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Phil Richardson chats up CRM on Channel 9

Channel9-Phil Back in April we gave you a taste of some of the interesting work going on in Dynamics CRM group. That was a pretty good high-level view. We wanted to fill in some of the details for developers so we asked the Dynamics CRM team into the studio to chat about some of the cool stuff coming in CRM 4.0 (a.k.a. “Titan”). We filmed 4 segments that go into various aspects of the developer experience.

In the first segment, Phil Richardson (Senior Program Manager Lead) gives us a fast tour of the Web and Outlook UI. He also gives a nice overview of the Dynamics CRM platform including the ease with which a developer can customize a solution’s metadata (creating custom entities and attributes) as well as creating and customizing forms.


Have a look at this on Channel 9:

Technorati tags: Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, Dynamics CRM, CRM