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Product Details Default Page

The Product Details default page displays details of a product and also lets shoppers add the product to the cart. The following list outlines the functionality of the Product Details default page:

  • Displays an image of the product

  • Displays ratings for a product

  • Provides a link to read all the reviews for the product

  • Provides a link to write a review for the product

  • Displays a subset of customer reviews of a product

  • Displays product details for a product

  • Displays a section of products that have been suggested for purchase (cross sells)

  • Lets a shoppers add a product or product variant to their shopping cart

  • Lets shoppers add a product or product variant their wish list

  • Provides a link to static content for help

User Controls

There are no custom user controls required for this page.

Web Parts

The following Web Parts were used to create the Product Details default page.

Web Part


Add To Cart Web Part

Adds a product or product variant to the shopping cart.

Image Viewer Web Part

Displays an image of the product.

Product Details Web Part

Provides product detail information.

Product Provider Web Part

Retrieves the product information from Commerce Server.

Reviews and Ratings - Average Rating Web Part

Displays the average product rating.

Reviews and Ratings - List Web Part

Displays product reviews and ratings.

The Image Viewer Web Part displays an image of the product. It works in conjunction with the Product Provider Web Part, and is configured to return the product property that contains the image file location.

There are three instances of the Product Details Web Part on this page: one to display detailed information of a product, for example, price, a second one to display the details of the product, and a third to display the cross sells of the product in the "May we also suggest" section. Therefore, three XSL transforms will need to be created for each instance.

The Product Details Web Part handles the following features:

  • Displays ratings for a product

  • Provides a link to read all the reviews for that product

  • Provides a link to write a review for the product

  • Displays product details for a product

  • Displays a section of products that have been suggested for purchase also (cross sells)

  • Provides a link to static content for help

The Add to Cart Web Part adds the product or product variant to the shopping cart or wish list. This Web Part is connected to the Product Provider Web Part.

The Reviews and Ratings - Average Rating Web Part provides the average rating based on all of the customer ratings for the product.

The Reviews and Ratings - List Web Part provides a list of individual reviews and ratings.

The Product Provider Web Part retrieves the product from Commerce Server 2009 along with the product and variant properties defined by the consumer Web Parts listed above. It is configured for the correct channel and catalog, and set to include variants and cross sells for the retrieved product.

See Also

Other Resources

Working With the Product Details Web Part

Product Details Web Part

Working With the Default Site

Default Catalog Pages

Working With the Image Viewer Web Part

Images Viewer Web Part

Working With the Add to Cart Web Part

Add to Cart Web Part

Working With the Reviews and Ratings List Web Part

Reviews And Ratings List Web Part

Working With the Reviews and Ratings Average Rating Web Part

Reviews And Ratings Average Rating Web Part

Working With the Product Provider Web Part

Product Provider Web Part