Facepile control (preview)

[This article is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.]

A control used to display and interact with images.


Full documentation and source code found in the GitHub code components repository.

Facepile control.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.


A face pile (Facepile) displays a list of personas. Each circle represents a person and contains their image or initials. Often this control is used when sharing who has access to a specific view or file, or when assigning someone a task within a workflow.

This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Facepile control bound to a button for use in canvas apps and custom pages.


Key Properties

Property Description
Items The action items to render. The first item is considered the root item.
PersonaSize Size of the persona to appear on screen
OverflowButtonType To choose which type of Overflow button to appear and whether to appear or not
MaxDisplayablePersonas Maximum number of Persona to appear of the Facepile
Five is the default and recommended number
ImageShouldFadeIn Whether the image should have a Fade In effect while appearing
ShowAddButton Whether the Add Button should appear in Facepile component
OverflowButtonLabel Aria label for Overflow button
AddbuttonAriaLabel Aria label for Add button

Items Properties

Name Description
ItemPersonaName Display Name of the Persona
ItemPersonaKey The key identify the specific Item
The key must be unique
ItemPersonaImage The Image Column of Dataverse table that contains Persona Image(Profile Picture)
ItemPersonaImageInfo Url or Base64 Content of Persona Image(Profile Picture)
ItemPersonaPresence Optional - To define the Presence of the persona
IsImage Whether the persona image(ItemPersonaImage) is an Image Column of Dataverse table.
This property allows the component to render the image based on the type(Url or Image). True in case Image needs to referred from Dataverse table & false, in case, it's a Url or Base64 to be referred from ItemPersonaImageInfo property
ItemPersonaClickable Whether or not the persona should be clickable

Example Power Fx formula for Items (uses the Office 365 Users connector)

Generate Items collection with photos using the Office 365 Users connector

A list of users can come from any data source, but the image must be provided to the component. If your data source doesn't have images for the users, you can use the AddColumns() Power Fx function to add the correct attributes to the list and retrieve the user's image, from a list of user Ids or user principal names that map to an active user in your Microsoft Entra.

Generate a collection called UserPersonas using Office 365 Users connector, by referring to the below sample code, then pass the collection into the Items property of the control.

       // Get first 10 users who have email ID - optional
            Office365Users.SearchUser({top: 10}),
            Mail <> Blank()
        //Get base64 image data


The IsImage field is set to false because the ItemPersonaImageInfo coming from an image Url. To render Dataverse image fields, set IsImage field to true and use the ItemPersonaImage to pass in the image value instead.


Style Properties

Property Description
Theme Accepts a JSON string that is generated using Fluent UI Theme Designer (windows.net). Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps. Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps. See theming for guidance on how to configure.
AccessibilityLabel Screen reader aria-label

Event Properties

Property Description
InputEvent An event to send to the control. For example, SetFocus.


Supports SetFocus as an InputEvent.

Configure On Select behavior

Use the Switch() formula in the component's OnSelect property to configure specific actions for each item by referring to the control's selected ItemPersonaKey as the switch value.

Example Power Fx formula in OnSelect property of Facepile:

  Switch( Self.EventName,
    /* Define action when persona clicked */
    Notify("Persona clicked: " & Self.Selected.ItemPersonaKey);
    /* Define logic when the add button clicked */
    Notify("Add button was clicked");
    /* Define logic when overflow button clicked*/
    Notify("Overflow button clicked");


This code component can only be used in canvas apps and custom pages.