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Open forms, views, dialogs and reports with a URL


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

URL addressable elements enable you to include links to Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms, views, dialogs, and reports in other applications. In this manner, you can easily extend other applications, reports, or websites so that users can view information and perform actions without switching applications.


  • URL addressable forms, views, dialogs, and reports cannot bypass Microsoft Dynamics CRM security. Only licensed Microsoft Dynamics CRM users, based on their security roles, can access the data and the records they see.

  • Use Xrm.Utility.72a66f93-92df-42b9-a8fd-b6125c7fe83b#BKMK_OpenEntityForm when you open entity forms programmatically within the application by using web resources. Do not use

  • Outside the application, where pages do not have access to the Xrm.Utility.72a66f93-92df-42b9-a8fd-b6125c7fe83b#BKMK_OpenEntityForm function, use or a link to open a specific record or form for an entity. The entire application will open for any of the Updated entities.

In This Topic

URL Addressable Forms and Views

  • Query String Parameters for the Main.aspx Page

  • Copy the URL for a View

  • Display a View in the Application Navigation using the Site Map

Opening a Dialog Process by using a URL

Opening a Report by using a URL

URL Addressable Forms and Views

All entity forms and views are displayed in the main.aspx page. Query string parameters passed to this page control what will be displayed. For example:

  • To open a new account entity record form for on-premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM:

  • To open an account entity record form for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online where the id is {91330924-802A-4B0D-A900-34FD9D790829}:
  • To open the Closed Opportunities view for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online:
  • To open the Active Contacts view for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online with no navigation bar or command bar{00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001004}&viewtype=1039&navbar=off&cmdbar=false


Opening entity forms in a dialog window by using showModalDialog or showModelessDialog is not supported.

Displaying an entity form within an IFrame embedded in another entity form is not supported.

You will typically use the d7d0b052-abca-4f81-9b86-0b9dc5e62a66#BKMK_getClientUrl method to retrieve the organization root Url for both on-premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.

Query String Parameters for the Main.aspx Page


To get the id value for any record, use the Send a Link button the command bar. The following is an example of what will be opened in your email application:


The id parameter passed to the URL is the encoded id value for the record. In this example the id value is {899D4FCF-F4D3-E011-9D26-00155DBA3819}. The encoded version of the GUID substitutes opening and closing brackets “{” and “}” with “%7B” and “%7D”, respectively,

The following are the query string parameters used with the main.aspx page to open entity forms or views:




The logical name of the entity.


Do not use the etc (entity type code) parameter that contains an integer code for the entity. This integer code varies for custom entities in different organizations.


Optional for forms. This parameter contains encoded parameters within this parameter.

Use this parameter to pass values to a form. For more information, see Set field values using parameters passed to a form.

When an entity has more than one form defined, you can use this parameter to specify which form to open by passing the encoded parameter formid with the value equal to the ID value of the form. For example, to open a form with the ID of ‘6009c1fe-ae99-4a41-a59f-a6f1cf8b9daf’, include this value in the extraqs parameter: formid%3D6009c1fe-ae99-4a41-a59f-a6f1cf8b9daf%0D%0A.


The type of page. There are two possible values:

  • entityrecord

    Displays an entity record form.

  • entitylist

    Displays an entity view.


Optional for forms. Use this when you open a specific entity record. Pass in the encoded GUID identifier for the entity. The encoded version of the GUID substitutes opening and closing brackets “{“ and “}” with “%7B” and “%7D”, respectively, for example {91330924-802A-4B0D-A900-34FD9D790829} is %7B91330924-802A-4B0D-A900-34FD9D790829%7D.


Required for views. This is the ID of the savedquery or userquery entity record that defines the view. The easiest way to get the URL for a view is to copy it. For more information, see Copy the URL for a View.


Defines the view type. Possible values are as follows:

  • 1039

    Use for a system view. The viewid represents the Id of a savedquery record.

  • 4230

    Use for a personal view. The viewid represents the Id of a userquery record.


Controls whether the navigation bar is displayed and whether application navigation is available using the areas and subareas defined in the sitemap.

  • on

    The navigation bar is displayed. This is the default behavior if the navbar parameter is not used.

  • off

    The navigation bar is not displayed. People can navigate using other user interface elements or the back and forward buttons.

  • entity

    On an entity form, only the navigation options for related entities are available. After navigating to a related entity, a back button is displayed in the navigation bar to allow returning to the original record.


Controls whether the command bar is displayed.


This capability supports requirements for the Unified Service Desk for Microsoft Dynamics CRM application.
Using this to display an entity form within an IFrame embedded in another entity form is not supported.

  • true

    The command bar is displayed. This is the default.

  • false

    The command bar is hidden.

Copy the URL for a View

Many views in Microsoft Dynamics CRM let a user copy the URL for a particular view or send an email with the URL for a particular view embedded in the message. This feature makes communication between users easier, and exposes a way for you to gain access to a URL for a view that users can include in another application, such as a SharePoint site.


Do not use this URL to include the view in application navigation using the site map. For more information, see Display a View in the Application Navigation using the Site Map.

The page displayed by the URL includes the full view. This includes the ribbon, but does not include the application navigation.

Get the URL for a View

  1. Open the view you want to use.

  2. On the command bar, choose Send a Link, and then choose Of Current View.

  3. Paste the link into Notepad and edit it to extract only the URL part of the text that you want.


  • Views that use the user context as a parameter, such as My Accounts, cannot be copied.

  • The GUID that represents system views for system entities will be the same for each on-premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation. The GUID for custom entities and custom views will be unique for each Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation.

Display a View in the Application Navigation using the Site Map

When you customize the application navigation using the site map, do not use the view URL that you copied from the application using the steps in Copy the URL for a View to set as the URL. That URL displays a page that includes the ribbon and produces undesirable results if used in a <SubArea> (SiteMap) Url attribute.

To display a list of entity records within the application for a SubArea set the Entity attribute value. This displays the default view for that entity and provides the correct title and icon.

However, if you want to have a SubArea element that uses a specific initial default view, use the following Url pattern.

Url=“/_root/homepage.aspx?etn=<entity logical name >&amp;viewid=%7b<GUID value of view id>%7d”

When you use this URL, you must also specify appropriate values for <Titles> (SiteMap) and <Descriptions> (SiteMap), and specify an icon for the entity.


If you specify the view using the /_root/homepage.aspx page, the view selector will still be shown. If the user changes the view, Microsoft Dynamics CRM remembers the user’s most recent selection and the initial default view displays after they close and re-open their browser.

Opening a Dialog Process by using a URL

A common customization is to enable a user to open a specific dialog process in the context of a specific record. For example, you might want to add a custom button to the ribbon for a specific entity using the id value for current record as an input parameter for the dialog process.

To open a dialog you need the following:

  • The unique identifier for the dialog.

  • The logical name for the entity the dialog is created for.

  • The unique identifier for the record you want to have the dialog run against.


To get the unique identifier for the dialog, navigate to Settings, in the default solution select Processes. Select a process and then in the Actions options on the command bar, choose Copy a Link. This will copy a link to edit the dialog to your clipboard, for example, [organization url]/sfa/workflow/edit.aspx?id=%7b6A6E93C9-1FE6-4C07-91A9-E0E2A7C70976%7d.

The following sample shows the URL and query string parameters to open a dialog:

[organization url]/cs/dialog/rundialog.aspx?DialogId=[dialog unique identifier]&EntityName=[entity logical name]&ObjectId=[unique identifier for the record]

For example, to open the dialog with id ={6A6E93C9-1FE6-4C07-91A9-E0E2A7C70976} with the account record id = {40C9ADFD-90A8-DF11-840E-00155DBA380F}, use the URL in the following example.

[organization url]/cs/dialog/rundialog.aspx?DialogId=%7b6A6E93C9-1FE6-4C07-91A9-E0E2A7C70976%7d&EntityName=account&ObjectId=%7b40C9ADFD-90A8-DF11-840E-00155DBA380F%7d


For browsers other than Internet Explorer, if a dialog process is opened from a link, the Finish button may not work. The data will be saved, but the user will need to choose the Close button on the window to close it. This is because other browsers do not provide a window.close method if the window is not opened using JavaScript from another window. When possible, use JavaScript and the method to open dialog processes rather than simply providing links.

You can create a JavaScript function to open the dialog as shown in the following example:

function openDialogProcess(dialogId, entityName, objectId)
 var url = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() +
  "/cs/dialog/rundialog.aspx?DialogId=" +
  dialogId + "&EntityName=" +
  entityName + "&ObjectId=" +

Opening a Report by using a URL

You can open a report by passing appropriate parameter values to the following URL: [organization url]/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx.

This URL accepts the following parameters:

  • action
    Two possible values for this parameter are run or filter. When run is used, the report will be displayed using the default filters. When filter is used, the report will display a filter that the user can edit before choosing the Run Report button to view the report.

  • helpID
    This parameter is optional. For reports that are included with Microsoft Dynamics CRM the value in this parameter allows the Help button to display appropriate content about this report when Help on This Page is chosen. The value should correspond to the report FileName attribute value.

  • id
    This parameter is the report ReportId attribute value.

The following examples show URLs that can be used to open reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

  • Open the Neglected Cases report using the default filter:

    [organization url]/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&helpID=Neglected%20Cases.rdl&id=%7b8c9f3e6f-7839-e211-831e-00155db7d98f%7d
  • Open the Top Knowledge Base Articles report and prompt the user to set filter values:

    [organization url]/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=filter&helpID=Top%20Knowledge%20Base%20Articles.rdl&id=%7bd84ec390-7839-e211-831e-00155db7d98f%7d

The following function shows how to properly encode values in the URL:

function getReportURL(action,fileName,id) {
 var orgUrl = GetGlobalContext().getClientUrl();
 var reportUrl = orgUrl + 
  "/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=" +
  encodeURIComponent(action) +
  "&helpID=" +
  encodeURIComponent(fileName) +
  "&id=%7b" +
  encodeURIComponent(id) +
 return reportUrl;

See Also

Write client application extensions
Set field values using parameters passed to a form
Configure a form to accept custom querystring parameters
Change application navigation using the SiteMap
Customize commands and the ribbon
Write code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms
Web resources for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

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