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Configuring Dynamic Send Ports Using WCF Adapters Context Properties

You can configure dynamic send ports for WCF adapters. The URI, action, and binding might be determined from a property on an incoming message, and then specified in the Expression shape, as shown in the following WCF-NetTcp adapter:


The following code shows an example of how to specify the WCF context properties in the Expression shape for a WCF-Custom adapter:

MessageOut(WCF.BindingConfiguration)=@"<binding name=""customBinding""><binaryMessageEncoding /><tcpTransport /></binding>";  

Considerations when specifying WCF context properties are as follows:

  • There are addresses that can be mapped to multiple adapters. For example, an address that starts with http:// or https:// can be handled by the HTTP adapter as well as by the WCF-BasicHttp, WCF-WsHttp, or WCF-Custom adapters. For another example, in the above sample code, both of them are using the address starts with net.tcp://, yet because the second sample code uses custom binding, WCF-Custom adapter should be used to handle the address. Therefore, to identify the correct adapter, you must configure the optional Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType field in an Expression shape with the adapter that you want to use.


    If the address starts with http:// or https://, and if you do not specify the Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType field, by default, the BizTalk engine will use the HTTP adapter.

  • The WCF.BindingType identifies the binding by name. It can be one of the following:

    • basicHttpBinding

    • customBinding

    • netMsmqBinding

    • netNamedPipeBinding

    • netTcpBinding

    • wsFederationHttpBinding

    • wsHttpBinding

      The above list can be extended. For example, you can add your own binding to it such as FtpBinding.

  • The WCF.BindingConfiguration specifies the binding configuration for the binding type. It takes any binding that are registered in the machine configuration file. It also takes the XML configuration in the same format as used in the binding configuration in the WCF configuration file.

  • You may need to specify additional WCF properties. You can type WCF in the Expression Editor, and the IntelliSense feature should list all the available context properties. For more information about WCF context properties, see WCF Adapters Property Schema and Properties.

    The preceding examples show how to configure WCF.Action with a single action. For multiple actions mapping scenarios, WCF adapter do not support using multiple actions mapping with dynamic send ports. You can just set the actual action in the WCF.Action context property as showing in above.

See Also

Specifying SOAP Actions for WCF Send Adapters
How to Use Expressions to Assign Values to Dynamic Ports
Port Bindings