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Walkthrough: Using Touch in Xamarin.iOS

This walkthrough demonstrates how to write code that responds to different kinds of touch events. Each example is contained in a separate screen:

Each section contains instructions to write the code from scratch.

Follow the instructions below to add code to the storyboard, and learn about the different types of touch events available in iOS.

Touch Samples

In this sample, we will demonstrate some of the touch APIs. Follow these steps to add the code required to implement touch events:

  1. Open the project Touch_Start. First run the project to make sure everything is okay, and touch the Touch Samples button. You should see a screen similar to the following (although none of the buttons will work):

    Sample app run with non-working buttons

  2. Edit the file TouchViewController.cs and add the following two instance variables to the class TouchViewController:

    #region Private Variables
    private bool imageHighlighted = false;
    private bool touchStartedInside;
  3. Implement the TouchesBegan method, as shown in the code below:

    public override void TouchesBegan(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
        base.TouchesBegan(touches, evt);
        // If Multitouch is enabled, report the number of fingers down
        TouchStatus.Text = string.Format ("Number of fingers {0}", touches.Count);
        // Get the current touch
        UITouch touch = touches.AnyObject as UITouch;
        if (touch != null)
            // Check to see if any of the images have been touched
            if (TouchImage.Frame.Contains(touch.LocationInView(TouchView)))
                // Fist image touched
                TouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("TouchMe_Touched.png");
                TouchStatus.Text = "Touches Began";
            } else if (touch.TapCount == 2 && DoubleTouchImage.Frame.Contains(touch.LocationInView(TouchView)))
                // Second image double-tapped, toggle bitmap
                if (imageHighlighted)
                    DoubleTouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("DoubleTapMe.png");
                    TouchStatus.Text = "Double-Tapped Off";
                    DoubleTouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("DoubleTapMe_Highlighted.png");
                    TouchStatus.Text = "Double-Tapped On";
                imageHighlighted = !imageHighlighted;
            } else if (DragImage.Frame.Contains(touch.LocationInView(View)))
                // Third image touched, prepare to drag
                touchStartedInside = true;

    This method works by checking for a UITouch object, and if it exists perform some action based on where the touch occurred:

    • Inside TouchImage – display the text Touches Began in a label and change the image.
    • Inside DoubleTouchImage – change the image displayed if the gesture was a double-tap.
    • Inside DragImage – set a flag indicating that the touch has started. The method TouchesMoved will use this flag to determine if DragImage should be moved around the screen or not, as we shall see in the next step.

    The above code only deals with individual touches, there is still no behavior if the user is moving their finger on the screen. To respond to movement, implement TouchesMoved as shown in the code below:

    public override void TouchesMoved(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
        base.TouchesMoved(touches, evt);
        // get the touch
        UITouch touch = touches.AnyObject as UITouch;
        if (touch != null)
            //==== IMAGE TOUCH
            if (TouchImage.Frame.Contains(touch.LocationInView(TouchView)))
                TouchStatus.Text = "Touches Moved";
            //==== IMAGE DRAG
            // check to see if the touch started in the drag me image
            if (touchStartedInside)
                // move the shape
                float offsetX = touch.PreviousLocationInView(View).X - touch.LocationInView(View).X;
                float offsetY = touch.PreviousLocationInView(View).Y - touch.LocationInView(View).Y;
                DragImage.Frame = new RectangleF(new PointF(DragImage.Frame.X - offsetX, DragImage.Frame.Y - offsetY), DragImage.Frame.Size);

    This method gets a UITouch object, and then checks to see where the touch occurred. If the touch occurred in TouchImage, then the text Touches Moved is displayed on the screen.

    If touchStartedInside is true, then we know that the user has their finger on DragImage and is moving it around. The code will move DragImage as the user moves their finger around the screen.

  4. We need to handle the case when the user lifts his or her finger off the screen, or iOS cancels the touch event. For this, we will implement TouchesEnded and TouchesCancelled as shown below:

    public override void TouchesCancelled(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
        base.TouchesCancelled(touches, evt);
        // reset our tracking flags
        touchStartedInside = false;
        TouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("TouchMe.png");
        TouchStatus.Text = "";
    public override void TouchesEnded(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
        base.TouchesEnded(touches, evt);
        // get the touch
        UITouch touch = touches.AnyObject as UITouch;
        if (touch != null)
            //==== IMAGE TOUCH
            if (TouchImage.Frame.Contains(touch.LocationInView(TouchView)))
                TouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("TouchMe.png");
                TouchStatus.Text = "Touches Ended";
        // reset our tracking flags
        touchStartedInside = false;

    Both of these methods will reset the touchStartedInside flag to false. TouchesEnded will also display TouchesEnded on the screen.

  5. At this point the Touch Samples screen is finished. Notice how the screen changes as you interact with each of the images, as shown in the following screenshot:

    The starting app screen

    The screen after the user drags a button

Gesture Recognizer Samples

The previous section demonstrated how to drag an object around the screen by using touch events. In this section we will get rid of the touch events and show how to use the following gesture recognizers:

  • The UIPanGestureRecognizer for dragging an image around the screen.
  • The UITapGestureRecognizer to respond to double taps on the screen.

Follow these steps to implement gesture recognizers:

  1. Edit the file GestureViewController.cs and add the following instance variable:

    #region Private Variables
    private bool imageHighlighted = false;
    private RectangleF originalImageFrame = RectangleF.Empty;

    We need this instance variable to keep track of the previous location of the image. The pan gesture recognizer will use the originalImageFrame value to calculate the offset required to redraw the image on the screen.

  2. Add the following method to the controller:

    private void WireUpDragGestureRecognizer()
        // Create a new tap gesture
        UIPanGestureRecognizer gesture = new UIPanGestureRecognizer();
        // Wire up the event handler (have to use a selector)
        gesture.AddTarget(() => HandleDrag(gesture));  // to be defined
        // Add the gesture recognizer to the view

    This code instantiates a UIPanGestureRecognizer instance, and adds it to a view. Notice that we assign a target to the gesture in the form of the method HandleDrag – this method is provided in the next step.

  3. To implement HandleDrag, add the following code to the controller:

    private void HandleDrag(UIPanGestureRecognizer recognizer)
        // If it's just began, cache the location of the image
        if (recognizer.State == UIGestureRecognizerState.Began)
            originalImageFrame = DragImage.Frame;
        // Move the image if the gesture is valid
        if (recognizer.State != (UIGestureRecognizerState.Cancelled | UIGestureRecognizerState.Failed
            | UIGestureRecognizerState.Possible))
            // Move the image by adding the offset to the object's frame
            PointF offset = recognizer.TranslationInView(DragImage);
            RectangleF newFrame = originalImageFrame;
            newFrame.Offset(offset.X, offset.Y);
            DragImage.Frame = newFrame;

    The code above will first check the state of the gesture recognizer and then move the image around the screen. With this code in place, the controller can now support dragging the one image around the screen.

  4. Add a UITapGestureRecognizer that will change the image being displayed in DoubleTouchImage. Add the following method to the GestureViewController controller:

    private void WireUpTapGestureRecognizer()
        // Create a new tap gesture
        UITapGestureRecognizer tapGesture = null;
        // Report touch
        Action action = () => {
            TouchStatus.Text = string.Format("Image touched at: {0}",tapGesture.LocationOfTouch(0, DoubleTouchImage));
            // Toggle the image
            if (imageHighlighted)
                DoubleTouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("DoubleTapMe.png");
                DoubleTouchImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("DoubleTapMe_Highlighted.png");
            imageHighlighted = !imageHighlighted;
        tapGesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer(action);
        // Configure it
        tapGesture.NumberOfTapsRequired = 2;
        // Add the gesture recognizer to the view

    This code is very similar to the code for the UIPanGestureRecognizer but instead of using a delegate for a target we are using an Action.

  5. The final thing we need to do is modify ViewDidLoad so that it calls the methods we just added. Change ViewDidLoad so it resembles the following code:

    public override void ViewDidLoad()
        Title = "Gesture Recognizers";
        // Save initial state
        originalImageFrame = DragImage.Frame;

    Notice as well that we initialize the value of originalImageFrame.

  6. Run the application, and interact with the two images. The following screenshot is one example of these interactions:

    This screenshot shows a drag interaction

Custom Gesture Recognizer

In this section we will apply the concepts from previous sections to build a custom gesture recognizer. The custom gesture recognizer will subclasses UIGestureRecognizer, and will recognize when the user draws a “V” on the screen then toggle a bitmap. The following screenshot is an example of this screen:

The app will recognize when the user draws a V on the screen

Follow these steps to create a custom gesture recognizer:

  1. Add a new class to the project named CheckmarkGestureRecognizer, and make it look like the following code:

    using System;
    using CoreGraphics;
    using Foundation;
    using UIKit;
    namespace Touch
        public class CheckmarkGestureRecognizer : UIGestureRecognizer
            #region Private Variables
            private CGPoint midpoint = CGPoint.Empty;
            private bool strokeUp = false;
            #region Override Methods
            /// <summary>
            ///   Called when the touches end or the recognizer state fails
            /// </summary>
            public override void Reset()
                strokeUp = false;
                midpoint = CGPoint.Empty;
            /// <summary>
            ///   Is called when the fingers touch the screen.
            /// </summary>
            public override void TouchesBegan(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
                base.TouchesBegan(touches, evt);
                // we want one and only one finger
                if (touches.Count != 1)
                    base.State = UIGestureRecognizerState.Failed;
            /// <summary>
            ///   Called when the touches are cancelled due to a phone call, etc.
            /// </summary>
            public override void TouchesCancelled(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
                base.TouchesCancelled(touches, evt);
                // we fail the recognizer so that there isn't unexpected behavior
                // if the application comes back into view
                base.State = UIGestureRecognizerState.Failed;
            /// <summary>
            ///   Called when the fingers lift off the screen
            /// </summary>
            public override void TouchesEnded(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
                base.TouchesEnded(touches, evt);
                if (base.State == UIGestureRecognizerState.Possible && strokeUp)
                    base.State = UIGestureRecognizerState.Recognized;
            /// <summary>
            ///   Called when the fingers move
            /// </summary>
            public override void TouchesMoved(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
                base.TouchesMoved(touches, evt);
                // if we haven't already failed
                if (base.State != UIGestureRecognizerState.Failed)
                    // get the current and previous touch point
                    CGPoint newPoint = (touches.AnyObject as UITouch).LocationInView(View);
                    CGPoint previousPoint = (touches.AnyObject as UITouch).PreviousLocationInView(View);
                    // if we're not already on the upstroke
                    if (!strokeUp)
                        // if we're moving down, just continue to set the midpoint at
                        // whatever point we're at. when we start to stroke up, it'll stick
                        // as the last point before we upticked
                        if (newPoint.X >= previousPoint.X && newPoint.Y >= previousPoint.Y)
                            midpoint = newPoint;
                        // if we're stroking up (moving right x and up y [y axis is flipped])
                        else if (newPoint.X >= previousPoint.X && newPoint.Y <= previousPoint.Y)
                            strokeUp = true;
                        // otherwise, we fail the recognizer
                            base.State = UIGestureRecognizerState.Failed;

    The Reset method is called when the State property changes to either Recognized or Ended. This is the time to reset any internal state set in the custom gesture recognizer. Now the class can start fresh next time the user interacts with the application, and be ready to re-attempt recognizing the gesture.

  2. Now that we’ve defined a custom gesture recognizer (CheckmarkGestureRecognizer) edit the CustomGestureViewController.cs file and add the following two instance variables:

    #region Private Variables
    private bool isChecked = false;
    private CheckmarkGestureRecognizer checkmarkGesture;
  3. To instantiate and configure our gesture recognizer, add the following method to the controller:

    private void WireUpCheckmarkGestureRecognizer()
        // Create the recognizer
        checkmarkGesture = new CheckmarkGestureRecognizer();
        // Wire up the event handler
        checkmarkGesture.AddTarget(() => {
            if (checkmarkGesture.State == (UIGestureRecognizerState.Recognized | UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended))
                if (isChecked)
                    CheckboxImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("CheckBox_Unchecked.png");
                    CheckboxImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("CheckBox_Checked.png");
                isChecked = !isChecked;
        // Add the gesture recognizer to the view
  4. Edit ViewDidLoad so that it calls WireUpCheckmarkGestureRecognizer, as shown in the following code snippet:

    public override void ViewDidLoad()
        // Wire up the gesture recognizer
  5. Run the application, and try drawing a “V” on the screen. You should see the image being displayed change, as shown in the following screenshots:

    The button checked

    The button unchecked

The above three sections demonstrated different ways to respond to touch events in iOS: using touch events, built-in gesture recognizers, or with a custom gesture recognizer.