Table modern control in Power Apps (preview)

[This article is pre-release document and is subject to change.]

A control that shows a set of data in a tabular or list format.


The Table control is a modern responsive control that shows a set of data in a tabular or list format. The tabular format includes column headings for each displayed field and a footer that provides details about the dataset such as the record count. The list format presents the data in a single column and has three fields for each row. As an app maker, you have full control over what fields are added to the control including the order. Although all added fields are visible in the tabular format, only the initial three fields appear in the narrower list format.

Similar to the Gallery and Data table controls, the Table maintains a Selected property that points to the selected row that can be used to link the Table control to other controls. The key properties for this control are Items, ReflorBehavior, Selected, and OnSelect.

Supported capabilities

  • Data in a Table control is read-only.
  • The tabular format offers a modern data browsing experience with infinite scroll, eliminating the need for paging buttons.
  • The Table control supports linking to Microsoft Dataverse tables and collections.
  • When you connect a Table control to a compatible connector such as Microsoft Dataverse, a predefined set of fields are displayed by default. You can also display or hide other fields based on your needs.
  • The Table control can automatically switch between tabular and list formats. You can manually manage this behavior using the Reflow property.
  • When you run your app, you can adjust column width in the Table control. However, your changes aren't saveontrol while you run the app. Your changes aren't saved.
  • Change the color palette for the Table via the Base palette color property.

Unsupported capabilities

Currently, the listed capabilities aren't supported. However, since the Table control is still evolving, check back for any updates.

  • Linking the Table to other data connectors.
  • Customize the style of the Table other than color palette or modify individual columns.


Items - The source of data for the items that appear in the table.

NoDataText - The message shown to a user when there are no records to show in the Table control.

Visible - Whether a control appears or is hidden.


ReflowBehavior - The default responsive behavior of the table. Reflow means the table displays in tabular form when the control is 480 or more pixels wide and transitions to a list format in narrower conditions. GridOnly (or ListOnly) means the table always displays in a tabular (or list) format regardless of the control width, and you can use Power Fx formulas to create your own breakpoints for defining the responsive behavior of the table.

EnableSorting – Allows users to sort the data in the table by using dropdowns from the column headers for supported data types.

EnableRangeSelection – Whether users can select a portion of the table to copy its values. Default is Yes.

Size and position

X – The distance between the left edge of a control and the left edge of its parent container (screen if no parent container).

Y – The distance between the top edge of a control and the top edge of the parent container (screen if no parent container).

Width - The distance between a control's left and right edges.

Height - The distance between a control's top and bottom edges.

Style and theme

HeaderFont - The font of the column headings.

HeaderFontSize - The font size of the column headings.

HeaderFontColor - The text color for the column headings.

HeaderFontWeight - The font weight of the column headings.

BasePaletteColor - The color palette applied to a control. This impacts all surfaces of the control that render a theme color.

Font - The name of the family of fonts in which text appears.

FontSize - The font size of the text that appears on a control. If the value is null or zero, then the font size is driven by selected Fluent theme.

FontColor - The color of text in a control.

FontWeight - The weight of the text in a control: Bold, Lighter, Normal, or Semibold.

Additional properties

Selected – The selected row in the Table control.

DisplayMode - Whether the control allows user input (Edit), only displays data (View), or is disabled (Disabled).

OnSelect – Defines the action triggered when a single record is selected.

ShowAvatar - Whether the user’s avatar appears or is hidden in the list mode.

ShowColumnHeaders – Whether the column headers appear or are hidden.

ShowFooter - Whether the footer appears or is hidden.

Size – The size of the control on the canvas.

AccessibleLabel – Label for screen readers.