Streaming Support for LOB Data Types in Oracle Database

The Oracle database supports streaming on large object (LOB) data types. The Oracle Database adaptersupports message streaming, which makes it possible to stream LOB data end-to-end between the Oracle database and an adapter client. However, streaming is not supported in the same manner across all programming models when you use the adapter.

The following shows how end-to-end streaming of LOB data types is supported by the adapter across different programming models.

Operation WCF Channel Model WCF Service Model BizTalk Server
Table/View Insert operation Not supported Not supported Not supported
Table/View Select operation Supported Not supported Supported
Table/View Update operation Not supported Not supported Not supported
Table/View Delete operation Not supported Not supported Not supported
Table/View ReadLOB operation Supported; however, the ReadLOB operations is surfaced primarily to support streaming in the WCF service model, it is not recommended for use in the WCF channel model. Use a Select operation or the SQLEXECUTE operation instead. Supported The ReadLOB operation is not supported for BizTalk Server. Use a Select operation instead.
Table/View UpdateLOB operation Supported Not Supported Supported
SQLEXECUTE operation Supported in the response Not Supported Supported in the response
Stored procedure and function operation Supported in the response Not Supported Supported in the response
POLLINGSTMT operation Supported Not Supported Supported

For more comprehensive information about how streaming of LOB data types is supported by the adapter and how it is supported when you use various programming models with the adapter, see Streaming large object data types.

See Also

Overview of BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database