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Entity Framework Links #1

The EF team is starting a regular series to recap interesting articles, posts and other happenings in the EF world. Here is the first one…



Our team recently announced the release of EF5. As part of the release we also updated the EF MSDN site, making it the go to place for EF content. As part of the update we created a short (2min) video that covers the different ways you can work with EF. We also created  a bunch of walkthroughs and videos that can be found on the Getting Started page.

Julie Lerman blogged about the new EF Designer in Visual Studio 2012 that generates DbContext code by default.

Jason Zander posted a walkthrough showing EF5 and ASP.NET Web API in action. You can find the code from the walkthrough on CodePlex.

Rowan Miller demoed some new EF5 features in a 10min session for the Visual Studio launch. Rowan also blogged about calling stored procedures with multiple result sets in Code First and customizing ‘Reverse Engineer Code First’ in the EF Power Tools.


EF6 & Open Source

In addition to releasing EF5 we also announced that we will be developing EF6 in an open source code base. You can test out some of the features we’ve already checked in using the nightly signed builds.

Arthur Vickers from our team posted a 5 part series on contributing to the EF code base.


Rowan Miller
Program Manager
Entity Framework Team