The WHERE predicate supports subqueries, including IN, NOT IN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, and scalar subqueries. The following types of subqueries are not supported:
Nested subqueries, that is, an subquery inside another subquery
NOT IN subquery inside an OR, for example, a = 3 OR b NOT IN (SELECT c from t)
In most cases, you can rewrite NOT IN subqueries using NOT EXISTS. We recommend using
NOT EXISTS whenever possible, as DELETE with NOT IN subqueries can be slow.
> DELETEFROMeventsWHEREdate < '2017-01-01'
> DELETEFROM all_events
WHERE session_time < (SELECTmin(session_time) FROM good_events)
> DELETEFROM orders AS t1
WHEREEXISTS (SELECToidFROM returned_orders WHERE t1.oid = oid)
> DELETEFROMeventsWHEREcategoryNOTIN (SELECTcategoryFROM events2 WHEREdate > '2001-01-01')