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Mark Bower

Random thoughts on Collaborative Apps, Social Software and SharePoint in the Enterprise

Taking a risk

For around the last year I have been really annoyed with myself for not living up to my full...

Date: 01/02/2009

You can’t please all the people all of the time

Or maybe you can if you want to be bland, boring and unremarkable. Seth Godin has been rallying for...

Date: 07/09/2008

Announcing: The Knowledge Worker Tools Early Adopter Programme

This week we are kicking off the KWT Early Adopter Programme.  If you work in NHS IM&T and...

Date: 06/30/2008

What does an information worker do all day?

Interesting piece in the New York Times on the effect of interruptions caused by email, IM...

Date: 06/24/2008

The Future of Groove and SharePoint

Some hints from Ray Ozzie this week on the future overlap between Groove and SharePoint: "You asked...

Date: 04/22/2008

I am a Technology Omnivore

The quiz: https://www.pewinternet.org/quiz/quiz.asp My results: Based on your answers to the...

Date: 04/20/2008

Electronic Forms in the NHS

Today we held a workshop with some NHS folk on the topic of electronic forms. The KWT team are...

Date: 04/16/2008

Slides from NHS CIO Summit

Thanks to everyone who attended the CIO Summit today. Everyone I spoke to provided positive...

Date: 01/15/2008

Help the NHS get the software YOU need

My name is Hilary Palmén, I work for Microsoft UK planning and conducting research with NHS...

Date: 01/14/2008

NHS CIO Summit

I'll be speaking this week at the NHS CIO Summit that Microsoft are hosting at Thames Valley Park,...

Date: 01/13/2008

Office 2007 SP1 Available for Download

Here's the official blurb... "We have managed to complete the engineering work slightly earlier than...

Date: 12/11/2007

Excel Charting to the Max

Who would have thought Excel could produce charts as good looking as this? I certainly would never...

Date: 08/21/2007

Office 2007 for (almost) Free

This is such a cool offer! If you have friends or family who work for the NHS in the UK, go tell...

Date: 07/12/2007

Better Intranet Navigation: Statistically Improbable Phrases

On Amazon.com today, I noticed a feature that David Weinberger mentions in his book, but I don't...

Date: 07/05/2007

Taxonomy in a Digital World - Part 4

Concluding my notes on Everything is Miscellaneous...A good read on the whole. Does a good job of...

Date: 07/04/2007

5 Steps to a Great SharePoint User Experience

How many times have you visited a team site and seen this? Or a site where a web part for every list...

Date: 07/03/2007

The Demise of Email as a Collaboration Tool

Mike Gotta writes on the demise of email: With all the recent conversations in the media about...

Date: 07/01/2007

Mashup Journalism

Sometimes I am really impressed by the BBC. Despite its image as stodgy, old fashioned Auntie Beeb,...

Date: 06/29/2007

Download: Arsenal's Vista Gadget

Looking through my referrer logs yesterday I noticed lots of hits from people looking for Arsenal's...

Date: 06/26/2007

Free Copy of Office 2007 Professional Edition

Darren is offering a free copy of Office 2007 Pro for the first person with a boxed copy of Office...

Date: 06/25/2007

Taxonomy in a Digital World Part 3

Continuing my notes from Everything is Miscellaneous. I have also discovered a video presentation of...

Date: 06/25/2007

SharePoint Designer Workflow Tips

I spent some time this week creating workflows in SharePoint Designer. I have done SharePoint...

Date: 06/20/2007

Taxonomy in a Digital World Part 2

Continuing the notes I have made on Everything is Miscellaneous... Chapter 3 - The Geography of...

Date: 06/15/2007

Safari on Windows - What's that all about then?

Surprise announcement today on the Beeb got my attention. Immediate thought - what the heck are...

Date: 06/11/2007

Taxonomy in a Digital World

Amazon delivered me a copy of David Weinberger's Everything Is Miscellaneous at the weekend. I love...

Date: 06/11/2007

What Makes a Great Mashing Tool

My post yesterday on Excel as an early example of a tool for creating mashups got me thinking about...

Date: 06/05/2007


Blatant snip from the press release: Today at TechEd we announced the availability of the Microsoft...

Date: 06/04/2007

The Mashable Enterprise

James Dellow wrote last week on spreadsheets as an early mashup tool. I totally agree, and I don't...

Date: 06/04/2007

Update: Low Cal Outlook Regime

It's six months now since I switched the way I file email in Outlook. Rather than maintain a complex...

Date: 05/27/2007

Social Data Analysis

...or a new slant on Business Intelligence. From Tim O'Reilly's blog, two new sites in the area of...

Date: 05/22/2007

I Don't Want My People To Think

Over the last few months I have been doing numerous scoping sessions with customers - helping them...

Date: 05/14/2007

Radical Transparency

Whenever I take a long haul flight there are a couple of magazines I always pick up for the journey:...

Date: 05/07/2007

Folksonomy vs. Taxonomy

Just want to flag up this really great post from Joris...

Date: 05/02/2007

Not that boring after all

Just realised I had a whole bunch of comments waiting for approval dating back as far as November....

Date: 03/28/2007

Last Piece in the Jigsaw

I guess I am a little behind the times as this went live a week or so back, but I thought it was...

Date: 03/28/2007

SharePoint: The Operating System

For a while now I have been using an operating system analogy when explaining SharePoint to complete...

Date: 03/23/2007

What You've All Been Waiting For...SharePoint 2007 SDK

It's seemed like an awful long wait, and I've been expecting this for a couple of months now, but...

Date: 01/23/2007

New Year, New Low Cal Outlook

Every year about this time I archive off all of the email I have kept from the previous year into a...

Date: 01/09/2007

Vista: The Last Major Version of Windows

That's one of Gartner's headline grabbing statements in its end of year predictions. It's a pretty...

Date: 12/14/2006

Did you know you can advertise your SharePoint Server's search capabilities to IE7? Browsing our...

Date: 12/07/2006

Arsenal's Vista Gadget

I said in a previous post that I would provide some details of the Vista gadget that Arsenal have...

Date: 12/06/2006

Outlook Gadgets for Vista Sidebar

A couple of new gadgets published recently. The Outlook Upcoming Appointments gadget shows you your...

Date: 12/06/2006

Calling Web Services From InfoPath Web Forms

Today I needed to get an InfoPath Forms Services web-form to make a call out to a web service. I was...

Date: 12/05/2006

Arsenal's Office & SharePoint 2007 Deployment

It's been frustrating not being able to write about some of the great projects I have been working...

Date: 12/04/2006

Office Live Starts UK Beta

If you have been waiting for a UK version of Office Live, the UK Beta is now open....

Date: 12/01/2006

Office and SharePoint Training Material

The number 1 question I get asked at the moment: What training resources are available? Here's a...

Date: 11/29/2006

Vista and Office To Go Please!

Ever wondered how Microsoft rolls out Vista and Office internally? Here’s how. This picture was...

Date: 11/22/2006

WSS 3.0 is here!

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 RTM is now published and available for your downloading pleasure. As...

Date: 11/16/2006

...And Yet More New Downloads

More downloads I missed from my last post: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for WSS 3.0 (Nov CTP) Tools...

Date: 11/13/2006

New Downloads

A bunch of new downloads have shipped over the past week that are useful for developing Office 2007...

Date: 11/13/2006
