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It sounds frustrating to be stuck in this situation. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue:
Check Subscription Status: Ensure your subscription has fully expired. Sometimes, the delete option might be disabled if the account is still in a grace period.
Clear Browser Cache: Sometimes, browser issues can cause problems with displaying options correctly. Try clearing your browser cache or using a different browser.
Contact Support Again: If the delete option is still disabled, it might be best to contact Microsoft support again. Explain the issue and ask if they can manually delete your profile or provide further assistance.
- Alternative Phone Number: If you’re unable to delete the account, you might consider using a different phone number to register a new account.
If none of these steps work, you can also check the Microsoft 365 Developer Program FAQ for more detailed guidance.
Espero que essas dicas ajudem a resolver o problema! Se precisar de mais assistência, estou à disposição.
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