9 apr., 15 - 10 apr., 12
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In this quickstart, you use the Microsoft Entra admin center to add an enterprise application to your Microsoft Entra tenant. Microsoft Entra ID has a gallery that contains thousands of enterprise applications that are already preintegrated. Many of the applications your organization uses are probably already in the gallery. This quickstart uses the application named Microsoft Entra SAML Toolkit as an example, but the concepts apply for most enterprise applications in the gallery.
We recommend that you use a nonproduction environment to test the steps in this quickstart.
To add an enterprise application to your Microsoft Entra tenant, you need:
To add an enterprise application to your tenant:
Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Cloud Application Administrator.
Browse to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications > All applications.
Select New application.
The Browse Microsoft Entra Gallery pane opens and displays tiles for cloud platforms, on-premises applications, and featured applications. Applications listed in the Featured applications section have icons indicating whether they support federated single sign-on (SSO) and provisioning. Search for and select the application. In this quickstart, Microsoft Entra SAML Toolkit is being used.
Enter a name that you want to use to recognize the instance of the application. For example, Microsoft Entra SAML Toolkit 1
Select Create, you're taken to the application that you registered.
You should assign owners to the application as a best practice at this point.
If you choose to install an application that uses OpenID Connect based SSO, instead of seeing a Create button, you see a button that redirects you to the application sign-in or sign-up page depending on whether you already have an account there. For more information, see Add an OpenID Connect based single sign-on application. After sign-in, the application is added to your tenant.
If you're planning to complete the next quickstart, keep the enterprise application that you created. Otherwise, you can consider deleting it to clean up your tenant. For more information, see Delete an application.
To add an application from the Microsoft Entra gallery programmatically, use the applicationTemplate: instantiate API in Microsoft Graph.
Learn how to create a user account and assign it to the enterprise application that you added.
9 apr., 15 - 10 apr., 12
Codificați viitorul cu AI și conectați-vă cu colegii și experții Java la JDConf 2025.
Înregistrați-vă acumInstruire
Verwalten des Anwendungszugriffs in Microsoft Entra ID - Training
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Aktivieren des einmaligen Anmeldens für eine Unternehmensanwendungen in Microsoft Entra ID
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie das einmalige Anmelden zwischen Microsoft Entra ID und Microsoft Entra SAML-Toolkit konfigurieren.