Campionatele Mondiale Power BI DataViz
14 feb., 16 - 31 mar., 16
Cu 4 șanse de a intra, ai putea câștiga un pachet de conferință și ai putea ajunge la Marea Finală LIVE din Las Vegas
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Do you want to show off how your app integrates with Power Automate? We now Test Drive solutions on AppSource.com as a way for you to share Power Automate integration with customers, and generate leads for your business.
A Test Drive solution enables your customers to try out a real app without installing any applications. Customers just sign into AppSource.com using their Microsoft Entra ID (Microsoft Entra ID) account and run the app in a web browser. Without Test Drive, customers can only read about your app or watch a video that describes it. With Test Drive, customers get a better idea of what your solution is and what functionality your app has. And they have the experience of actually using the app. Customers won't be able to look under the hood to see how your app is built, so your intellectual property is protected. We collect and share lead information with you to help you grow your business.
Building an app for a Test Drive solution is just like building any app, but you need to use a data source that the user can be granted access to as a read-only user. Using a data source that's already set up will mean there is zero friction for them to try it out. The full solution that you ultimately distribute to customers will include writable data, but read-only data works well for a Test Drive solution.
Once you have a data source that you can grant the user read-only access to, you can embed Power Automate into your application. Read more about embedding here. You will likely want to use the search functionality to highlight templates that are unique to your application. For example, if your application creates data in Dynamics 365, you can highlight a Dynamics 365 template that pulls data and then sends an email to the user.
Now that your app is ready, it's time to publish it to AppSource.com. In order to start this process, please complete the application form. Once you apply you will receive an email with instructions on how to submit your app to be published on AppSource.com.
Campionatele Mondiale Power BI DataViz
14 feb., 16 - 31 mar., 16
Cu 4 șanse de a intra, ai putea câștiga un pachet de conferință și ai putea ajunge la Marea Finală LIVE din Las Vegas
Aflați mai multeInstruire
Cale de învățare
This learning path covers sharing Power Automate cloud flows, using Power Apps for app creation, managing solutions in Power Automate, and transporting and customizing apps within Microsoft Power Platform.
Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Fundamentals - Certifications
Demonstrează valoarea afacerii și capacitățile de produs ale Microsoft Power Platform, cum ar fi Power Apps, conexiunile de date cu Dataverse și Power Automate.
Extindeți aplicațiile cu Power Automate - Power Automate
Creați un conector personalizat, partajați-l, încorporați un flux în cloud și faceți multe altele.
Lucrul cu fluxurile pentru cloud folosind cod - Power Automate
Aflați cum să lucrați cu fluxuri cloud folosind codul folosind Dataverse SDK-ul pentru .NET și API-ul web.