Use ACR repositories with PSResourceGet

Azure Container Registry (ACR) allows you to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry for all types of container deployments. Version 1.1.0-preview.1 of the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module adds support for Azure Container registries as a PSResource repository. For more information about Azure Container registries, see Managed container registries.


To create an ACR repository, you must have:

  • Az PowerShell or Az CLI
  • Sufficient rights in your Azure subscription to create an ACR repository.

To use an ACR repository with PSResourceGet, you must have:

  • Version 1.1.0-preview.1 of the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module
  • An Azure account with the necessary permissions to access the ACR repository. ACR-based repositories are private repositories and require credentials for access. Users of the repository must have the necessary permissions to access the repository. The user needs to have ACRPull permissions to get resources and ACRPush permissions to publish resources. For more information, see Registry roles and permissions.

Install the PSResourceGet module

To use an ACR repository you must install the latest preview release of the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module from the PowerShell Gallery.

If you have a previous version of Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet installed, use the following command to install the preview release.

$installPSResourceSplat = @{
    Repository = 'PSGallery'
    Name = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet'
    Prerelease = $true
Install-PSResource @installPSResourceSplat

Using the following command, you can also install the module using PowerShellGet.

$installModuleSplat = @{
    Repository = 'PSGallery'
    Name = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet'
    AllowPrerelease = $true
Install-Module @installModuleSplat

Create an Azure Container Registry

In this example, you create a Basic registry, which is a cost-optimized option for developers. You might want to choose a different tier depending on your storage and image throughput requirements. For details on available service tiers (SKUs), see Container registry service tiers.

# Sign into your Azure account (if necessary)
# Create a resource group (if necessary)
New-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Location EastUS
# Create a container registry
$newAzContainerRegistrySplat = @{
    ResourceGroupName = 'myResourceGroup'
    Name = 'psresourcedemo'
    EnableAdminUser = $true
    Sku = 'Basic'
$registry = New-AzContainerRegistry @newAzContainerRegistrySplat

You can run the Azure commands in Azure Cloud Shell or from any computer that has Azure PowerShell installed.

Register the repository

To register an ACR repository, you must know the LoginServer name of the ACR. Use the following commands to register an ACR repository as a PSResource repository.

$myAcr = Get-AzContainerRegistry -Name myAcr
$acrUrl = "https://$($myAcr.LoginServer)"
Register-PSResourceRepository -Name ACRDemoRepo -Uri $acrUrl


Registering the a PSResource repository does not require any credentials. However, the first time you perform an operation on the registered repository, you are prompted to login. If you are not authenticated yet, will be prompted to authenticate the first time you perform an operation on the repository.

To authenticate before you access the repository, use the Connect-AzAccount command. For more information, see Connect-AzAccount (Az.Accounts).

Once you are authenticated, you can use the repository interactively or in a pipeline. You are not prompted to authenticate again until your access token expires.

Use the ACR repository interactively

Using the ACR repository interactively is similar to using any other PSResource repository. You can search for, install, and publish packages.

Publish a package

Use the Publish-PSResource command to publish a package to an ACR repository. You only need to provide a path to the resource and the name of the repository.

$publishPSResourceSplat = @{
    Path = 'D:\MyModule'
    Repository = 'ACRDemoRepo'
Publish-PSResource @publishPSResourceSplat

For more information, see Publish-PSResource.

Search for packages

Use the Find-PSResource command to search for packages in the ACR repository. For more information, see Find-PSResource.

  • Find by name

    Find-PSResource -Name MyModule -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find by version

    Find-PSResource -Name MyModule -Version '3.0.0' -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find a prerelease version

    Find-PSResource -Name MyModule -Version '4.0.0-preview.1' -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find by version wildcard

    Find-PSResource -Name MyModule -Version '*' -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find by version range

    This example searches for versions between 2.0.0 and 3.0.0 inclusive.

    Find-PSResource -Name MyModule -Version '[2.0.0,3.0.0]' -Repository ACRDemoRepo

    For more information about version ranges, see NuGet Package Version Reference.

Install a package

Use the Install-PSResource command to install packages from the ACR repository. For more information, see Install-PSResource.

  • Install by name

    Install-PSResource -Name MyModule -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Install by version

    Install-PSResource -Name MyModule -Version 3.0.0 -Repository ACRDemoRepo


The Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module doesn't support the following scenarios for ACR repositories:

  • Find by name using wildcards
    • Find-PSResource -Name * -Repository ACRDemoRepo
    • Find-PSResource -Name PartialName* -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find by tag value
    • Find-PSResource -Tag TagValue -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find by command
    • Find-PSResource -Command CommandName -Repository ACRDemoRepo
  • Find by DSC resource name
    • Find-PSResource -DscResourceName ResourceName -Repository ACRDemoRepo