Created a free web app to deploy a chatGPT chat, it has the contoso image, can I customize this webapp?

Edgar Bermudez 0 Pontos de reputação

Created a free web app to deploy a chatGPT chat, it has the contoso image, can I customize this webappto change logo, colors, etc.?

Microsoft Q&A
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  1. Igor Rossetti 85 Pontos de reputação

    The first step is to have a subscription to Azure, whether free or not, as the Web App has Tier Free, regarding Chat GPT, I imagine you are talking about Open IA, it is not available in Tier Free and is also not available in free subscriptions, so in any case you will have to create a subscription with your credit card to use the services, Open IA is charged per number of messages, try to see the value in the Azure price calculator.

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