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HlinkParseDisplayName function

[HlinkParseDisplayName may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of the operating system or product.]

Note  The Microsoft ActiveX Hyperlink API is deprecated in Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later, and ActiveX technology as a whole is unsupported in the Microsoft Edge browser in favor of standards-based web APIs. For more information, see Saying goodbye to ActiveX, VBScript, attachEvent... and Get ready for plug-in free browsing.


Attempts to parse the given file moniker "display name" and return the corresponding moniker.


HRESULT HlinkParseDisplayName(
   LPBC     pbc,
   LPCWSTR  pwzDisplayName,
   BOOL     fNoForceAbs,
   ULONG    *pcchEaten,
   IMoniker **ppimk


  • pbc
    The address of the IBindCtx interface on the bind context to use for any moniker binding performed during the navigation. This must not be NULL.

  • pwzDisplayName
    The display name to parse.

  • fNoForceAbs
    A Boolean value that indicates whether to force the creation of an absolute moniker in the case that pwzDisplayName is a relative path name.

  • pcchEaten
    The number of characters eaten by the algorithm.

  • ppimk
    A pointer to an IMoniker interface.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.






