Use sample app templates in Microsoft Teams

Several sample app templates are available for use in Microsoft Teams that you can download from here. You can choose the sample app template that best fits your business requirement and quickly install it to get started. Sample app templates created with Power Apps typically consist of multiple components such as apps, flows, and tables.


Sample app templates available for download are provided as-is. For any issues, feedback, support, or changes related to sample app templates, go to and submit an issue or a pull request.

Available sample app templates

The following table lists sample app templates available for download.

Boards app.
A simple way to connect and share with people in your organization with similar interests.

Bulletins app
Manager and user apps for company communications.

Employee ideas
Employee ideas
App for campaigns and ideas.

How to.
How to
Learn how to be a Power Apps maker.

Inspection app
Manager and user apps for area inspections.

Issue reporting app
Issue reporting
Manager and user apps for issue reporting.

Milestones app
App to keep track of projects, and initiatives.

Perspectives app.
A simple way to add topics and extend the topics with Q&A for discussions.

Profile+ app
Quickly find out about people in your organization.

Get connected app
Get connected
Connect with people in your organization with similar skills.

The following tutorial shows how to install the Employee ideas app. You can use similar steps to install other sample app templates.

Install the sample app template

To learn about installing sample app templates, go to


Run the sample app template

To run the installed app, select the app's tab from the team channel. In this example, we'll use Employee ideas.

Step 1 - Allow connections

Before you can use the app, it might ask your permission to use connections.


The list of connections you see below is an example. The number and types of connections asking for your permissions may vary depending on the app you install.

Select Allow to let the app use connections.

Select Allow, so the app can use connections.

Step 2 - Select the channel

Select the channel (in this example, the channel is populated automatically), and then select Let's go.

Select Let's go.

Step 3 - Use the app

The Employee ideas app is now open and ready for your use.

Select app from available list.

For more details about using the Employee ideas app, go to Employee ideas.

Edit the sample app template

You can further customize and edit the components of an installed Power Apps app in Teams. More information: Manage your apps

Report installation errors

If you get any errors during the installation process, you can help us troubleshoot the problem much more effectively by selecting Ctrl+Alt+A on the keyboard to get the session details. For more information about session details, go to About tab.

For issues related to the sample app templates, report an issue at

Sample app template updates

Updates to the sample app templates are published immediately. If you already have a sample app template in use when this happens, a new version of the app is created with these updates and published as the live version. If you customized a sample app, you can restore the app to a previous version with your customizations, or recreate the customizations on top of the updated live version. When restoring the app to preserve your customizations, ensure to check the app functionality for compatibility with the updates.

Sample app templates FAQs

For Frequently Asked Questions about sample app templates, go to Sample app templates FAQs.