Users don't need Defender for Endpoint installed on their local devices to get Safe Documents protection. Users get Safe Documents protection if all of the following requirements are met:
Safe Documents is enabled in the organization as described in this article.
Licenses from a required licensing plan are assigned to the users. Safe Documents is controlled by the Office 365 SafeDocs (or SAFEDOCS or bf6f5520-59e3-4f82-974b-7dbbc4fd27c7) service plan (also known as a service). This service plan is available in the following licensing plans (also known as license plans, Microsoft 365 plans, or products):
Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty
Microsoft 365 A5 for Students
Microsoft 365 E5 Security
Safe Documents isn't included in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 licensing plans.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can do the procedures in this article. You have the following options:
Microsoft Defender XDR Unified role based access control (RBAC) (If Email & collaboration > Defender for Office 365 permissions is Active. Affects the Defender portal only, not PowerShell): Authorization and settings/Security settings/Core Security settings (manage) or Authorization and settings/Security settings/Core Security settings (read).
Configure Safe Documents settings: Membership in the Organization Management or Security Administrator role groups.
Read-only access to Safe Documents settings: Membership in the Global Reader, Security Reader, or View-Only Organization Management role groups.
Microsoft Entra permissions: Membership in the Global Administrator*, Security Administrator, Global Reader, or Security Reader roles gives users the required permissions and permissions for other features in Microsoft 365.
* Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.
File information sent by Safe Documents isn't retained in Defender for Endpoint beyond the time needed for analysis (typically, less than 24 hours).
Use the Microsoft Defender portal to configure Safe Documents
In the Microsoft Defender portal, go to the Safe Attachments page at, go to Email & Collaboration > Policies & Rules > Threat policies > Safe Attachments in the Policies section. Or, to go directly to the Safe Attachments page, use
On the Safe Attachments page, select Global settings.
In the Global settings flyout that opens, confirm or configure the following settings:
Turn on Safe Documents for Office clients: Move the toggle to the right to turn on the feature:
Allow people to click through Protected View even if Safe Documents identified the file as malicious: We recommend that you leave this option turned off
When you're finished in the Global settings flyout, select Save.
Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure Safe Documents
If you'd rather user PowerShell to configure Safe Documents, use the following syntax in Exchange Online PowerShell:
The EnableSafeDocs parameter enables or disables Safe Documents for the entire organization.
The AllowSafeDocsOpen parameter allows or prevents users from leaving Protected View (that is, opening the document) if the document has been identified as malicious.
This example enables Safe Documents for the entire organization, and prevents users from opening documents that have been identified as malicious from Protected View.
Onboard to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service to enable auditing capabilities
To enable auditing capabilities, the local device needs to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint installed. To deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you need to go through the various phases of deployment. After onboarding, you can configure auditing capabilities in the Microsoft Defender portal.
To verify that you've enabled and configured Safe Documents, do any of the following steps:
In the Microsoft Defender portal, go to the Safe Attachments page at, select Global settings, and verify the Turn on Safe Documents for Office clients and Allow people to click through Protected View even if Safe Documents identifies the file as malicious settings.
Run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell and verify the property values:
Get-AtpPolicyForO365 | Format-List *SafeDocs*
The following files are available to test Safe Documents protection. These files are similar to the EICAR.TXT file for testing anti-malware and anti-virus solutions. The files aren't harmful, but they trigger Safe Documents protection.
En este módulo se examina cómo administrar datos adjuntos seguros en el inquilino de Microsoft 365 mediante la creación y configuración de directivas y el uso de reglas de transporte para deshabilitar que una directiva surta efecto en determinados escenarios. MS-102
Demuestre los aspectos básicos de la seguridad de los datos, la administración del ciclo de vida, la seguridad de la información y el cumplimiento para proteger una implementación de Microsoft 365.
Los administradores pueden aprender a usar el analizador de configuración para buscar y corregir directivas de seguridad menos seguras que Standard protección y protección estricta en directivas de seguridad preestablecidas.
Microsoft Defender para Office 365 es un servicio de filtrado de correo electrónico basado en la nube que ayuda a proteger su organización contra malware y virus desconocidos al proporcionar una sólida protección de día cero e incluye características para proteger su organización de vínculos dañinos en tiempo real.
Obtenga información sobre cómo definir directivas de datos adjuntos seguros para proteger su organización de archivos malintencionados en el correo electrónico.
La purga automática de cero horas (ZAP) mueve los mensajes entregados en los buzones de Microsoft 365 a la carpeta junk Email o a la cuarentena si esos mensajes se detectan de forma retroactiva como correo no deseado, suplantación de identidad (phishing) o malware.
Describe el panel de entidades de mensajes de Teams para Microsoft Teams en Microsoft Defender para Office 365 Plan 2, cómo funciona después de la infracción como ZAP y Vínculos seguros y proporciona a los administradores un único panel de cristal en las amenazas de chat y canal de Teams, como direcciones URL sospechosas.