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C# "dynamic," Part III

Here are a few good resources that you ought to look at for information about dynamic from PDC:

Anders Hejlsberg's talk, "The Future of C#" - Among other things, this talk is a great introduction to dynamic. I recommend it highly! There are some good demos, and Anders' presentation is very compelling. I especially like the parts where people applaud.

Jim Hugunin's talk, "Deep Dive: Dynamic Languages in Microsoft .NET" - Jim is the DLR's architect. There are some details about implementing your own dynamic objects, which I touched on only superficially yesterday. He also talks about the way that C# (or any language) generates dynamic call sites and what they do at runtime.

Mads Torgerson's white paper, "New features in C# 4.0" - Some more information, this time written by the language PM. Mads is the guy who'll ultimately write and edit the updated language spec, which doesn't yet exist.

If you watch these presentations, and you start to play around with the PDC 2008 CTP, you may notice something strange. A few things just won't work. For instance, when you try to get an indexer on a dynamic (d[0]) or perform a binary operation with a dynamic ("Hello from C# " + d), the compiler is going to tell you you can't do that. And in Jim's talk, he implements IDynamicObject with a great helper class called DynamicObject where you only need to override some virtual methods. But the PDC bits don't have that type.

It may be obvious, but the thing that's going on here is that the CTP build for PDC was snapped sometime in the summer, and some of the presenters are using a newer, more complete build. We've done a lot of work since the CTP was snapped, and I regret that you can't see it all first hand right now, but I hope you'll understand that this is the nature of a CTP. I'll try to be clear when I post about what will work for you, and what won't.

For instance, Part II in this series (the implementation of IDynamicObject) will work for you! I don't think Part I will, though (it uses indexers).

If you're wondering what does work for dynamic C# in the CTP build, here's the short story: (a) dynamic method calls, (b) dynamic property gets/sets, and (c) dynamic conversion sites.

Previous posts in this series: C# "dynamic"; C# "dynamic," Part II


  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2008
    Being a static-loving guy at heart, I'd like to 'tame' dynamic variables as quickly as possible. Will there be a mechanism for something like static duck-typing? So I imagine code like;   interface IDuck { void Quack(); void Waddle(); }   IDuck GetMeADuck()   {       // get a dynamic variable       dynamic couldBeADuck = GetDynamicDuck();       // cast to the IDuck interface, or fail if       // it doesn't implement the methods on the interface       IDuck duck = ouldBeADuck.DynamicCast<IDuck>();       // It Quacks! It Waddles! it's a duck!       return duck;   }This would be particularly useful in scenarios where a COM API has lots of classes inheriting from an unknown base class. For example, if the API exposes these classes in the interop; interface Bird { void Eat(); void Move(); } interface Fish { void Eat(); void Move(); } interface Duck { void Eat(); void Move(); }I'd really like to just define an IAnimal interface and assign all three types.
  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2008
    Wouldn't that just be the same as using Object currently?
  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2008
    "Wouldn't that just be the same as using Object currently?"A normal cast only succeeds if the object has been designed to use the type you're casting to. So generally, casting an object to IAnimal interface will fail, even if the object happens to have Quack() and Waddle() methods.My thought is that, with dynamic variables, you could have code that did something like this; if (dynamicVar.HasMethod(IDuck.Quack) && dynamicVar.HasMethod(IDuck.Waddle)) {   // seems to be a duck   return new CleverWrapper<IDuck>(dynamicVar); } else {   throw new InvalidCastException("This is no duck!"); }
  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2008
    I agree with Steve. This kind of capability is the only way that I can see dynamic capabilities having a real use in a statically typed language such as C#. Unfortunately, in many dynamic languages, objects can have members added and removed at runtime, so querying an object for its members at a specific point in time would be a significant limitation. But without that limitation, dynamic typing as it is being presented here is completely misplaced in a stongly, statically typed language such as C#.
  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2008
    As it just so happens, I also really like cheese. I feel personally that, on a scale from one to ten, it is fantastic! I will be voting for cheese this presidential election...
  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2008
    I think the dynamic feature is way over the top for the value it provides. As I show here, it is in fact largely possible to implement a terse syntax for making dynamic calls in the current C# language:http://incrediblejourneysintotheknown.blogspot.com/2008/05/dynamicobject-wrapper.htmlThe difference due to the new built-in feature seems incredibly tiny to me. It mainly consists of totally disguising the dynamic nature of the calls, which I don't see as a plus.
  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2008
    Welcome to the 47th Community Convergence. We had a very successful trip to PDC this year. In this post
  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2008
    @Daniel Earwicker"it is in fact largely possible to implement a terse syntax for making dynamic calls in the current C# language"The example you give makes runtime calls to statically-typed object. It isn't a call to a dynamic object.
  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2008
    Yes! Add Duck typing into the framework for dynamic types.
  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2008
    Today, let's geek out about the language design regarding the dynamic type. Type in the language vs.
  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2008
    There is no addition to the language that will give you a conversion from some dynamic object to an interface type that it does not actually implement, although you could implement them yourself as Artazor has done. In fact, if you view dynamic as an interop feature, doing this isn't a bad idea at all.Conversions to interfaces are special in the C# language in such a way that would preclude any particular dynamic object from providing these conversions itself, as well.I'll think more about what it means to do this and what we can provide for you, though. Thanks!
  • Anonymous
    November 07, 2008
    I posted a link to a version of the DynamicObject class that will work with the CTP.  It's at http://blogs.msdn.com/curth/archive/2008/11/07/dynamicobject.aspx
  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2008
    Let's look at this: dynamic d = null ; object o = d; // not an implicit conversion Last time , I said
  • Anonymous
    November 11, 2008
    @Steve Cooper"The example you give makes runtime calls to statically-typed object. It isn't a call to a dynamic object."The example I give happens to use reflection to make calls to CLR types in its implementation. But it could use the DLR to call dynamic objects, or IDispatch to call COM objects, etc. etc. It could also figure out which of these to use dynamically. The point I'm making is about how the calling code looks: very close to direct method calls, with no need to add further language features.
  • Anonymous
    November 11, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    @Steve CooperMy mileage does vary. The approach differs, the design differs, the debugging differs, and type errors really aren't a problem very often in good Smalltalk or Lisp. My aversion to type specification is not due to an unwillingness to type, and I understand what can be done with signature matching. I also understand how many problems that are solved by strong typing are caused by strong typing. I prefer languages whose design intent is simple and clear, as opposed to languages that are bags of features. To each his own.
  • Anonymous
    November 14, 2008
    We left off last time with this piece of code public class C { public static void M( int i) { } public
  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2008
    Very good resources for the coming version... Sam Ng Dynamic in C# Part One Dynamic in C# Part Two Chris
  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    It has been a while since I posted anything here, and I have the same excuse everyone else does. Work,