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Transformation Custom Properties

Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

In addition to the properties that are common to most data flow objects in the SQL Server Integration Services object model, many data flow objects have custom properties that are specific to the object. These custom properties are available only at run time, and are not documented in the Integration Services Managed Programming Reference Documentation.

This topic lists and describes the custom properties of the various data flow transformations. For information about the properties common to most data flow objects, see Common Properties.

Some properties of transformations can be set by using property expressions. For more information, see Data Flow Properties that Can Be Set by Using Expressions.

Transformations with Custom Properties

Transformations Without Custom Properties

The following transformations have no custom properties at the component, input, or output levels: Merge Transformation, Multicast Transformation, and Union All Transformation. They use only the properties common to all data flow components.

Aggregate Transformation Custom Properties

The Aggregate transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Aggregate transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
AutoExtendFactor Integer A value between 1 and 100 that specifies the percentage by which memory can be extended during the aggregation. The default value of this property is 25.
CountDistinctKeys Integer A value that specifies the exact number of distinct counts that the aggregation can write. If a CountDistinctScale value is specified, the value in CountDistinctKeys takes precedence.
CountDistinctScale Integer (enumeration) A value that describes the approximate number of distinct values in a column that the aggregation can count. This property can have one of the following values:

Low (1)-indicates up to 500,000 key values

Medium (2)-indicates up to 5 million key values

High (3)-indicates more than 25 million key values.

Unspecified (0)-indicates no CountDistinctScale value is used. Using the Unspecified (0) option may affect performance in large data sets.
Keys Integer A value that specifies the exact number of Group By keys that the aggregation writes. If a KeyScalevalue is specified, the value in Keys takes precedence.
KeyScale Integer (enumeration) A value that describes approximately how many Group By key values the aggregation can write. This property can have one of the following values:

Low (1)-indicates up to 500,000 key values.

Medium (2)-indicates up to 5 million key values.

High (3)-indicates more than 25 million key values.

Unspecified (0)-indicates that no KeyScale value is used.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output of the Aggregate transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
Keys Integer A value that specifies the exact number of Group By keys that the aggregation can write. If a KeyScale value is specified, the value in Keys takes precedence.
KeyScale Integer (enumeration) A value that describes approximately how many Group By key values the aggregation can write. This property can have one of the following values:

Low (1)-indicates up to 500,000 key values,

Medium (2)-indicates up to 5 million key values,

High (3)-indicates more than 25 million key values.

Unspecified (0)-indicates no KeyScale value is used.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Aggregate transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
AggregationColumnId Integer The LineageID of a column that participates in GROUP BY or aggregate functions.
AggregationComparisonFlags Integer A value that specifies how the Aggregate transformation compares string data in a column. For more information, see Comparing String Data.
AggregationType Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies the aggregation operation to be performed on the column. This property can have one of the following values:

Group by (0)

Count (1)

Count all (2)

Countdistinct (3)

Sum (4)

Average (5)

Maximum (7)

Minimum (6)
CountDistinctKeys Integer When the aggregation type is Count distinct, a value that specifies the exact number of keys that the aggregation can write. If a CountDistinctScale value is specified, the value in CountDistinctKeys takes precedence.
CountDistinctScale Integer (enumeration) When the aggregation type is Count distinct, a value that describes approximately how many key values the aggregation can write. This property can have one of the following values:

Low (1)-indicates up to 500,000 key values,

Medium (2)-indicates up to 5 million key values,

High (3)-indicates more than 25 million key values.

Unspecified (0)-indicates no CountDistinctScale value is used.
IsBig Boolean A value that indicates whether the column contains a value larger than 4 billion or a value with more precision than a double-precision floating-point value. The value can be 0 or 1. 0 indicates that IsBig is False and the column does not contain a large value or precise value. The default value of this property is 1.

The input and the input columns of the Aggregate transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Aggregate Transformation.

Audit Transformation Custom Properties

The Audit transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Audit transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
LineageItemSelected Integer (enumeration) The audit item selected for output. This property can have one of the following values:

Execution instance GUID (0)

Execution start time (4)

Machine name (5)

Package ID (1)

Package name (2)

Task ID (8)

Task name (7)

User name (6)

Version ID (3)

The input, the input columns, and the output of the Audit transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Audit Transformation.

Cache Transform Transformation Custom Properties

The Cache Transform transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the properties of the Cache Transform transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
Connectionmanager String Specifies the name of the connection manager.
ValidateExternalMetadata Boolean Indicates whether the Cache Transform is validated by using external data sources at design time. If the property is set to False, validation against external data sources occurs at run time.

The default value it True.
AvailableInputColumns String A list of the available input columns.
InputColumns String A list of the selected input columns.
CacheColumnName String Specifies the name of the column that is mapped to a selected input column.

The name of the column in the CacheColumnName property must match the name of the corresponding column listed on the Columns page of the Cache Connection Manager Editor.

For more information, see Cache Connection Manager Editor

Character Map Transformation Custom Properties

The Character Map transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Character Map transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
InputColumnLineageId Integer A value that specifies the LineageID of the input column that is the source of the output column.
MapFlags Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies the string operations that the Character Map transformation performs on the column. This property can have one of the following values:

Byte reversal (2)

Full width (6)

Half width (5)

Hiragana (3)

Katakana (4)

Linguistic casing (7)

Lowercase (0)

Simplified Chinese (8)

Traditional Chinese(9)

Uppercase (1)

The input, the input columns, and the output of the Character Map transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Character Map Transformation.

Conditional Split Transformation Custom Properties

The Conditional Split transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output of the Conditional Split transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
EvaluationOrder Integer A value that specifies the position of a condition, associated with an output, in the list of conditions that the Conditional Split transformation evaluates. The conditions are evaluated in order from the lowest to the highest value.
Expression String An expression that represents the condition that the Conditional Split transformation evaluates. Columns are represented by lineage identifiers.
FriendlyExpression String An expression that represents the condition that the Conditional Split transformation evaluates. Columns are represented by their names.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.
IsDefaultOut Boolean A value that indicates whether the output is the default output.

The input, the input columns, and the output columns of the Conditional Split transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Conditional Split Transformation.

Copy Column Transformation Custom Properties

The Copy Column transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Copy Column transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
copyColumnId Integer The LineageID of the input column from which the output column is copied.

The input, the input columns, and the output of the Copy Column transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Copy Column Transformation.

Data Conversion Transformation Custom Properties

The Data Conversion transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Data Conversion transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
FastParse Boolean A value that indicates whether the column uses the quicker, but locale-insensitive, fast parsing routines that Integration Services provides, or the locale-sensitive standard parsing routines. The default value of this property is False. For more information, see Fast Parse and Standard Parse. .

Note: This property is not available in the Data Conversion Transformation Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.
SourceInputColumnLineageId Integer The LineageID of the input column that is the source of the output column.

The input, the input columns, and the output of the Data Conversion transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Data Conversion Transformation.

Data Mining Query Transformation Custom Properties

The Data Mining Query transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Data Mining Query transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
ASConnectionId String The unique identifier of the connection object.
ASConnectionString String The connection string to an Analysis Services project or an Analysis Services database.
CatalogName String The name of an Analysis Services database.
ModelName String The name of the data mining model.
ModelStructureName String The name of the mining structure.
ObjectRef String An XML tag that identifies the data mining structure that the transformation uses.
QueryText String The prediction query statement that the transformation uses.

The input, the input columns, the output, and the output columns of the Data Mining Query transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Data Mining Query Transformation.

Derived Column Transformation Custom Properties

The Derived Column transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns and output columns of the Derived Column transformation. When you choose to add the derived column as a new column, these custom properties apply to the new output column; when you choose to replace the contents of an existing input column with the derived results, these custom properties apply to the existing input column. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
Expression String An expression that represents the condition that the Conditional Split transformation evaluates. Columns are represented by the LineageID property for the column.
FriendlyExpression String An expression that represents the condition that the Conditional Split transformation evaluates. Columns are represented by their names.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

The input and output of the Derived Column transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Derived Column Transformation.

Export Column Transformation Custom Properties

The Export Column transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Export Column transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
AllowAppend Boolean A value that specifies whether the transformation appends data to an existing file. The default value of this property is False.
ForceTruncate Boolean A value that specifies whether the transformation truncates an existing files before writing data. The default value of this property is False.
FileDataColumnID Integer A value that identifies the column that contains the data that the transformation inserts into a file. On the Extract Column, this property has a value of 0; on the File Path Column, this property contains the LineageID of the Extract Column.
WriteBOM Boolean A value that specifies whether a byte-order mark (BOM) is written to the file.

The input, the output, and the output columns of the Export Column transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Export Column Transformation.

Import Column Transformation Custom Properties

The Import Column transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Import Column transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
ExpectBOM Boolean A value that specifies whether the Import Column transformation expects a byte-order mark (BOM). A BOM is only expected if the data has the DT_NTEXT data type.
FileDataColumnID Integer A value that identifies the column that contains the data that the transformation inserts into the data flow. On the column of data to be inserted, this property has a value of 0; on the column that contains the source file paths, this property contains the LineageID of the column of data to be inserted.

The input, the output, and the output columns of the Import Column transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Import Column Transformation.

Fuzzy Grouping Transformation Custom Properties

The Fuzzy Grouping transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Fuzzy Grouping transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
Delimiters String The token delimiters that the transformation uses. The default delimiters include the following characters: space ( ), comma(,), period (.), semicolon (;), colon (:), hyphen (-), double straight quotation mark ("), single straight quotation mark ('), ampersand (&), slash mark (/), backslash (\), at sign (@), exclamation point (!), question mark (?), opening parenthesis ((), closing parenthesis ()), less than (<), greater than (>), opening bracket ([), closing bracket (]), opening brace ({), closing brace (}), pipe (|), number sign (#), asterisk (*), caret (^), and percent (%).
Exhaustive Boolean A value that specifies whether each input record is compared to every other input record. The value of True is intended mostly for debugging purposes. The default value of this property is False.

Note: This property is not available in the Fuzzy Grouping Transformation Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.
MaxMemoryUsage Integer The maximum amount of memory for use by the transformation. The default value of this property is 0, which enables dynamic memory usage.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

Note: This property is not available in the Fuzzy Grouping Transformation Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.
MinSimilarity Double The similarity threshold that the transformation uses to identify duplicates, expressed as a value between 0 and 1. The default value of this property is 0.8.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Fuzzy Grouping transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
ExactFuzzy Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies whether the transformation performs a fuzzy match or an exact match. The valid values are Exact and Fuzzy. The default value for this property is Fuzzy.
FuzzyComparisonFlags Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies how the transformation compares the string data in a column. This property can have one of the following values:







For more information, see Comparing String Data.
LeadingTrailingNumeralsSignificant Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies the significance of numerals. This property can have one of the following values:

NumeralsNotSpecial (0)-use if numerals are not significant.

LeadingNumeralsSignificant (1)-use if leading numerals are significant.

TrailingNumeralsSignificant (2)-use if trailing numerals are significant.

LeadingAndTrailingNumeralsSignificant (3)-use if both leading and trailing numerals are significant.
MinSimilarity Double The similarity threshold used for the join on the column, specified as a value between 0 and 1. Only rows greater than the threshold qualify as matches.
ToBeCleaned Boolean A value that specifies whether the column is used to identify duplicates; that is, whether this is a column on which you are grouping. The default value of this property is False.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Fuzzy Grouping transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
ColumnType Integer (enumeration) A value that identifies the type of output column. This property can have one of the following values:

Undefined (0)

KeyIn (1)

KeyOut (2)

Similarity (3)

ColumnSimilarity (4)

PassThru (5)

Canonical (6)
InputID Integer The LineageID of the corresponding input column.

The input and output of the Fuzzy Grouping transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Fuzzy Grouping Transformation.

Fuzzy Lookup Transformation Custom Properties

The Fuzzy Lookup transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Fuzzy Lookup transformation. All properties except for ReferenceMetadataXML are read/write.

Property Data type Description
CopyReferenceTable Boolean Specifies whether a copy of the reference table should be made for fuzzy lookup index construction and subsequent lookups. The default value of this property is True.
Delimiters String The delimiters that the transformation uses to tokenize column values. The default delimiters include the following characters: space ( ), comma (,), period (.) semicolon(;), colon (:) hyphen (-), double straight quotation mark ("), single straight quotation mark ('), ampersand (&), slash mark (/), backslash (\), at sign (@), exclamation point (!), question mark (?), opening parenthesis ((), closing parenthesis ()), less than (<), greater than (>), opening bracket ([), closing bracket (]), opening brace ({), closing brace (}), pipe (|). number sign (#), asterisk (*), caret (^), and percent (%).
DropExistingMatchIndex Boolean A value that specifies whether the match index specified in MatchIndexName is deleted when MatchIndexOptions is not set to ReuseExistingIndex. The default value for this property is True.
Exhaustive Boolean A value that specifies whether each input record is compared to every other input record. The value of True is intended mostly for debugging purposes. The default value of this property is False.

Note: This property is not available in the Fuzzy Lookup Transformation Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.
MatchIndexName String The name of the match index. The match index is the table in which the transformation creates and saves the index that it uses. If the match index is reused, MatchIndexName specifies the index to reuse. MatchIndexName must be a valid SQL Server identifier name. For example, if the name contains spaces, the name must be enclosed in brackets.
MatchIndexOptions Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies how the transformation manages the match index. This property can have one of the following values:

ReuseExistingIndex (0)

GenerateNewIndex (1)

GenerateAndPersistNewIndex (2)

GenerateAndMaintainNewIndex (3)
MaxMemoryUsage Integer The maximum cache size for the lookup table. The default value of this property is 0, which means the cache size has no limit.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

Note: This property is not available in the Fuzzy Lookup Transformation Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.
MaxOutputMatchesPerInput Integer The maximum number of matches the transformation can return for each input row. The default value of this property is 1.

Note: Values greater than 100 can only be specified by using the Advanced Editor.
MinSimilarity Integer The similarity threshold that the transformation uses at the component level, specified as a value between 0 and 1. Only rows greater than the threshold qualify as matches.
ReferenceMetadataXML String Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed.
ReferenceTableName String The name of the lookup table. The name must be a valid SQL Server identifier name. For example, if the name contains spaces, the name must be enclosed in brackets.
WarmCaches Boolean When true, the lookup partially loads the index and reference table into memory before execution begins. This can enhance performance.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Fuzzy Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
FuzzyComparisonFlags Integer A value that specifies how the transformation compares the string data in a column. For more information, see Comparing String Data.
FuzzyComparisonFlagsEx Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies which extended comparison flags the transformation uses. The values can include MapExpandLigatures, MapFoldCZone, MapFoldDigits, MapPrecomposed, and NoMapping. NoMapping cannot be used with other flags.
JoinToReferenceColumn String A value that specifies the name of the column in the reference table to which the column is joined.
JoinType Integer A value that specifies whether the transformation performs a fuzzy or an exact match. The default value for this property is Fuzzy. The integer value for the exact join type is 1 and the value for the fuzzy join type is 2.
MinSimilarity Double The similarity threshold that the transformation uses at the column level, specified as a value between 0 and 1. Only rows greater than the threshold qualify as matches.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Fuzzy Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.


For output columns that contain passthrough values from the corresponding input columns, CopyFromReferenceColumn is empty and SourceInputColumnLineageID contains the LineageID of the corresponding input column. For output columns that contain lookup results, CopyFromReferenceColumn contains the name of the lookup column, and SourceInputColumnLineageID is empty.

Property Data type Description
ColumnType Integer (enumeration) A value that identifies the type of output column for columns that the transformation adds to the output. This property can have one of the following values:

Undefined (0)

Similarity (1)

Confidence (2)

ColumnSimilarity (3)
CopyFromReferenceColumn String A value that specifies the name of the column in the reference table that provides the value in an output column.
SourceInputColumnLineageId Integer A value that identifies the input column that provides values to this output column.

The input and output of the Fuzzy Lookup transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Fuzzy Lookup Transformation.

Lookup Transformation Custom Properties

The Lookup transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Lookup transformation. All properties except for ReferenceMetadataXML are read/write.

Property Data type Description
CacheType Integer (enumeration) The cache type for the lookup table. The values are Full (0), Partial (1), and None (2). The default value of this property is Full.
DefaultCodePage Integer The default code page to use when code page information is not available from the data source.
MaxMemoryUsage Integer The maximum cache size for the lookup table. The default value of this property is 25, which means that the cache size has no limit.
MaxMemoryUsage64 Integer The maximum cache size for the lookup table on a 64-bit computer.
NoMatchBehavior Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies whether rows without matching entries in the reference dataset are treated as errors.

When the property is set to Treat rows with no matching entries as errors (0), the rows without matching entries are treated as errors. You can specify what should happen when this type of error occurs by using the Error Output page of the Lookup Transformation Editor dialog box. For more information, see Lookup Transformation Editor (Error Output Page).

When the property is set to Send rows with no matching entries to the no match output (1), the rows are not treaded as errors.

The default value is Treat rows with no matching entries as errors (0).
ParameterMap String A semicolon-delimited list of lineage IDs that map to the parameters used in the SqlCommand statement.
ReferenceMetaDataXML String Metadata for the columns in the lookup table that the transformation copies to its output.
SqlCommand String The SELECT statement that populates the lookup table.
SqlCommandParam String The parameterized SQL statement that populates the lookup table.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
CopyFromReferenceColumn String The name of the column in the reference table from which a column is copied.
JoinToReferenceColumns String The name of the column in the reference table to which a source column joins.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
CopyFromReferenceColumn String The name of the column in the reference table from which a column is copied.

The input and output of the Lookup transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Lookup Transformation.

Merge Join Transformation Custom Properties

The Merge Join transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Merge Join transformation.

Property Data type Description
JoinType Integer (enumeration) Specifies whether the join is an inner (2), left outer (1), or full join (0).
MaxBuffersPerInput Integer You no longer have to configure the value of the MaxBuffersPerInput property because Microsoft has made changes that reduce the risk that the Merge Join transformation will consume excessive memory. This problem sometimes occurred when the multiple inputs of the Merge Join produced data at uneven rates.
NumKeyColumns Integer The number of columns that are used in the join.
TreatNullsAsEqual Boolean A value that specifies whether the transformation handles null values as equal values. The default value of this property is True. If the property value is False, the transformation handles null values like SQL Server does.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Merge Join transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
InputColumnID Integer The LineageID of the input column from which data is copied to this output column.

The input, the input columns, and the output of the Merge Join transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Merge Join Transformation.

OLE DB Command Transformation Custom Properties

The OLE DB Command transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the OLE DB Command transformation.

Property name Data type Description
CommandTimeout Integer The maximum number of seconds that the SQL command can run before timing out. A value of 0 indicates an infinite time. The default value of this property is 0.
DefaultCodePage Integer The code page to use when code page information is unavailable from the data source.
SQLCommand String The Transact-SQL statement that the transformation runs for each row in the data flow.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

The following table describes the custom properties of the external columns of the OLE DB Command transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
DBParamInfoFlag Integer (bitmask) A set of flags that describe parameter characteristics. For more information, see the DBPARAMFLAGSENUM in the OLE DB documentation in the MSDN Library.

The input, the input columns, the output, and the output columns of the OLE DB Command transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see OLE DB Command Transformation.

Percentage Sampling Transformation Custom Properties

The Percentage Sampling transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Percentage Sampling transformation.

Property Data type Description
SamplingSeed Integer The seed the random number generator uses. The default value of this property is 0, indicating that the transformation uses a tick count.
SamplingValue Integer The size of the sample as a percentage of the source.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

The following table describes the custom properties of the outputs of the Percentage Sampling transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
Selected Boolean Designates the output to which the sampled rows are directed. On the selected output, Selected is set to True, and on the unselected output, Selected is set to False.

The input, the input columns, and the output columns of the Percentage Sampling transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Percentage Sampling Transformation.

Pivot Transformation Custom Properties

The following table describes the custom component properties of the Pivot transformation.

Property Data type Description
PassThroughUnmatchedPivotKeyts Boolean Set to True to configure the Pivot transformation to ignore rows containing unrecognized values in the Pivot Key column and to output all of the pivot key values to a log message, when the package is run.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Pivot transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
PivotUsage Integer (enumeration) A value that specifies the role of a column when the data set is pivoted.

The column is not pivoted, and the column values are passed through to the transformation output.

The column is part of the set key that identifies one or more rows as part of one set. All input rows with the same set key are combined into one output row.

The column is a pivot column. At least one column is created from each column value.

The values from this column are put in columns that are created as a result of the pivot.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Pivot transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
PivotKeyValue String One of the possible values from the column that is marked as the pivot key by the value of its PivotUsage property.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.
SourceColumn Integer The LineageID of an input column that contains a pivoted value, or -1. The value of -1 indicates that the column is not used in a pivot operation.

For more information, see Pivot Transformation.

Row Count Transformation Custom Properties

The Row Count transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Row Count transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
VariableName String The name of the variable that holds the row count.

The input, the input columns, the output, and the output columns of the Row Count transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Row Count Transformation.

Row Sampling Transformation Custom Properties

The Row Sampling transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Row Sampling transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
SamplingSeed Integer The seed that the random number generator uses. The default value of this property is 0, indicating that the transformation uses a tick count.
SamplingValue Integer The row count of the sample.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

The following table describes the custom properties of the outputs of the Row Sampling transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
Selected Boolean Designates the output to which the sampled rows are directed. On the selected output, Selected is set to True, and on the unselected output, Selected is set to False.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Row Sampling transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
InputColumnLineageId Integer A value that specifies the LineageID of the input column that is the source of the output column.

The input and input columns of the Row Sampling transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Row Sampling Transformation.

Script Component Custom Properties

The Script Component has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components. The same custom properties are available whether the Script Component functions as a source, transformation, or destination.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Script Component. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
ReadOnlyVariables String A comma-separated list of variables available to the Script Component for read-only access.
ReadWriteVariables String A comma-separated list of variables available to the Script Component for read/write access.

The input, the input columns, the output, and the output columns of the Script Component have no custom properties, unless the script developer creates custom properties for them.

For more information, see Script Component.

Slowly Changing Dimension Transformation Custom Properties

The Slowly Changing Dimension transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Slowly Changing Dimension transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
CurrentRowWhere String The WHERE clause in the SELECT statement that selects the current row among rows with the same business key.
EnableInferredMember Boolean A value that specifies whether inferred member updates are detected. The default value of this property is True.
FailOnFixedAttributeChange Boolean A value that specifies whether the transformation fails when row columns with fixed attributes contain changes or the lookup in the dimension table fails. If you expect incoming rows to contain new records, set this value to True to make the transformation continue after the lookup fails, because the transformation uses the failure to identify new records. The default value of this property is False.
FailOnLookupFailure Boolean A value that specifies whether the transformation fails when a lookup of an existing record fails. The default value of this property is False.
IncomingRowChangeType Integer A value that specifies whether all incoming rows are new rows, or whether the transformation should detect the type of change.
InferredMemberIndicator String The column name for the inferred member.
SQLCommand String The SQL statement used to create a schema rowset.
UpdateChangingAttributeHistory Boolean A value that indicates whether historical attribute updates are directed to the transformation output for changing attribute updates.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Slowly Changing Dimension transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
ColumnType Integer (enumeration) The update type of the column. The values are: Changing Attribute (2), Fixed Attribute (4), Historical Attribute (3), Key (1), and Other (0).

The input, the outputs, and the output columns of the Slowly Changing Dimension transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Slowly Changing Dimension Transformation.

Sort Transformation Custom Properties

The Sort transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Sort transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
EliminateDuplicates Boolean Specifies whether the transformation removes duplicate rows from the transformation output. The default value of this property is False.
MaximumThreads Integer Contains the maximum number of threads the transformation can use for sorting. A value of 0 indicates an infinite number of threads. The default value of this property is 0.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Sort transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
NewComparisonFlags Integer (bitmask) A value that specifies how the transformation compares the string data in a column. For more information, see Comparing String Data.
NewSortKeyPosition Integer A value that specifies the sort order of the column. A value of 0 indicates that the data is not sorted on this column.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Sort transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
SortColumnID Integer The LineageID of a sort column.

The input and output of the Sort transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Sort Transformation.

Term Extraction Transformation Custom Properties

The Term Extraction transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Term Extraction transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data ype Description
FrequencyThreshold Integer A numeric value that indicates the number of times a term must occur before it is extracted. The default value of this property is 2.
IsCaseSensitive Boolean A value that specifies whether case sensitivity is used when extracting nouns and noun phrases. The default value of this property is False.
MaxLengthOfTerm Integer A numeric value that indicates the maximum length of a term. This property applies only to phrases. The default value of this property is 12.
NeedRefenceData Boolean A value that specifies whether the transformation uses a list of exclusion terms stored in a reference table. The default value of this property is False.
OutTermColumn String The name of the column that contains the exclusion terms.
OutTermTable String The name of the table that contains the column with exclusion terms.
ScoreType Integer A value that specifies the type of score to associate with the term. Valid values are 0 indicating frequency, and 1 indicating a TFIDF score. The TFIDF score is the product of Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency, defined as: TFIDF of a Term T = (frequency of T) * log( (#rows in Input) / (#rows having T) ). The default value of this property is 0.
WordOrPhrase Integer A value that specifies term type. The valid values are 0 indicating words only, 1 indicating noun phrases only, and 2 indicating both words and noun phrases. The default value of this property is 0.

The input, the input columns, the output, and the output columns of the Term Extraction transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Term Extraction Transformation.

Term Lookup Transformation Custom Properties

The Term Lookup transformation has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Term Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
IsCaseSensitive Boolean A value that specifies whether a case sensitive comparison applies to the match of the input column text and the lookup term. The default value of this property is False.
RefTermColumn String The name of the column that contains the lookup terms.
RefTermTable String The name of the table that contains the column with lookup terms.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Term Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
InputColumnType Integer A value that specifies the use of the column. Valid values are 0 for a passthrough column, 1 for a lookup column, and 2 for a column that is both a passthrough and a lookup column.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Term Lookup transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
CustomLineageID Integer The LineageID of the corresponding input column if the InputColumnType of that column is 0 or 2.

The input and output of the Term Lookup transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Term Lookup Transformation.

Unpivot Transformation Custom Properties

The Unpivot transformation has only the properties common to all data flow components at the component level.


This section relies on the Unpivot scenario described in Unpivot Transformation to illustrate the use of the options described here.

The following table describes the custom properties of the input columns of the Unpivot transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property Data type Description
DestinationColumn Integer The LineageID of the output column to which the input column maps. A value of -1 indicates that the input column is not mapped to an output column.
PivotKeyValue String A value that is copied to a transformation output column.

The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

In the Unpivot scenario described in Unpivot Transformation, the Pivot Values are the text values Ham, Coke, Milk, Beer, and Chips. These will appear as text values in the new Product column designated by the Pivot Key Value Column Name option.

The following table describes the custom properties of the output columns of the Unpivot transformation. All properties are read/write.

Property name Data type Description
PivotKey Boolean Indicates whether the values in the PivotKeyValue property of input columns are written to this output column.

In the Unpivot scenario described in Unpivot Transformation, the Pivot Value column name is Product and designates the new Product column into which the Ham, Coke, Milk, Beer, and Chips columns are unpivoted.

The input and output of the Unpivot transformation have no custom properties.

For more information, see Unpivot Transformation.

See Also

Integration Services Transformations
Common Properties
Path Properties
Data Flow Properties that Can Be Set by Using Expressions