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Finding Ghosts: Programmatically Determining Ghosted/Unghosted State


First, some terminology.  The terms "ghosted" and "unghosted" get thrown around a lot when talking about SharePoint site definitions, and all too often, they are used incorrectly.  Here's the deal:


Ghosted:  a ghosted page is one that is read directly from the site definition on the filesystem.

Unghosted:  an unghosted page is one that is read from the SharePoint database and *not* a physical file


So, how can we determine if a given page is either ghosted or unghosted?  Luckily, there is a single property that will tell us:  "vti_hasdefaultcontent."  If this property exists on a file, it is ghosted (again, on the filesystem);  if the property does not exist, the file is being served from the database.


Here's the code for a simple command-line utility that will take the URL to a given page and report whether it is ghosted or unghosted:



using System;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;


namespace GhostCheck


public class Checker



static void Main(string[] args)


//if vti_hasdefaultocontent = true, it is ghosted;  if unghosted, the prop doesn't exist


if(args.Length == 0 || args[0].ToString().Equals("/?"))






string sURL = args[0].ToString();

bool hasError = false;

string sGhosted = CheckGhost(sURL, out hasError);




Console.WriteLine("\nError encountered: {0}", sGhosted);




Console.WriteLine("\nThe page at {0} is {1}", sURL, sGhosted);







static  void Help()


Console.WriteLine("\nghostcheck <URL>");

Console.WriteLine("\nExample:  ghostcheck https://<myserver>/sites/<site>/Lists/Contacts/NewForm.aspx");



static string CheckGhost(string FileURL, out bool ErrorFlag)


ErrorFlag = false;


SPSite oSite = null;

SPWeb oWeb = null;

SPFile oFile = null;




oSite = new SPSite(FileURL);


catch(System.Exception exSite)


ErrorFlag = true;

return String.Format("Error getting Site: {0}", exSite.Message);





oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb();


catch(System.Exception exWeb)


ErrorFlag = true;

return String.Format("Error getting Web: {0}", exWeb.Message);





oFile = oWeb.GetFile(FileURL);


catch(System.Exception exFile)


ErrorFlag = true;

return String.Format("Error getting File: {0}", exFile.Message);



System.Collections.Hashtable oHash = oFile.Properties;




return "ghosted (on file system)";




return "unghosted (in database)";








This utility uses the SharePoint object model, and so MUST BE RUN ON THE SERVER, not from a client.




ghostcheck.exe <URL>




ghostcheck.exe https://myserver/sites/mysite/Lists/Contacts/NewForm.aspx
