widgets Package

Contains functionality to view the progress of machine learning training runs in Jupyter Notebooks.

Supported run types include StepRun, PipelineRun, HyperDriveRun, and AutoMLRun. For more information on supported run types and environments, see RunDetails.



ParallelRunStep visualization widget.



Represents a Jupyter notebook widget used to view the progress of ParallelRunStep.

A widget is synchronous and provides updates until ParallelRunStep finishes.

Return a ParallelRunStepDetails widget based on the specified run type. The ParallelRunStep to be visualized can be specified in either of the following ways:

  • run_instance + step_name
  • workspace + run_id + step_name
  • workspace + step_run_id Please make sure one of these combinations is provided in the parameters. If multiple ways are provided, the one on top will be chosen.

:rtype azureml.widgets.ParallelRunStepDetails


Represents a Jupyter notebook widget used to view the progress of model training.

A widget is asynchronous and provides updates until training finishes.

Initialize widget with provided run instance.