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cloud_files_state table-valued function

Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL check marked yes Databricks Runtime 11.3 LTS and above

Returns the file-level state of an Auto Loader or read_files stream.


cloud_files_state( { TABLE ( table_name ) | checkpoint } )


  • table_name: The identifier of the streaming table that’s being written to by read_files. The name must not include a temporal specification. Available in Databricks Runtime 13.3 LTS and above.
  • checkpoint: A STRING literal. The checkpoint directory for a stream using the Auto Loader source. See What is Auto Loader?.


Returns a table with the following schema:


    The path of a file.


    The size of a file in bytes.

  • create_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL

    The time that a file was created.

  • discovery_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL


    This feature is in Private Preview. To try it, reach out to your Azure Databricks contact.

    The time that a file was discovered.

  • commit_time TIMESTAMP


    This feature is in Private Preview. To try it, reach out to your Azure Databricks contact.

    The time that a file was committed to the checkpoint after processing. NULL if the file is not yet processed. A file might be processed, but might be marked as committed arbitrarily later. Marking the file as committed means that Auto Loader does not require the file for processing again.

  • archive_time TIMESTAMP


    This feature is in Private Preview. To try it, reach out to your Azure Databricks contact.

    The time that a file was archived. NULL if the file has not been archived.

  • source_id STRING

    The ID of the Auto Loader source in the streaming query. This value is '0' for streams that ingest from a single cloud object store location.

  • flow_name STRING

    Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL check marked yes Databricks Runtime 13.3 and above

    The flow_name represents a specific streaming flow in DLT that contains one or more cloud-files sources. NULL if no table_name was given.


You need to have:

  • OWNER privileges on the streaming table if using a streaming table identifier.
  • READ FILES privileges on the checkpoint location if providing a checkpoint under an external location.


-- Simple example from checkpoint
> SELECT path FROM CLOUD_FILES_STATE('/some/checkpoint');

-- Simple example from source subdir
> SELECT path FROM CLOUD_FILES_STATE('/some/checkpoint/sources/0');

-- Simple example from streaming table
> SELECT path FROM CLOUD_FILES_STATE(TABLE(my_streaming_table));