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We’ll be right back after this break…

Thanks Pierre for this post…

Hello folks,image

Today started very very early, we were leaving the hotel for the conference center a 5:30am…  yes, 5:30am.  however we had a great view from the hotel window.


we were onsite at the Montreal Palais des Congres, to put the finishing touches on our Keynote presentation.  This morning, we tried something a little different.  we put together something a little special. not the usual keynote.  We put together a role playing experiment with our stars.  Our local Microsoft Regional Director, Guy Barrette, our local developer evangelist Frederic Harper, and Rick Claus our IT pro evangelist.



We lived through a simulation of a real world IT problems that a lot of enterprises are facing these days. Old ASP.Net applications, obsolete servers, misconceptions about cloud computing to name a few…

The formula was very well received by the attendees since it provided real, to the point answers and live demos of the Microsoft Azure capabilities from the IT pro perspective, the developer perspective and the solution architect perspective.


TechDays 2011 Montreal is off to a great start.  Great attendees, fantastic speakers, awesome content and extraordinary partners.

you can see all the pictures as we upload them on our Flickr group. https://www.flickr.com/groups/techdays/pool



Pierre Roman, MCITP , ITIL | Senior Technical Account Manager | Directeur de Compte Technique Senior
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