Set up Pacemaker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in Azure

This article describes how to configure a basic Pacemaker cluster on Red Hat Enterprise Server (RHEL). The instructions cover RHEL 7, RHEL 8, and RHEL 9.


Read the following SAP Notes and papers first:

Cluster installation

Diagram that shows an overview of Pacemaker on RHEL.


Red Hat doesn't support a software-emulated watchdog. Red Hat doesn't support SBD on cloud platforms. For more information, see Support Policies for RHEL High-Availability Clusters - sbd and fence_sbd.

The only supported fencing mechanism for Pacemaker RHEL clusters on Azure is an Azure fence agent.


Pacemaker clusters that span multiple Virtual networks(VNets)/subnets are not covered by standard support policies.

The following items are prefixed with:

  • [A]: Applicable to all nodes
  • [1]: Only applicable to node 1
  • [2]: Only applicable to node 2

Differences in the commands or the configuration between RHEL 7 and RHEL 8/RHEL 9 are marked in the document.

  1. [A] Register. This step is optional. If you're using RHEL SAP HA-enabled images, this step isn't required.

    For example, if you're deploying on RHEL 7, register your VM and attach it to a pool that contains repositories for RHEL 7.

    sudo subscription-manager register
    # List the available pools
    sudo subscription-manager list --available --matches '*SAP*'
    sudo subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool id>

    When you attach a pool to an Azure Marketplace pay-as-you-go RHEL image, you're effectively double billed for your RHEL usage. You're billed once for the pay-as-you-go image and once for the RHEL entitlement in the pool you attach. To mitigate this situation, Azure now provides bring-your-own-subscription RHEL images. For more information, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux bring-your-own-subscription Azure images.

  2. [A] Enable RHEL for SAP repos. This step is optional. If you're using RHEL SAP HA-enabled images, this step isn't required.

    To install the required packages on RHEL 7, enable the following repositories:

    sudo subscription-manager repos --disable "*"
    sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms
    sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-ha-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
    sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-sap-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
    sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-ha-for-rhel-7-server-eus-rpms
  3. [A] Install the RHEL HA add-on.

     sudo yum install -y pcs pacemaker fence-agents-azure-arm nmap-ncat


    We recommend the following versions of the Azure fence agent (or later) for customers to benefit from a faster failover time, if a resource stop fails or the cluster nodes can't communicate with each other anymore:

    RHEL 7.7 or higher use the latest available version of fence-agents package.

    RHEL 7.6: fence-agents-4.2.1-11.el7_6.8

    RHEL 7.5: fence-agents-4.0.11-86.el7_5.8

    RHEL 7.4: fence-agents-4.0.11-66.el7_4.12

    For more information, see Azure VM running as a RHEL High-Availability cluster member takes a very long time to be fenced, or fencing fails/times out before the VM shuts down.


    We recommend the following versions of the Azure fence agent (or later) for customers who want to use managed identities for Azure resources instead of service principal names for the fence agent:

    RHEL 8.4: fence-agents-4.2.1-54.el8.

    RHEL 8.2: fence-agents-4.2.1-41.el8_2.4

    RHEL 8.1: fence-agents-4.2.1-30.el8_1.4

    RHEL 7.9: fence-agents-4.2.1-41.el7_9.4.


    On RHEL 9, we recommend the following package versions (or later) to avoid issues with the Azure fence agent:




    Check the version of the Azure fence agent. If necessary, update it to the minimum required version or later.

    # Check the version of the Azure Fence Agent
     sudo yum info fence-agents-azure-arm


    If you need to update the Azure fence agent, and if you're using a custom role, make sure to update the custom role to include the action powerOff. For more information, see Create a custom role for the fence agent.

  4. If you're deploying on RHEL 9, also install the resource agents for cloud deployment.

    sudo yum install -y resource-agents-cloud
  5. [A] Set up hostname resolution.

    You can either use a DNS server or modify the /etc/hosts file on all nodes. This example shows how to use the /etc/hosts file. Replace the IP address and the hostname in the following commands.


    If you're using hostnames in the cluster configuration, it's vital to have reliable hostname resolution. The cluster communication fails if the names aren't available, which can lead to cluster failover delays.

    The benefit of using /etc/hosts is that your cluster becomes independent of DNS, which could be a single point of failures too.

    sudo vi /etc/hosts

    Insert the following lines to /etc/hosts. Change the IP address and hostname to match your environment.

    # IP address of the first cluster node prod-cl1-0
    # IP address of the second cluster node prod-cl1-1
  6. [A] Change the hacluster password to the same password.

    sudo passwd hacluster
  7. [A] Add firewall rules for Pacemaker.

    Add the following firewall rules to all cluster communication between the cluster nodes.

    sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability --permanent
    sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability
  8. [A] Enable basic cluster services.

    Run the following commands to enable the Pacemaker service and start it.

    sudo systemctl start pcsd.service
    sudo systemctl enable pcsd.service
  9. [1] Create a Pacemaker cluster.

    Run the following commands to authenticate the nodes and create the cluster. Set the token to 30000 to allow memory preserving maintenance. For more information, see this article for Linux.

    If you're building a cluster on RHEL 7.x, use the following commands:

    sudo pcs cluster auth prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1 -u hacluster
    sudo pcs cluster setup --name nw1-azr prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1 --token 30000
    sudo pcs cluster start --all

    If you're building a cluster on RHEL 8.x/RHEL 9.x, use the following commands:

    sudo pcs host auth prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1 -u hacluster
    sudo pcs cluster setup nw1-azr prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1 totem token=30000
    sudo pcs cluster start --all

    Verify the cluster status by running the following command:

    # Run the following command until the status of both nodes is online
    sudo pcs status
    # Cluster name: nw1-azr
    # WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
    # Stack: corosync
    # Current DC: prod-cl1-1 (version 1.1.18-11.el7_5.3-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
    # Last updated: Fri Aug 17 09:18:24 2018
    # Last change: Fri Aug 17 09:17:46 2018 by hacluster via crmd on prod-cl1-1
    # 2 nodes configured
    # 0 resources configured
    # Online: [ prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1 ]
    # No resources
    # Daemon Status:
    #   corosync: active/disabled
    #   pacemaker: active/disabled
    #   pcsd: active/enabled
  10. [A] Set expected votes.

    # Check the quorum votes 
    pcs quorum status
    # If the quorum votes are not set to 2, execute the next command
    sudo pcs quorum expected-votes 2


    If you're building a multinode cluster, that is, a cluster with more than two nodes, don't set the votes to 2.

  11. [1] Allow concurrent fence actions.

    sudo pcs property set concurrent-fencing=true

Create a fencing device

The fencing device uses either a managed identity for Azure resource or a service principal to authorize against Azure.

To create a managed identity (MSI), create a system-assigned managed identity for each VM in the cluster. If a system-assigned managed identity already exists, it's used. Don't use user-assigned managed identities with Pacemaker at this time. A fence device, based on managed identity, is supported on RHEL 7.9 and RHEL 8.x/RHEL 9.x.

[1] Create a custom role for the fence agent

Both the managed identity and the service principal don't have permissions to access your Azure resources by default. You need to give the managed identity or service principal permissions to start and stop (power-off) all VMs of the cluster. If you haven't already created the custom role, you can create it by using PowerShell or the Azure CLI.

Use the following content for the input file. You need to adapt the content to your subscriptions, that is, replace xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx and yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy with the IDs of your subscription. If you only have one subscription, remove the second entry in AssignableScopes.

      "Name": "Linux Fence Agent Role",
      "description": "Allows to power-off and start virtual machines",
      "assignableScopes": [
      "actions": [
      "notActions": [],
      "dataActions": [],
      "notDataActions": []

[A] Assign the custom role

Use managed identity or service principal.

Assign the custom role Linux Fence Agent Role that was created in the last section to each managed identity of the cluster VMs. Each VM system-assigned managed identity needs the role assigned for every cluster VM's resource. For more information, see Assign a managed identity access to a resource by using the Azure portal. Verify that each VM's managed identity role assignment contains all the cluster VMs.


Be aware that assignment and removal of authorization with managed identities can be delayed until effective.

[1] Create the fencing devices

After you edit the permissions for the VMs, you can configure the fencing devices in the cluster.

sudo pcs property set stonith-timeout=900


The option pcmk_host_map is only required in the command if the RHEL hostnames and the Azure VM names are not identical. Specify the mapping in the format hostname:vm-name. Refer to the bold section in the command. For more information, see What format should I use to specify node mappings to fencing devices in pcmk_host_map?.

For RHEL 7.x, use the following command to configure the fence device:

sudo pcs stonith create rsc_st_azure fence_azure_arm msi=true resourceGroup="resource group" \ 
subscriptionId="subscription id" pcmk_host_map="prod-cl1-0:prod-cl1-0-vm-name;prod-cl1-1:prod-cl1-1-vm-name" \
power_timeout=240 pcmk_reboot_timeout=900 pcmk_monitor_timeout=120 pcmk_monitor_retries=4 pcmk_action_limit=3 pcmk_delay_max=15 \
op monitor interval=3600

For RHEL 8.x/9.x, use the following command to configure the fence device:

# Run following command if you are setting up fence agent on (two-node cluster and pacemaker version greater than 2.0.4-6.el8) OR (HANA scale out)
sudo pcs stonith create rsc_st_azure fence_azure_arm msi=true resourceGroup="resource group" \
subscriptionId="subscription id" pcmk_host_map="prod-cl1-0:prod-cl1-0-vm-name;prod-cl1-1:prod-cl1-1-vm-name" \
power_timeout=240 pcmk_reboot_timeout=900 pcmk_monitor_timeout=120 pcmk_monitor_retries=4 pcmk_action_limit=3 \
op monitor interval=3600

# Run following command if you are setting up fence agent on (two-node cluster and pacemaker version less than 2.0.4-6.el8)
sudo pcs stonith create rsc_st_azure fence_azure_arm msi=true resourceGroup="resource group" \
subscriptionId="subscription id" pcmk_host_map="prod-cl1-0:prod-cl1-0-vm-name;prod-cl1-1:prod-cl1-1-vm-name" \
power_timeout=240 pcmk_reboot_timeout=900 pcmk_monitor_timeout=120 pcmk_monitor_retries=4 pcmk_action_limit=3 pcmk_delay_max=15 \
op monitor interval=3600

If you're using a fencing device based on service principal configuration, read Change from SPN to MSI for Pacemaker clusters by using Azure fencing and learn how to convert to managed identity configuration.


  • To avoid fence races within a two-node pacemaker cluster, you can configure the priority-fencing-delay cluster property. This property introduces additional delay in fencing a node that has higher total resource priority when a split-brain scenario occurs. For more information, see Can Pacemaker fence the cluster node with the fewest running resources?.
  • The property priority-fencing-delay is applicable for Pacemaker version 2.0.4-6.el8 or higher and on a two-node cluster. If you configure the priority-fencing-delay cluster property, you don't need to set the pcmk_delay_max property. But if the Pacemaker version is less than 2.0.4-6.el8, you need to set the pcmk_delay_max property.
  • For instructions on how to set the priority-fencing-delay cluster property, see the respective SAP ASCS/ERS and SAP HANA scale-up HA documents.

The monitoring and fencing operations are deserialized. As a result, if there's a longer running monitoring operation and simultaneous fencing event, there's no delay to the cluster failover because the monitoring operation is already running.

[1] Enable the use of a fencing device

sudo pcs property set stonith-enabled=true


The Azure fence agent requires outbound connectivity to public endpoints. For more information along with possible solutions, see Public endpoint connectivity for VMs using standard ILB.

Configure Pacemaker for Azure scheduled events

Azure offers scheduled events. Scheduled events are sent via the metadata service and allow time for the application to prepare for such events.

The Pacemaker resource agent azure-events-az monitors for scheduled Azure events. If events are detected and the resource agent determines that another cluster node is available, it sets a cluster health attribute.

When the cluster health attribute is set for a node, the location constraint triggers and all resources with names that don't start with health- are migrated away from the node with the scheduled event. After the affected cluster node is free of running cluster resources, the scheduled event is acknowledged and can execute its action, such as a restart.

  1. [A] Make sure that the package for the azure-events-az agent is already installed and up to date.

    RHEL 8.x: sudo dnf info resource-agents
    RHEL 9.x: sudo dnf info resource-agents-cloud

    Minimum version requirements:

    • RHEL 8.4: resource-agents-4.1.1-90.13
    • RHEL 8.6: resource-agents-4.9.0-16.9
    • RHEL 8.8: resource-agents-4.9.0-40.1
    • RHEL 9.0: resource-agents-cloud-4.10.0-9.6
    • RHEL 9.2 and newer: resource-agents-cloud-4.10.0-34.1
  2. [1] Configure the resources in Pacemaker.

    #Place the cluster in maintenance mode
    sudo pcs property set maintenance-mode=true
  3. [1] Set the Pacemaker cluster health-node strategy and constraint.

    sudo pcs property set node-health-strategy=custom
    sudo pcs constraint location 'regexp%!health-.*' \
    rule score-attribute='#health-azure' \
    defined '#uname'


    Don't define any other resources in the cluster starting with health- besides the resources described in the next steps.

  4. [1] Set the initial value of the cluster attributes. Run for each cluster node and for scale-out environments including majority maker VM.

    sudo crm_attribute --node prod-cl1-0 --name '#health-azure' --update 0
    sudo crm_attribute --node prod-cl1-1 --name '#health-azure' --update 0
  5. [1] Configure the resources in Pacemaker. Make sure the resources start with health-azure.

    sudo pcs resource create health-azure-events \
    ocf:heartbeat:azure-events-az \
    op monitor interval=10s timeout=240s \
    op start timeout=10s start-delay=90s
    sudo pcs resource clone health-azure-events allow-unhealthy-nodes=true failure-timeout=120s
  6. Take the Pacemaker cluster out of maintenance mode.

    sudo pcs property set maintenance-mode=false
  7. Clear any errors during enablement and verify that the health-azure-events resources have started successfully on all cluster nodes.

    sudo pcs resource cleanup

    First-time query execution for scheduled events can take up to two minutes. Pacemaker testing with scheduled events can use reboot or redeploy actions for the cluster VMs. For more information, see Scheduled events.

Optional fencing configuration


This section is only applicable if you want to configure the special fencing device fence_kdump.

If you need to collect diagnostic information within the VM, it might be useful to configure another fencing device based on the fence agent fence_kdump. The fence_kdump agent can detect that a node entered kdump crash recovery and can allow the crash recovery service to complete before other fencing methods are invoked. Note that fence_kdump isn't a replacement for traditional fence mechanisms, like the Azure fence agent, when you're using Azure VMs.


Be aware that when fence_kdump is configured as a first-level fencing device, it introduces delays in the fencing operations and, respectively, delays in the application resources failover.

If a crash dump is successfully detected, the fencing is delayed until the crash recovery service completes. If the failed node is unreachable or if it doesn't respond, the fencing is delayed by time determined, the configured number of iterations, and the fence_kdump timeout. For more information, see How do I configure fence_kdump in a Red Hat Pacemaker cluster?.

The proposed fence_kdump timeout might need to be adapted to the specific environment.

We recommend that you configure fence_kdump fencing only when necessary to collect diagnostics within the VM and always in combination with traditional fence methods, such as the Azure fence agent.

The following Red Hat KB articles contain important information about configuring fence_kdump fencing:

Run the following optional steps to add fence_kdump as a first-level fencing configuration, in addition to the Azure fence agent configuration.

  1. [A] Verify that kdump is active and configured.

    systemctl is-active kdump
    # Expected result
    # active
  2. [A] Install the fence_kdump fence agent.

    yum install fence-agents-kdump
  3. [1] Create a fence_kdump fencing device in the cluster.

    pcs stonith create rsc_st_kdump fence_kdump pcmk_reboot_action="off" pcmk_host_list="prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1" timeout=30
  4. [1] Configure fencing levels so that the fence_kdump fencing mechanism is engaged first.

    pcs stonith create rsc_st_kdump fence_kdump pcmk_reboot_action="off" pcmk_host_list="prod-cl1-0 prod-cl1-1"
    pcs stonith level add 1 prod-cl1-0 rsc_st_kdump
    pcs stonith level add 1 prod-cl1-1 rsc_st_kdump
    pcs stonith level add 2 prod-cl1-0 rsc_st_azure
    pcs stonith level add 2 prod-cl1-1 rsc_st_azure
    # Check the fencing level configuration 
    pcs stonith level
    # Example output
    # Target: prod-cl1-0
    # Level 1 - rsc_st_kdump
    # Level 2 - rsc_st_azure
    # Target: prod-cl1-1
    # Level 1 - rsc_st_kdump
    # Level 2 - rsc_st_azure
  5. [A] Allow the required ports for fence_kdump through the firewall.

    firewall-cmd --add-port=7410/udp
    firewall-cmd --add-port=7410/udp --permanent
  6. [A] Ensure that the initramfs image file contains the fence_kdump and hosts files. For more information, see How do I configure fence_kdump in a Red Hat Pacemaker cluster?.

    lsinitrd /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)kdump.img | egrep "fence|hosts"
    # Example output 
    # -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          208 Jun  7 21:42 etc/hosts
    # -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        15560 Jun 17 14:59 usr/libexec/fence_kdump_send
  7. [A] Perform the fence_kdump_nodes configuration in /etc/kdump.conf to avoid fence_kdump from failing with a timeout for some kexec-tools versions. For more information, see fence_kdump times out when fence_kdump_nodes is not specified with kexec-tools version 2.0.15 or later and fence_kdump fails with "timeout after X seconds" in a RHEL 6 or 7 High Availability cluster with kexec-tools versions older than 2.0.14. The example configuration for a two-node cluster is presented here. After you make a change in /etc/kdump.conf, the kdump image must be regenerated. To regenerate, restart the kdump service.

    vi /etc/kdump.conf
    # On node prod-cl1-0 make sure the following line is added
    fence_kdump_nodes  prod-cl1-1
    # On node prod-cl1-1 make sure the following line is added
    fence_kdump_nodes  prod-cl1-0
    # Restart the service on each node
    systemctl restart kdump
  8. Test the configuration by crashing a node. For more information, see How do I configure fence_kdump in a Red Hat Pacemaker cluster?.


    If the cluster is already in productive use, plan the test accordingly because crashing a node has an impact on the application.

    echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Next steps