
Short description

Parameter binding is the process that PowerShell uses to determine which parameter set is being used and to associate (bind) values to the parameters of a command. These values can come from the command line and the pipeline.

Long description

The parameter binding process starts by binding command-line arguments.

  1. Bind named parameters

    Find unquoted tokens on the command line that start with a dash. If the token ends with a colon, an argument is required. If there's no colon, look at the type of the parameter and see if an argument is required. If a value is required, attempt to convert the type of argument to the type required by the parameter, and the conversion is successful, bind the parameter.

  2. Bind positional parameters

    If there are any unused command-line arguments, look for unbound parameters that take positional parameters and try to bind them.

After binding command-line arguments, PowerShell tries to bind any pipeline input. There are two ways that values are bound from the pipeline. Parameters that accept pipeline input have one or both of the following attributes:

  • ValueFromPipeline - The value from the pipeline is bound to the parameter based on its type. The type of the argument must match the type of the parameter.
  • ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName - The value from the pipeline is bound to the parameter based on its name. The object in the pipeline must have a property that matches the name of the parameter or one of its aliases. The type of the property must match or be convertible to the type of the parameter.

PowerShell tries to bind pipeline input in the following order:

  1. Try to bind ValueFromPipeline parameters without type conversion:

    Bind from the pipeline by value with exact type match. If the command has pipeline input and there are still unbound parameters, try to bind to a parameter that matches the type exactly.

  2. Try to bind ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName parameters without type conversion:

    If no value match is found, then bind from the pipeline by name with exact match. Look for a property on the input object that matches the name of the parameter or one of its aliases. If the types exactly match, bind the parameter.

  3. If the pipeline input hasn't been bound, try to bind ValueFromPipeline parameters with type conversion:

    Attempt to convert the pipeline input to the required type. If the conversion fails, the parameter isn't bound.

  4. If the pipeline input hasn't been bound, try to bind ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName parameters with type conversion:

    The name of the property must match the name of the parameter or one of its aliases. If the input type doesn't match, attempt to convert the input to the matching type. If the conversion fails, the parameter isn't bound.

Visualize parameter binding

Troubleshooting parameter binding issues can be challenging. You can use the Trace-Command cmdlet to visualize the parameter binding process. The following example shows how to trace the parameter binding for a simple pipeline.

Trace-Command -PSHost -Name ParameterBinding -Expression {
    Get-Item *.txt | Remove-Item

The output shows every step of the parameter binding process for the commands in the Expression. The output can be verbose, but it can help you understand why a parameter isn't being bound as expected. For a complete example, see the Visualize parameter binding article.