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ProcDump v11.0

By Mark Russinovich and Andrew Richards

Published: 11/03/2022

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Download ProcDump for Mac (GitHub)

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ProcDump is a command-line utility whose primary purpose is monitoring an application for CPU spikes and generating crash dumps during a spike that an administrator or developer can use to determine the cause of the spike. ProcDump also includes hung window monitoring (using the same definition of a window hang that Windows and Task Manager use), unhandled exception monitoring and can generate dumps based on the values of system performance counters. It also can serve as a general process dump utility that you can embed in other scripts.

Using ProcDump

Capture Usage:

Windows Command Prompt
procdump.exe [-mm] [-ma] [-mt] [-mp] [-mc <Mask>] [-md <Callback_DLL>] [-mk]
            [-n <Count>]
            [-s <Seconds>]
            [-c|-cl <CPU_Usage> [-u]]
            [-m|-ml <Commit_Usage>]
            [-p|-pl <Counter> <Threshold>]
            [-e [1] [-g] [-b] [-ld] [-ud] [-ct] [-et]]
            [-f  <Include_Filter>, ...]
            [-fx <Exclude_Filter>, ...]
            [-dc <Comment>]
            [-r [1..5] [-a]]
            [-at <Timeout>]
                {{[-w] <Process_Name> | <Service_Name> | <PID>} [<Dump_File> | <Dump_Folder>]}
                {-x <Dump_Folder> <Image_File> [Argument, ...]}

Install Usage:

Windows Command Prompt
procdump.exe -i [Dump_Folder]
            [-mm] [-ma] [-mt] [-mp] [-mc <Mask>] [-md <Callback_DLL>] [-mk]
            [-at <Timeout>]

Uninstall Usage:

Windows Command Prompt
procdump.exe -u

Dump Types:

Dump Type Description
-mm Write a 'Mini' dump file. (default)
- Includes directly and indirectly referenced memory (stacks and what they reference).
- Includes all metadata (Process, Thread, Module, Handle, Address Space, etc.).
-ma Write a 'Full' dump file.
- Includes all memory (Image, Mapped and Private).
- Includes all metadata (Process, Thread, Module, Handle, Address Space, etc.).
-mt Write a 'Triage' dump file.
- Includes directly referenced memory (stacks).
- Includes limited metadata (Process, Thread, Module and Handle).
- Removal of sensitive information is attempted but not guaranteed.
-mp Write a 'MiniPlus' dump file.
- Includes all Private memory and all Read/Write Image or Mapped memory.
- Includes all metadata (Process, Thread, Module, Handle, Address Space, etc.).
- To minimize size, the largest Private memory area over 512MB is excluded.
  A memory area is defined as the sum of same-sized memory allocations.
  The dump is as detailed as a Full dump but 10%-75% the size.
- Note: CLR processes are dumped as Full (-ma) due to debugging limitations.
-mc Write a 'Custom' dump file.
- Includes the memory and metadata defined by the specified MINIDUMP_TYPE mask (Hex).
-md Write a 'Callback' dump file.
- Includes the memory defined by the MiniDumpWriteDump callback routine named MiniDumpCallbackRoutine of the specified DLL.
- Includes all metadata (Process, Thread, Module, Handle, Address Space, etc.).
-mk Also write a 'Kernel' dump file.
- Includes the kernel stacks of the threads in the process.
- OS doesn't support a kernel dump (-mk) when using a clone (-r).
- When using multiple dump sizes, a kernel dump is taken for each dump size.


Condition Description
-a Avoid outage. Requires -r. If the trigger will cause the target to suspend for a prolonged time due to an exceeded concurrent dump limit, the trigger will be skipped.
-at Avoid outage at Timeout. Cancel the trigger's collection at N seconds.
-b Treat debug breakpoints as exceptions (otherwise ignore them).
-c CPU threshold above which to create a dump of the process.
-cl CPU threshold below which to create a dump of the process.
-dc Add the specified string to the generated Dump Comment.
-e Write a dump when the process encounters an unhandled exception.
Include the 1 to create dump on first chance exceptions.
Add -ld to create a dump when a DLL (module) is loaded (filtering applies).
Add -ud to create a dump when a DLL (module) is unloaded (filtering applies).
Add -ct to create a dump when a thread is created.
Add -et to create a dump when a thread exits.
-f Filter (include) on the content of exceptions, debug logging and filename at DLL load/unload. Wildcards (*) are supported.
-fx Filter (exclude) on the content of exceptions, debug logging and filename at DLL load/unload. Wildcards (*) are supported.
-g Run as a native debugger in a managed process (no interop).
-h Write dump if process has a hung window (does not respond to window messages for at least 5 seconds).
-k Kill the process after cloning (-r), or at end of dump collection.
-l Display the debug logging of the process.
-m Memory commit threshold in MB at which to create a dump.
-ml Trigger when memory commit drops below specified MB value.
-n Number of dumps to write before exiting.
-o Overwrite an existing dump file.
-p Trigger when the Performance Counter is at, or exceeds, the specified Threshold. Some Counters and/or Instance Names can be case-sensitive.
-pl Trigger when the Performance Counter falls below the specified Threshold.
-r Dump using a clone. Concurrent limit is optional (default 1, max 5). OS doesn't support a kernel dump (-mk) when using a clone (-r). CAUTION: a high concurrency value may impact system performance.
- Windows 7: Uses Reflection. OS doesn't support -e.
- Windows 8.0: Uses Reflection. OS doesn't support -e.
- Windows 8.1+: Uses PSS. All trigger types are supported.
-s Consecutive seconds before dump is written (default is 10).
-t Write a dump when the process terminates.
-u Treat CPU usage relative to a single core (used with -c).
-v DEBUG ONLY: Verbose output.
-w Wait for the specified process to launch if it's not running.
-wer Queue the (largest) dump to Windows Error Reporting.
-x Launch the specified image with optional arguments. If it is a Store Application or Package, ProcDump will start on the next activation (only).
-y HIDDEN: Store Application activation.
-64 By default ProcDump will capture a 32-bit dump of a 32-bit process when running on 64-bit Windows. This option overrides to create a 64-bit dump. Only use for WOW64 subsystem debugging.

License Agreement:

Use the -accepteula command line option to automatically accept the Sysinternals license agreement.

Automated Termination:

-cancel <Target Process PID>

Using this option or setting an event with the name ProcDump-<PID> is the same as typing Ctrl+C to gracefully terminate ProcDump. Graceful termination ensures the process is resumed if a capture is active. The cancellation applies to ALL ProcDump instances monitoring the process.


Default dump filename: PROCESSNAME_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.dmp

The following substitutions are supported:

Substitution Explanation
PID Process ID
YYMMDD Year/Month/Day
HHMMSS Hour/Minute/Second


  • Write a mini dump of a process named 'notepad' (only one match can exist):

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump notepad
  • Write a Full dump of a process with PID '4572':

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma 4572
  • Write a Mini first, and then a Full dump of a process with PID '4572':

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -mm -ma 4572
  • Write 3 Mini dumps 5 seconds apart of a process named 'notepad':

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -n 3 -s 5 notepad
  • Write up to 3 Mini dumps of a process named 'consume' when it exceeds 20% CPU usage for five seconds:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -n 3 -s 5 -c 20 consume
  • Write a Mini dump for a process named 'hang.exe' when one of its windows is unresponsive for more than 5 seconds:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -h hang.exe
  • Write a Full and Kernel dump for a process named 'hang.exe' when one of its windows is unresponsive for more than 5 seconds:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -mk -h hang.exe
  • Write a Mini dump of a process named 'outlook' when total system CPU usage exceeds 20% for 10 seconds:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump outlook -s 10 -p "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" 20
  • Write a Full dump of a process named 'outlook' when Outlook's handle count exceeds 10,000:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma outlook -p "\Process(Outlook)\Handle Count" 10000
  • Write a Full dump of 'svchost' PID 1234, Instance #87, when the handle count exceeds 10,000:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma 1234 -p "\Process(svchost#87)\Handle Count" 10000

    Note: Multiple Instance Counters
    If there are multiple instances of the counter, you'll need to include the Name and/or Instance number.

    \Processor(NNN)\% Processor Time
    \Thermal Zone Information(<name>)\Temperature

    Older OSes require you to append the PID for \Process counters.


    Tip: Use Performance Monitor to view the counters (esp. case sensitivity).
    Tip: For \Process(*) based counters, use PowerShell to map a PID to its #NNN.

    Get-Counter -Counter "\Process(*)\ID Process"
  • Write a Full dump for a 2nd chance exception:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -e w3wp.exe
  • Write a Full dump for a 1st or 2nd chance exception:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -e 1 w3wp.exe
  • Write a Full dump for a debug string message:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -l w3wp.exe
  • Write up to 10 Full dumps of each 1st or 2nd chance exception of w3wp.exe:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -n 10 -e 1 w3wp.exe
  • Write up to 10 Full dumps if an exception's code/name/msg contains 'NotFound':

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -n 10 -e 1 -f NotFound w3wp.exe
  • Write up to 10 Full dumps if a debug string message contains 'NotFound':

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -n 10 -l -f NotFound w3wp.exe
  • Wait for a process called 'notepad' (and monitor it for exceptions):

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -e -w notepad
  • Launch a process called 'notepad' (and monitor it for exceptions):

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -e -x c:\dumps notepad
  • Register for launch, and attempt to activate, a store 'application'. A new ProcDump instance will start when it is activated:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -e -x c:\dumps Microsoft.BingMaps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!AppexMaps
  • Register for launch of a store 'package'. A new ProcDump instance will start when it is (manually) activated:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -e -x c:\dumps Microsoft.BingMaps_1.2.0.136_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
  • Write a MiniPlus dump of the Microsoft Exchange Information Store when it has an unhandled exception:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -mp -e store.exe
  • Display without writing a dump, the exception codes/names of w3wp.exe:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -e 1 -f "" w3wp.exe
  • Windows 7/8.0; Use Reflection to reduce outage for 5 consecutive triggers:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -r -ma -n 5 -s 15 wmplayer.exe
  • Windows 8.1+; Use PSS to reduce outage for 5 concurrent triggers:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -r 5 -ma -n 5 -s 15 wmplayer.exe
  • Install ProcDump as the (AeDebug) postmortem debugger:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -ma -i c:\dumps


    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\Dumps>procdump -ma -i
  • Uninstall ProcDump as the (AeDebug) postmortem debugger:

    Windows Command Prompt
    C:\>procdump -u

See a list of example command lines (the examples are listed above):

Windows Command Prompt
C:\>procdump -? -e
  • Windows Internals Book The official updates and errata page for the definitive book on Windows internals, by Mark Russinovich and David Solomon.
  • Windows Sysinternals Administrator's Reference The official guide to the Sysinternals utilities by Mark Russinovich and Aaron Margosis, including descriptions of all the tools, their features, how to use them for troubleshooting, and example real-world cases of their use.

Download Download ProcDump (714 KB)

Download ProcDump for Linux (GitHub)
Download ProcDump for Mac (GitHub)

Runs on:

  • Client: Windows 8.1 and higher.
  • Server: Windows Server 2012 and higher.

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