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Code Monkey Have Fun

Oh, The Humanity!

[Part 8 of the FScheme series] 'set', 'begin', 'define' Here we implement chapters 10 and 11 of Bill...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/22/2010

No Wait, Macro the Ultimate!

[Part 7 of the FScheme series] The Soul of Scheme We’re now getting into the language-oriented...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/21/2010

What's Lisp Without Lists?!

[Part 6 of the FScheme series] Once again, I must plug Bill Hails’ book Lists How could we...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/18/2010

What ‘letrec’ Can’t Do

[Part 5 of the FScheme series] In this series I’m glossing over all the gory details. You...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/18/2010

Rinse and Recurse

[Part 4 of the FScheme series] Recursive ‘let’ Normal ‘let’ can’t be...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/16/2010

Lambda the Ultimate!

[Part 3 of the FScheme series] Continuing along in Bill Hails’ book. Be sure to follow the...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/15/2010

Just ‘let’ Me Be Already!

[Part 2 of the FScheme series] Still working through Bill Hails’ awesome book. Adding to the...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/15/2010


Gram's blog has been pretty fun to follow. Like with Project Euler, I constantly want to implement...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 01/05/2010

Monadic Piles of Coconuts

After reading the “coconut” problem over on my friend’s blog, I thought it would...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 12/14/2009

Towers of Hanoi

A friend of mine is starting a pretty fun looking math blog. His first post is on Towers of Hanoi....

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 12/12/2009

TinyRPN Calculator

It’s fun dorking around with the HP 41CX emulator on the iPhone. It’s a near-perfect rendition. I...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 10/23/2009

Favorite Talks

Talks Alan Kay's TED talk about teaching children

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 09/27/2009

Favorite Posts

Tangible Functional Programming Conal Elliot talk:...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 09/27/2009

Favorite Quotes

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.” - Donald Knuth...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 09/27/2009

Babbage’s Difference Engine

";" galleryimg="no"> Babbage's Difference Engine is pretty fascinating. I had wanted to go see...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 09/06/2009

Project Euler Problem #7

Find the 10001st prime let naturals = Seq.unfold (fun i -> Some(i, i + 1))let primes = naturals 2...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/13/2009

Project Euler Problem #6

Difference between sum of the squares and the square of the sum of 1 - 100: (fun ns -> let sqr x...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/12/2009

Project Euler Problem #5

Smallest number divisible by each of 1 to 20: First cut (takes almost an hour to execute!): let...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/12/2009

Project Euler Problem #4

Largest palindrome from product of two 3-digit numbers: let isPalendrome n = let s = n.ToString()...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/12/2009

Project Euler Problem #3

Largest prime factor of 600851475143: let primeFactors n = let isFactor n d = n % d = 0L let...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/11/2009

Project Euler Problem #2

Sum of even terms in Fibonacci sequence which are < four-million: (1, 1) |> Seq.unfold (fun...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/11/2009

Project Euler Problem #1

Project Euler is pretty darn cool. It’s a bunch of mathematical problems that require programming to...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 08/11/2009

Turtle Soup

I've been reading Seymour Papert's Mindstorms book about Logo; very interesting! I'm just dying to...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 04/30/2009


A recent post to the Puzzles and Logic Problems alias at work: The problem below is an example of a...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 04/03/2009

Sweeping Mines... Functionally

Mr. GeekRaver and I were walking between buildings and, for some reason, talking about how silly it...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 09/21/2007

Hey, Hey We’re the Monkeys

My current team is awesome! We’re a tight little team with an interesting history and have done some...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 04/13/2007

XSLT: A Pure Functional Language

Some years ago now, I had the pleasure of working with a great team building a very elegant...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 04/10/2007

Future of Computing

[I wrote this almost 14 years ago (20 FEB 1996. Today is 27 SEP 2009). Some of it is embarrassingly...

Author: Ashley Nathan Feniello Date: 02/21/1996
