Column set control in cards

A collection of columns, each column is a container. These columns allow controls to sit side-by-side.

Column set is useful for showing a row of data. You can add a column for the different UI elements you want within the column set, then drag and drop those elements into the column within the card canvas. You can also data bind a column set to a collection or data source to repeat the column set for each row, resulting in a list of data.


Style – Determines the style of the control, allowed values: default, emphasis, good, attention, warning, accent.

Bleed – Determines whether the control should bleed through its parent's padding.

Minimum height – Specifies the minimum height of the column set in pixels, like "80px".

Initially visible – If false, this item will be removed from the visual tree.

Spacing – Controls the amount of spacing between this control and the preceding control.

Divider – When true, draw a separating line at the top of the control.

Horizontal alignment – Controls the horizontal alignment of the column set.

Height – Specifies the height of the control.

Repeat for every – The source of data that is used to show multiple instances of this control. Learn how to use repeat for every.

Show when – Conditional layout expression.