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Looking for new skillz (turning the blog around)…

Just for giggles, I went looking at the various job listings within Microsoft and outside Microsoft (no, I’m not going anywhere, I was just curious).  While looking, I realized that I had absolutely no marketable skills :).  Nobody seems to be hiring an OS developer these days.

To repeat and be even more clear: I’m *not* leaving Microsoft.  I’m *not* leaving Windows. 

I’m just looking for a book or two to read to improve my skills (I do this regularly – most of my recent reading has either been on Security or WPF and to be honest, I’m kinda bored of those topics so I’m interested in branching out beyond security and UI topics)…

I could run out and browse the bookstores (and I might just do that) but I figured “Hey, I’ve got a blog, why don’t I ask the folks who read my blog?”.  So let me turn the blog around and ask:

If I wanted to go out and learn web development, which books should I read? 

I’ve already read “Javascript: The ood Parts” and it was fascinating but it was more of a language book (and a very good language book), but it’s not a web development book.  So what books should I read to learn web development?