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Datacenter Management update

All things datacenter management, blog by Glenn Walton, Infrastructure Architect with Microsoft Services

System Center Orchestrator enterprise deployment models

  Orchestration across multiple data centers  Recently I did some research for a customer...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 07/09/2012

Powershell Tips

This was released recently: Microsoft Script Explorer for Windows PowerShell helps scripters find...

Author: Glenn Walton Date: 03/23/2012

The Orchestrator Integration Pack for Active Directory - A quick test drive

I had some free time this evening so I spent a little time building a runbook to test the new...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 03/20/2012

SCVMM 2012 Maintenance Mode and Hyper-V Live Migration

I suppose I should start this post with the following disclaimer: this is not an official...

Author: Glenn Walton Date: 03/15/2012

Automating Service Template deployments in SCVMM 2012

One of the great new capabilities in System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2012 is the...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 10/26/2011

Fabric management in SCVMM 2012

Recently I’ve had the experience of working with an F5 Networks Big IP 6800 load balancer, and been...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 10/21/2011

FIM 2010 SCOM Management Pack released

This is something I wrote about in a previous posting, and I had received a few email queries about...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 04/01/2011

Private cloud foundations: Service Catalog management

Introduction to Service Catalog These days we’re hearing so much about Cloud and (while there’s...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 03/30/2011

Improving on the Offline GAL Sync solution

Managing FIM Sync Export Files So I had a chance to work on a few additional enhancements to the...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 12/21/2010

Architecture for an Offline GAL Sync process using FIM 2010 (plus Opalis and Windows Azure!)

Offline “GAL Sync” using FIM 2010 For one of our enterprise customers we developed a...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 10/07/2010

Security best practices for Azure - whitepaper available

A new whitepaper titled Security Best Practices for Developing Windows Azure Applications is now...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 06/15/2010

Create your Server Core (Sysprep) image on Hyper-V and SCVMM

Recently i've been doing alot of "stuff" using Hyper-V and SCVMM in my home lab. When creating an...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 06/08/2010

The Rise of Federation Part 2 - Critical Mass

In a previous blog post I wrote about something I called "The rise of federation". As we have...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 12/21/2009

Manageability for Identity and Access Management solutions

With enterprise software solutions, whether in the IDA space or elsewhere, an interesting set of...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 07/29/2009

The Rise of Federation Part 1 - "Trust Me"

Do We Have Trust? Back in 2005 a group of us in Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) formed up in...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 04/03/2009

About the Author

My background is this -- "I'm a PC and I've been a PC for most of my life". How's that for an...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 10/17/2008

Do you PKI?

Over the past several years we have seen a steady rise in the importance of Public Key...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 10/16/2008

First Technet Blog

This being my first blog entry on Technet I'm starting slow. My background is "I'm a PC and I've...

Author: glenn walton - Microsoft Date: 10/01/2008