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Chris Burrows' [Old] Blog

C#, developer tools, abstract nonsense, etc.


Two years ago, I got to participate in the announcement of C# 4.0 on my blog. At the time, Anders...

Author: cburrows Date: 10/29/2010

On Dynamic Objects and DynamicObject

As you know if you read my blog, C# 4.0 introduced some language features that help you consume...

Author: cburrows Date: 10/18/2010

The Performance of Arrays

Stop me if you’ve heard this one, but here’s some information about how arrays perform, and a neat...

Author: cburrows Date: 06/11/2010

Tour of Southern California, 2010

This week, I'll be in California to speak at a few user groups about C# 4. This was arranged in...

Author: cburrows Date: 05/29/2010

Visual Studio 2010 and C# 4 Launch!

As I’m sure you’ve heard, we’re done! And you can download everything at your pleasure. Visual C#...

Author: cburrows Date: 04/12/2010

Errata: dynamic conversions and overload resolution

When you stand up and tell the world how your software is supposed to behave a full year or more...

Author: cburrows Date: 04/01/2010

Events get a little overhaul in C# 4, Afterward: Effective Events

In Parts I, II, and III, I talked about the slight changes that we made to field like events, to the...

Author: cburrows Date: 03/30/2010

Events get a little overhaul in C# 4, Part III: Breaking Changes

In the last two posts, I revealed that field-like events in C# 4 have a better synchronization...

Author: cburrows Date: 03/18/2010

Events get a little overhaul in C# 4, Part II: Semantic Changes and +=/-=

Last time, we saw that the field-like event accessor code that the C# compiler emits has changed....

Author: cburrows Date: 03/08/2010

Events get a little overhaul in C# 4, Part I: Locks

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything about the way the compiler generates field-like...

Author: cburrows Date: 03/04/2010

VS2010 Beta2, and two loops too

This morning, Visual Studio 2010 Beta2 is available to MSDN subscribers, with general availability...

Author: cburrows Date: 10/19/2009

MSDN Channel 9 Video on Dynamic

About a month ago, Sam Ng and I sat down with Charlie Calvert and his video camera to record an...

Author: cburrows Date: 09/22/2009

Dynamic type parameter constraints in C# 4

What we know already So we talked about how you can define a class that has a base class that...

Author: cburrows Date: 09/04/2009

Dynamic base classes in C# 4

Ok, where were we? We have this new type called dynamic, and it’s used to tell the compiler to defer...

Author: cburrows Date: 04/22/2009

C# “dynamic,” Part VII

It has been a while since I posted anything here, and I have the same excuse everyone else does....

Author: cburrows Date: 02/04/2009

C# "dynamic," Part VI


Author: cburrows Date: 11/14/2008

C# "dynamic," Part V


Author: cburrows Date: 11/11/2008

Channel 9 Video on C# 4

I'm a little backlogged at work right now, and I'll get back to some dynamic posts as soon as I can....

Author: cburrows Date: 10/31/2008

C# "dynamic," Part III

Here are a few good resources that you ought to look at for information about dynamic from PDC:...

Author: cburrows Date: 10/28/2008

C# "dynamic," Part II

Yesterday, I made an attempt to introduce the C# dynamic feature by describing what change there has...

Author: cburrows Date: 10/28/2008

C# "dynamic"

PDC 2008 arrives today, and that means that I am finally able to talk publicly about some of the...

Author: cburrows Date: 10/27/2008

Events in Space

My last post was many months ago, and I've been pretty busy here since then. Nobody who starts a...

Author: cburrows Date: 07/24/2008

Field-like Events Considered Harmful

Hi all, my name's Chris Burrows, and I'm a developer on the C# Compiler team here in Redmond. I'll...

Author: cburrows Date: 02/18/2008