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Your questions answered!

I often get the complaint that I don't post to my blog often enough. (Somehow Eugene even mentioned he got comments about this too - I'm not sure when my blog posting frequency became something that popped on his radar, but oK.....)

Well, today is question answering day! I'll go back through questions asked so long ago no one remembers asking them and try to come up with a response...

(FYI - this is what happens when you ship your Beta and you spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning out your e-mail inbox of all the e-mails you'd get to "later")

D. Lewis asked about how easy it is to change the company name or domain name on your SBS server after install.

The Company Name, which is specified during the server setup, is easy to change. It's stored by the OS in a regkey that is subsequently read by tools such as RWW when it loads the homepage (for the customization). You can change this by modifying the regkey at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization

As for the domain name, that's tougher. After installing SBS, it is not possible to change the Active Directory or NETBIOS domain name used on the server. On the bright side, this should have no impact to you as an SBS user. We do a lot of work in SBS to not require the AD or Netbios domain name to be used anywhere. (It's not required in OWA, or to login, or anywhere else)

Given that, you should be able to change the org name fairly easily and keep on using your SBS server! Hope this helped.

William asked if there are any limitations to using SBS as a web hosting server.

There are no specific licensing restrictions per se. The only issue is if people visiting your web site would need to authenticate to view specific pages. Each authenticated user would be considered a client according to the terms of the SBS license, and so would require an SBS CAL. Therefore, you would have a maximum limitation of 75 authenticated users to your website (assuming no one else needed to read e-mail or anything).

That aside, given the workload demands of an SBS server (DC, e-mail, DNS, internal web site, file sharing, backup, etc.) I'd recommend against using SBS as a web server strictly from a performance standpoint. If you want to put up a small "business card" website that has some static pages and basic company info, you should be fine. Anything more robust, or anything with high traffic, and I'd recommend off-loading that work to another server or hosting it at a web service company.

Well, that does it for today's blog mailbag! Hope to post again sometime soon... :-)
