayed in the "created date" column as shown in this screenshot,

Screenshot of an inconsistent format for the data displayed in the created date column.

you can follow these steps to resolve it:

  1. Go to Control Panel from your device.
  2. Select Change date, time or number formats from the Clock and Region section.
  3. Access the Formats menu.
  4. Change the Format to: English Unites States.
  5. In the Short date section, select from the drop-down to M/D/YYYY.
  6. Select Apply and then select OK.
  7. Download again the CSV file from Partner Center and the format of "created date" column will be updated.

Not every field in the template is editable. There are fields that:

Fields listed by characteristics

Newly introduced fields that are auto-populated

  • Phone Validity
  • Email Validity
  • Customer Contact Job Title
  • Referral Program
  • Lead Source
  • Call To Action
  • Lead Quality
  • Lead Type
  • Solution 1
  • Solution 2
  • Solution 3
  • Solution 4
  • Solution 5

Newly introduced fields that can be updated

  • Marketplace Purchase Intent

Fields that are always read-only

  • Engagement ID
  • Referral ID
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Address Line 1
  • Customer Address Line 2
  • Customer City
  • Customer State
  • Customer Postal code
  • Customer Country
  • Customer D-U-N-S ID
  • Customer Contact First Name
  • Customer Contact Last Name
  • Customer Contact Phone number
  • Phone Validity
  • Customer Contact Email Address
  • Email Validity
  • Customer Contact Job Title
  • Referral Program
  • Lead Source
  • Call To Action
  • Lead Quality
  • Lead Type
  • Offer 1
  • Offer 2
  • Offer 3
  • Offer 4
  • Offer 5
  • Solution 1
  • Solution 2
  • Solution 3
  • Solution 4
  • Solution 5
  • Errors

Fields that are Mandatory

  • Referral ID
  • Lead Name
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Country
  • Estimated Deal Value
  • Currency
  • Estimated Close Date
  • Team member 1

CSV file values, descriptions, and examples

Details of all the columns with their details and sample values are in the following table.

Column name Required? Editable Description Example
Engagement ID NA No The engagement ID is generated by Microsoft Partner Center referrals system. Not required for new referral creation. You can use the existing engagement ID if you're updating a record. f7eaae47-0b84-4ac4-b4ea-5b2587d42cee
Referral ID NA No Referral ID is generated by Microsoft Partner Center referrals system. Not required for new referral creation. Enter the referral ID if you're updating an existing record. ebacdkdc-0b84-4ac4-b4ea-5b2587d42cee
Lead Name Yes Yes Friendly name for the Lead for your reference. UK spring
Customer Name NA No Name of the customer company. Use the legal name of the organization for quick matching on the Microsoft side. Contoso Corporation
Customer Address Line 1 NA No First line of customer company address. One Contoso Way
Customer Address Line 2 No No Second line of customer company address. NE 148 street
Customer City NA No City where the customer organization is located. Redmond
Customer State No No State where the customer organization is located. Washington
Customer Postal code No No Postal code of the region where the customer organization is located. 98052
Customer Country NA No List of ISO 3166 country codes for the Country/Region where the customer organization is located. Use the two-letter Alpha-2 code in this list of country codes. US
Customer D-U-N-S ID No No Try to fetch the DUNS ID of the customer organization. Doing so helps with faster matching of the customer organization on the Microsoft side, which helps with faster seller assignment. You can get a DUNS ID free from the D-U-N-S Number Lookup page. 12345678
Customer Contact First Name Depends No First name of the primary contact from the customer organization working on this deal. Required only if you need Microsoft help. John
Customer Contact Last Name Depends No Last name of the primary contact from the customer organization working on this deal. Required only if you need Microsoft help. Customer
Customer Contact Phone number Depends No Phone number of the primary contact from the customer organization working on this deal. Required only if you need Microsoft help. 9999999999
Phone Validity* No Validity of contact information. Phone numbers of leads are validated to verify that they can be contacted.
  • Valid
  • Invalid</>
  • Unknown
Customer Contact Email Address Depends No Email address of the primary contact from the customer organization working on this deal. Required only if you need Microsoft help. john.customer@contoso.com
Email Validity* No No Validity of contact information. Email addresses of leads are validated to verify that they can be contacted.
  • Valid
  • Invalid
  • Spam
  • Unknown
Customer Contact Job Title NA No Information on the Job Title of Customer Contact. Sales Manager
Partner Referral Status Yes Yes Status of the deal from your company's perspective. Required if you're trying to create or modify a referral. Use New if you're trying to create a new deal. Values that you can use are listed at Referral resources. Active
Partner Referral Substatus Yes Yes Exact status of the deal. Use Accepted if you're trying to create a new deal. It's also required if you're modifying an existing referral. Values that you can use are listed at Referral resources. Accepted
Declined/Lost/Error reason NA No You're required to provide this information only if you're changing the sub+E24:E46 status of your field to Declined, Lost, or Error. You can ignore this column otherwise.
Enter a number based on the following options if you set the Partner Referral Substatus as "Declined" or "Lost":
  1. Project budget isn't adequate
  2. Customer didn't respond
  3. Customer chose another vendor
  4. Customer requirement not met
  5. Not a customer
  6. Proposed time line was too short
  7. Report as abuse, spam, or phishing
  8. Others
Enter a number based on the following options if you set the Partner Referral Substatus as "Error"
  1. Duplicate - created through bulk upload
  2. Duplicate - created in Partner Center
  3. Duplicate - sent by Microsoft
  4. Connector data sync issues
  5. Customer matching issues
  6. Solution issues - explain in notes
  7. Test referral
  8. Data error
  9. Others - explain in notes
Sales Stage No Yes Indicates the detailed sales stage of the referral. To learn more about Lead stages, see: Learn about leads 40
Estimated Deal Value Yes Yes Value of the deal based on the initial conversations with the customer. This value can be changed until the deal reaches one of the terminal states, "Won" or "Lost." 12563
Currency Yes Yes Currency in which the deal value is entered. You can find the currency codes at the ISO 4217 Wikipedia page. USD
Estimated Close Date Yes Yes Estimated close date of the deal, in MM/DD/YYYY format, based on the initial conversations with the customer.
The date should be in UTC timezone. All the dates displayed in Partner Center UI are based on localized timezones. There might be +/- one day difference in the Partner Center UI if you're looking at the referral for which you supplied the date in UTC timezone.
Referral Program* NA No This information is provided from the source and refers to the referral program under which lead is generated. Example:
  • 'clm’
  • 'dso'
  • 'isv'
  • 'ur'
Lead Source * NA No Name of the marketplace or Source from where the lead originated/generated. Example:
  • AppSource
  • AzureMarketplace
  • AzurePortal
Call To Action * NA No Configured during the offer publish flow Example:
  • GetItNow
  • FreeTrial
  • TestDrive
  • ContactMe
Lead Quality * NA No The conversion probability of the lead:
  • High denotes a higher chance of lead getting converted to a subscription
  • Low denotes a potential spam lead
Lead Type * NA No The type of the lead:
  1. Offer leads are generated for offers published through commercial marketplace
  2. Profile leads are generated for business profiles published in the referrals workspace
Profile leads
CRM ID No Yes Identifier (if any) of this referral in your CRM system. This field is a freeform text entry field. 34234324-sdfsdf-345345-sfd
Marketing Campaign ID No Yes ID of the marketing campaign that resulted in this referral. Typically used for ROI calculation. BingSummer2020
Notes No Yes Detailed notes indicating the updates related to the referral. This is a sample note.
MPN ID NA No MPN or Referral ID 6117929 (6-7 digit integer)
Lead Created Date NA No Date of creation of Lead mm-dd-yyyy
Offer 1*

Offer 2*

Offer 3*

Offer 4*

Offers 5*











Offer ID (required), Currency in which the deal value is entered (currency codes list) (optional), Price of the SKU (optional / NA), Quantity of the SKU (optional / NA) easdfdfdc-0b84-4ac4-b4ea-5b2587d42cee, USD
Solution 1*

Solution 2*

Solution 3*

Solution 4*

Solution 5*











Solution ID (required), Currency in which the deal value is entered (currency codes list) (optional), Price of the SKU (optional), Quantity of the SKU (optional) SOL-1234-PQRS, USD, 10, 100
Team member 1*

Team member 2*

Team member 3*

Team member 4*

Team member 5*











First name, last name, mobile number, and email ID of the respective team member Bob, Partner, 999999,
Errors No Yes More for FYI to users on the errors if any related to the update operations regarding the referrals are included in this column. If there are multiple errors, all of them are listed separated by a semicolon. Optional for user to remove prefilled values. Required field Solution 1 missing
Marketplace Purchase Intent Yes Yes Customer's intent to transact over Microsoft Azure marketplace. Accepted values are 'Yes,' 'No' or 'HaveNotDecided'

Demo Video Link: Leads Bulk Upload Demo.mp4