Studant Discount - Recently Graduated

Nicolas Victor Rodrigues dos Reis 61 Pontos de reputação

Hello everyone.
I recentlt graduate on university, but my sdutant disccount still active for certification. So, i need to khow how to remove "studant disccount elegible status".

Best regards,

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  1. João Constantino 386 Pontos de reputação

    Hi Nicolas,

    You can try these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Learn profile and click on your profile picture avatar. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
    2. Scroll down to the “Connected certification profile” section and click on “Manage certification profile and exam discounts”.
    3. To edit your profile, select the pencil icon next to “Certification profile”.
    4. In the “Job role” field, select another option that is not “Student”.
    5. Save the changes and exit your profile.

    After doing this, you will no longer have the student discount eligibility status on Microsoft Learn.

    More info here:

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