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Como: preencher as coleções de objetos de várias fontes (LINQ)

Este exemplo mostra como mesclar dados de fontes diferentes em uma seqüência de novos tipos.


Não tente ingressar na memória dados ou dados no sistema de arquivos com os dados que ainda está em um banco de dados.Tais relações entre domínios podem levar a resultados indefinidos devido de diferentes maneiras nas quais as operações de associação poderão ser definidas para consultas de banco de dados e outros tipos de fontes.Além disso, há um risco de que tal operação poderia causar uma exceção de memória insuficiente se a quantidade de dados no banco de dados é grande o suficiente.Para ingressar em dados de um banco de dados para dados na memória, primeiro chame ToList ou ToArray no banco de dados de consulta e, em seguida, executar a associação na coleção retornada.

Para criar o arquivo de dados


O exemplo a seguir mostra como usar um tipo nomeado Student para armazenar dados mesclados de duas coleções na memória de seqüências de caracteres que simulam os dados da planilha em formato. csv.O primeiro conjunto de seqüências de caracteres representa os nomes do aluno e os IDs e a segunda coleção representa a identificação de aluno (na primeira coluna) e quatro pontuações de exame.A identificação é usada como a chave externa.

Class Student
    Public FirstName As String
    Public LastName As String
    Public ID As Integer
    Public ExamScores As List(Of Integer)
End Class

Class PopulateCollection

    Shared Sub Main()

        ' Merge content from spreadsheets into a list of Student objects.

        ' These data files are defined in How to: Join Content from 
        ' Dissimilar Files (LINQ).

        ' Each line of names.csv consists of a last name, a first name, and an
        ' ID number, separated by commas. For example, Omelchenko,Svetlana,111
        Dim names As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("../../../names.csv")

        ' Each line of scores.csv consists of an ID number and four test 
        ' scores, separated by commas. For example, 111, 97, 92, 81, 60
        Dim scores As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("../../../scores.csv")

        ' The following query merges the content of two dissimilar spreadsheets 
        ' based on common ID values.
        ' Multiple From clauses are used instead of a Join clause
        ' in order to store the results of scoreLine.Split.
        ' Note the dynamic creation of a list of integers for the
        ' ExamScores member. We skip the first item in the split string 
        ' because it is the student ID, not an exam score.
        Dim queryNamesScores = From nameLine In names
                          Let splitName = nameLine.Split(New Char() {","})
                          From scoreLine In scores
                          Let splitScoreLine = scoreLine.Split(New Char() {","})
                          Where splitName(2) = splitScoreLine(0)
                          Select New Student() With {
                               .FirstName = splitName(0), .LastName = splitName(1), .ID = splitName(2),
                               .ExamScores = (From scoreAsText In splitScoreLine Skip 1
                                             Select Convert.ToInt32(scoreAsText)).ToList()}

        ' Optional. Store the query results for faster access in future
        ' queries. This could be useful with very large data files.
        Dim students As List(Of Student) = queryNamesScores.ToList()

        ' Display each student's name and exam score average.
        For Each s In students
            Console.WriteLine("The average score of " & s.FirstName & " " &
                              s.LastName & " is " & s.ExamScores.Average())

        ' Keep console window open in debug mode.
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.")
    End Sub
End Class

' Output: 
' The average score of Omelchenko Svetlana is 82.5
' The average score of O'Donnell Claire is 72.25
' The average score of Mortensen Sven is 84.5
' The average score of Garcia Cesar is 88.25
' The average score of Garcia Debra is 67
' The average score of Fakhouri Fadi is 92.25
' The average score of Feng Hanying is 88
' The average score of Garcia Hugo is 85.75
' The average score of Tucker Lance is 81.75
' The average score of Adams Terry is 85.25
' The average score of Zabokritski Eugene is 83
' The average score of Tucker Michael is 92
class Student
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public List<int> ExamScores { get; set; }

class PopulateCollection
    static void Main()
        // These data files are defined in How to: Join Content from 
        // Dissimilar Files (LINQ).

        // Each line of names.csv consists of a last name, a first name, and an
        // ID number, separated by commas. For example, Omelchenko,Svetlana,111
        string[] names = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"../../../names.csv");

        // Each line of scores.csv consists of an ID number and four test 
        // scores, separated by commas. For example, 111, 97, 92, 81, 60
        string[] scores = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"../../../scores.csv");

        // Merge the data sources using a named type.
        // var could be used instead of an explicit type. Note the dynamic
        // creation of a list of ints for the ExamScores member. We skip 
        // the first item in the split string because it is the student ID, 
        // not an exam score.
        IEnumerable<Student> queryNamesScores =
            from nameLine in names
            let splitName = nameLine.Split(',')
            from scoreLine in scores
            let splitScoreLine = scoreLine.Split(',')
            where splitName[2] == splitScoreLine[0]
            select new Student()
                FirstName = splitName[0],
                LastName = splitName[1],
                ID = Convert.ToInt32(splitName[2]),
                ExamScores = (from scoreAsText in splitScoreLine.Skip(1)
                              select Convert.ToInt32(scoreAsText)).

        // Optional. Store the newly created student objects in memory
        // for faster access in future queries. This could be useful with
        // very large data files.
        List<Student> students = queryNamesScores.ToList();

        // Display each student's name and exam score average.
        foreach (var student in students)
            Console.WriteLine("The average score of {0} {1} is {2}.",
                student.FirstName, student.LastName,

        //Keep console window open in debug mode
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output: 
    The average score of Omelchenko Svetlana is 82.5.
    The average score of O'Donnell Claire is 72.25.
    The average score of Mortensen Sven is 84.5.
    The average score of Garcia Cesar is 88.25.
    The average score of Garcia Debra is 67.
    The average score of Fakhouri Fadi is 92.25.
    The average score of Feng Hanying is 88.
    The average score of Garcia Hugo is 85.75.
    The average score of Tucker Lance is 81.75.
    The average score of Adams Terry is 85.25.
    The average score of Zabokritski Eugene is 83.
    The average score of Tucker Michael is 92.

No Selecionar cláusula, um inicializador de objeto é usada para instanciar a cada novo Student o objeto usando os dados de duas fontes.

Se você não tiver que armazenar os resultados de uma consulta, tipos anônimos podem ser mais convenientes que tipos nomeados.Tipos nomeados são necessários se você passar os resultados da consulta fora do método no qual a consulta é executada.O exemplo a seguir executa a mesma tarefa do exemplo anterior, mas usa tipos anônimos, em vez de tipos nomeados:

' Merge the data by using an anonymous type. 
' Note the dynamic creation of a list of integers for the
' ExamScores member. We skip 1 because the first string
' in the array is the student ID, not an exam score.
Dim queryNamesScores2 =
    From nameLine In names
    Let splitName = nameLine.Split(New Char() {","})
    From scoreLine In scores
    Let splitScoreLine = scoreLine.Split(New Char() {","})
    Where splitName(2) = splitScoreLine(0)
    Select New With
           {.Last = splitName(0),
            .First = splitName(1),
            .ExamScores = (From scoreAsText In splitScoreLine Skip 1
                           Select Convert.ToInt32(scoreAsText)).ToList()}

' Display each student's name and exam score average.
For Each s In queryNamesScores2
    Console.WriteLine("The average score of " & s.First & " " &
                      s.Last & " is " & s.ExamScores.Average())
// Merge the data sources by using an anonymous type.
// Note the dynamic creation of a list of ints for the
// ExamScores member. We skip 1 because the first string
// in the array is the student ID, not an exam score.
var queryNamesScores2 =
    from nameLine in names
    let splitName = nameLine.Split(',')
    from scoreLine in scores
    let splitScoreLine = scoreLine.Split(',')
    where splitName[2] == splitScoreLine[0]
    select new
        First = splitName[0],
        Last = splitName[1],
        ExamScores = (from scoreAsText in splitScoreLine.Skip(1)
                      select Convert.ToInt32(scoreAsText))

// Display each student's name and exam score average.
foreach (var student in queryNamesScores2)
    Console.WriteLine("The average score of {0} {1} is {2}.",
        student.First, student.Last, student.ExamScores.Average());

Compilando o código

  • Siga as instruções de Como: associar-se o conteúdo de arquivos diferentes (LINQ) para configurar os arquivos de origem.

  • Criar um Visual Studio projeto destina-se a .NET Framework 3.5 ou posterior.Por padrão, o projeto tem uma referência a System.Core.dll e um using diretiva (C#) ou Imports instrução (Visual Basic) para o namespace System. LINQ.

  • Copie este código para seu projeto.

  • Pressione F5 para compilar e executar o programa.

  • Pressione qualquer tecla para sair da janela do console.

Consulte também


Objeto e coleção inicializadores (guia de programação do C#)

Tipos anônimos (guia de programação do C#)


LINQ e seqüências de caracteres